
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

diastase 320 diastatic 320 diaster 161 diastole 194 diatessaron 413 diathermancy 384 diathermic 384 diathesis nature 5 state 7 temperament 820 diatom 193 diatomic 193 diatonic 413 diatribe 932 dib 550 dibble perforator 262 till 371 dibs 800 dicacity 885 dice chance 156, 621 on the – 470 dicer 621, 840 dichotomy bisect 91 angle 244 dichroic 443 dichroism 440 dickens 978 dicker ten 98 haggle 794 dictagraph 418 dictate write 590 enjoin 615 advise 695 authority 737 command 741 dictator 745 dictatorial certain 474 narrow 481 willful 600 insolent 885 dictatorship 737, 739 diction 569 dictionary list 542 words 562 book 593 store 636 dictophone 418 dictum maxim 496 affirmation 535 command 741 didactic 537 didder 383 diddle 545 dido 309 diduction 44 die mould 22 expire 360 burn out 385 engraving 558 – and make no sign 951 – a violent death 361 – away dissolve 4 decrease 36 cease 142 – for desire 865 endearment 902 – for one’s country 360 – from the memory 536 – game 951 – hard obstinate 606 resist 719 – in harness continue 143 persevere 604a – in one’s shoes 972 – in the last ditch 604a – of a rose in aromatic pain 822 – out pass away 2 vanish 4 – with ennui 841 – with laughter 838 hazard of the – 621 never say – 604a not willingly let – 670 the – is cast 601 dies – faustus 731 – infaustus 732 – iræ 919, 982 – non never 107 rest 687 diet food 298 remedy 662 council 696 spare – 956 dietetics 662 differ 15 discord 713 – in opinion 489 – toto cœlo contrary 14 dissimilar 18 difference 15 [see differ] numerical 84 – engine 85 perception of – 465 split the – 774 different 15 multiform 81 – time 119 differentia 15 differential differing 15 number 84 gear 272 – calculus 85 – thermometer 389 differentiate 79 differentiation calculation 85 discrimination 465 differentiative 15 difficult 704 – to please 868 difficulties poverty 804 in – 806 difficulty 704 question 461 diffide 485 diffident fearful 860 modest 881 diffluent 348 diffuse mix 41 disperse 73 publish 531 style 573 (permeate 186) diffuseness 104, 573 diffusion 73 diffusive dispersed 73 verbose 573 dig deepen 208 excavate 252 till 371 – in intrench 664 – the foundations 673 – up 480a – up the tomahawk 722 digamy 903 digenesis 161 digest arrange 60 boil 384 think 451 dissertation 595 compendium 596 plan 626 improve 658 prepare 673 brook 826 digestible 662 digestion 673 digestive 662 diggings 189 dight dress 225 ornament 847 digit 84 morsel 32 digitated 253 digladiation 720 diglot 560 dignified 31 dignify 873 dignitary clergy 996 dignity greatness 31 glory 873 pride 878 honor 939 digraph 561 digress deviate 279 style 573 digression circuit 629 digressive 595 dijudication 480 dike gap 198 fence 232 furrow 259 gulf 343 conduit 350 defense 717 dilaceration 44 dilapidation 659 dilation [see dilate] dilate increase 35 swell 194 widen 202 rarefy 322 expatiate 573 dilation 194 dilatory slow 275 inactive 683 dilection 897 dilemma state 7 uncertain 475 logic 476 choice 609 difficulty 704 dilettante connoisseur 492 dabbler 823 taste 850 dilettantism knowledge 490 taste 850 diligence coach 272 diligent active 682 – thought 457 dilly-dally irresolution 605 inactivity 683 dilogy 104 dilucidation 522 diluent 335 dilute weaken 160 water 337 diluvian 124 dim dark 421 faint 422 invisible 447 unintelligible 519 – eyed 443 dime 800 – novel 594 dimension 192 dimidiate 91 diminish lessen 36 reduce 103 contract 195 – the number 103 diminuendo music 415 diminution 36, 195 diminutive degree 32 size 193 dimity 635 dimness 422 dimple concavity 252 notch 257 dim-sightedness 443 unwise 499 din 404 – in the ear repeat 104 drum 407 loquacity 584 – of arms 716 dine 298 – with Duke Humphrey 956 dingdong repeat 104 chime 407 dinghy 273 dingle 252 door 232 dingy dark 421, 422 colorless 429 black 431 gray 432 dining room 191 dinner 298 – jacket 225 dint power 157 concavity 252 blow 276 by – of instrumentality 631 diocesan 996 diocese 181, 995