
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

detailed circumstantial 8 details minutiœ 32 unimportant 643 detain 781 detect 480a detective 527, 664 detent 45 detention 781 – camp 751 house of – 752 in house of – 938 deter dissuade 616 alarm 860 deterge clean 652 detergent 652, 662 deteriorate 659 deterioration 659 determinable 278 determinate special 79 exact 474 conclusive 480 intended 620 determinative 67 determine end 67 define 79 cause 153 direction 278 satisfy 462 make sure 474 judge 480 discover 480a resolve 604 determined resolute 604 deterration 529 detersion 652 detersive 662 detest dislike 876 hate 898 detestable 649 dethronement anarchy 738 abrogation 756 detonate explode 173 sound 406 detonation 404, 406, 872 detortion form 243 meaning 523 détour curve 245 circuit 629 detract subduct 38 underrate 483 defame 934 slander 938 detraction 934 detractor 936 detrain 292 detriment evil 619 deterioration 659 detrimental 649 detrital 330 detrition 330 detritus fragments 51 transference 270 powder 330 detrude cast out 297 cut down 308 detruncate 38 detrusion [see detrude] detrusive 308 deuce two 89 devil 978 – is in him 608 play the – 825 deuced great 31 painful 830 deus ex machina aid 707 auxiliary 711 deuterogamy 903 deva 979 Devanagari 590 devastate destroy 162 havoc 659 depopulate 893 devastation 162 develop increase 35 produce 161 expand 194 evolve 313 development 154 devexity bending 217 curvature 245 deviate vary 20a change 140 turn 279 diverge 291 circuit 629 – from 15 – from rectitude 940 – from virtue 945 deviation 279 deviatory 311 device motto 550 expedient 626 artifice 702 devil seasoned food 392 evil doer 913 bad man 949 Satan 978 demon 980 – in one headstrong 863 temper 901 – may care rash 863 indifferent 866 insolent 885 -’s tattoo 407 – take 908 – take the hindmost run away 623 haste 684 cowardice 862 – to pay disorder 59 violence 173 evil 619 failure 732 penalty 974 – worship 978 fight like -s 722 give the – his due right 922 vindicate 937 fair 939 have a – 503 machinations of the – 619 play the – with injure 659 malevolent 907 printer’s – 591 devil-dog 269 devilish great 31 bad 649 malevolent 907 vicious 945 devious curved 245 deviating 279 circuitous 311 devisable 270 devise imagine 515 plan 626 bequeath 784 -d by the enemy 546 devisee transference 270 possess 779 receive 785 deviser 164 devitalize 158 devoid absent 187 empty 640 not having 777a devoir courtesy 894 respect 928 devolution 659, 783 devolve 783 – on 926 Devonshire cream 321 devote destine 601 employ 677 consecrate 873 – oneself to 604 – the mind to 457 – to destruction 908 devoted habit 613 ill-fated 735 obedient 743 undone 828 love 897 devotee zealot 682 sports 840 aspirant 865 pious 987 fanatic 988 devotion [see devotee, devoted] love 897 piety 987 worship 990 self – 942 devour destroy 162 eat 298 gluttony 957 devoured by feeling 821 devouring element 382 devout 987, 990 devoutless 989 devoutly 821 dew 339 Dewali 138 dewan 745 dewy 339 – eve 126 dexter 238 dexterous 238, 698 dextrality 238 dextrorsal 238 dey 745 dhobi 652 dhoti 225 dhow 273 dhu 431 diablerie 992 diabolic bad 649 malevolent 907 wicked 945 satanic 978 diabolist 978 diabolology 978 diacaustic 245 diaconicum 1000 diacoustics 402 diacritical 15, 550 diadem 747, 847 diæresis 49, 550 diagnosis 465, 522, 655 diagnostic distinguishable 15 special 79 experiment 463 discriminative 465 indication 550 (intrinsic 5) diagnostics 655 diagonal 217 diagram 554 dial 114 measure 466 as the – to the sun veracious 543 faithful 772 dialect 563 dialectic argument 476 language 56 dialogism 586 dialogue 588, 599 diameter 202 diametrical 237 – ly opposite contrariety 14 contraposition 237 diamond lozenge 244 goodness 648 ornament 847 – cut diamond cunning 702 retaliation 718 – wedding 883 rough – 703 Diana moon 318 chaste 960 diapason 413 diaper 847 diaphanous 425 diaphonics 402 diaphoresis 299 diaphragm middle 68 partition 228 diaporesis 475 diarrhea 290 diary journal 114 record 551 diaskenast 593