Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual FacultiesDivision (I) Formation of Ideas
Section III. Materials for Reasoning
470. Possibility.
PRACTICABILITY, feasibility, workability, workableness; practicableness &c. adj.
CONTINGENCY, chance [See Chance].
RENDER POSSIBLE &c. adj.; put in the way of, bring to bear, bring together.
PRACTICABLE, feasible, workable, performable, achievable; within -reach, – measurable distance; accessible, superable, surmountable; attainable, obtainable; contingent (doubtful) [See Uncertainty].
IF POSSIBLE, wind and weather permitting, God willing, Deo volente [L.], D. V.; as luck may have it.