Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class III. Words Relating to MatterSection III. Organic Matter
2. Sensation
Complementary Colors
440. Variegation.
[COMPARISONS] spectrum, rainbow, iris, tulip, peacock, chameleon, butterfly, zebra, leopard, jaguar, panther, cheetah, ocelot, ophite, nacre, mother-of-pearl, tortoise shell; opal, cymophane, marble; mackerel, mackerel sky; harlequin; Joseph’s coat; tricolor.
CHECK, plaid, tartan, patchwork; marquetry, parquet, parquetry, mosaic, tesseræ, tessellation, checkerwork; chessboard, checkers or chequers.
be variegated &c. adj.
IRIDESCENT, opaline, opalescent, prismatic, nacreous, pearly, shot, gorge de pigeon [F.], chatoyant; irised, irisated, pavonine; tortoise-shell.
MOTTLED, pied, piebald, skewbald; motley, marbled, pepper-and-salt, paned, dappled, clouded, cymophanous.
CHECKERED or chequered, mosaic, tessellated, plaid.
SPOTTED, spotty; punctate or punctated [rare], powdered; speckled &c. v.; freckled, flea-bitten, studded; flecked, fleckered.
STRIATED, barred, veined; brinded, brindled, tabby; watered; strigose, strigillose, strigate, striolate; listed; embroidered &c. v.