
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Class III. Words Relating to Matter
Section III. Organic Matter
2. Sensation
(iii) Perceptions of Light

443. Dim-sightedness.

   NOUN:[IMPERFECT VISION] dim -, dull -, half -, short -, near -, long -, double -, astigmatic -, failing- sight; dim &c. -sightedness; purblindness, monocularity, blearedness, lippitude; myopia, presbyopia; confusion of vision; astigmatism; color blindness, chromato-pseudoblepsis, Daltonism; day blindness, hemeralopia; snow blindness; xanthocyanopia or xanthocyanopsia; ophthalmia; cataract; nyctalopia, moon blindness.
  SQUINT, cross-eye, strabismus, strabism, nystagmus; cast in the eye, swivel eye, cockeye, goggle-eyes; obliquity of vision.
  WINKING &c. v.; nictitation, nictation; blinkard, albino.
  DIZZINESS, swimming, scotomy or scotoma [med.].
  [LIMITATION OF VISION] blinker, blinder; screen (hider) [See Ambush].
  [FALLACIES OF VISION] deceptio visûs [L.]; refraction, distortion, illusion, false light, anamorphosis, virtual image, spectrum, mirage, looming, phasma [obs.]; phantasm, phantasma, phantom; vision; specter or spectre, apparition, ghost; ignis fatuus [L.] (luminary) [See Luminary]; specter of the Brocken; magic mirror; magic lantern (show) [See Appearance]; mirror, lens (instrument) [See Optical Instruments].
   VERB:BE DIM-SIGHTED &c. n.; see double; “see men as trees walking” [Bible]; have a mote in the eye, have a mist before the eyes, have a film over the eyes; see through a -prism, – glass darkly; wink, blink, nictitate, nictate; squint; look askance or askant, screw up the eyes, glare, glower.
  DAZZLE, glare, swim, blur, loom.
   ADJECTIVE:DIM-SIGHTED &c., myopic, nearsighted, shortsighted; presbyopic; astigmatic; moon-, blear-, goggle-, gooseberry-, one- eyed; blind of one eye, monoculous or monocular or monoculate; half-blind, purblind; cockeyed [colloq.], dim-eyed, mole-eyed, mope-eyed [obs.]; dichroic.
  blind as a bat (blind) [See Blindness]; winking &c. v.