
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

Diogenes recluse 893 cynic 911 lantern of – inquiry 461 Dionæa 545 dioptrics 420 diorama view 448 painting 556 diorism 465 dip slope 217 concavity 252 load 270 direction 278 insert 300 descent 306 depression 308 plunge 310 water 337 baptize 998 – into glance at 457 inquire 461 learn 539 – one’s hands into take 789 diphthong 561 diphyletic 89, 167 diploma evidence 467 commission 755 diplomacy artfulness 702 mediation 724 negotiation 769 diplomatic [see diplomacy] – agent 758 diplomatist messenger 534 consignee 758 dipper 191 Dipper 318 dipsomania insanity 503 desire 865 drunkenness 959 dipsomaniac 504 diptych list 86 record 551 dire hateful 649 disastrous 735 grievous 830 fearful 860 direct straight 246 teach 537 artless 703 command 741 – attention to 457 – one’s course motion 278 pursuit 622 – the eyes to 441 directable 278 direction [see direct] tendency 278 indication 550 management 693 precept 697 directive 692 directly soon 132 director teacher 540 college 542 manager 694 master 745 directorship 737 directory list 86 council 696 diremption 44 direption 791 dirge funeral 363 song 415 lament 839 dirigible balloon 273, 726 direction 278 dirk 727 dirt 653 – cheap 815 throw – defame 874 disrespect 929 dirtiness [see dirty] dirty dim 222 opaque 426 unclean 653 disreputable 874 dishonorable 940 – end of stick 699 – sky 353 – weather 349 do – work servile 886 flatterer 935 diruption 162 disability impotence 158 disable 158 weaken 160 disabled 158 disabuse inform 527 disclose 529 disaccord 713 – with 15 disadvantage evil 619 inexperience 647 at a – 34 lie under a – 651 disadvantageous disastrous 619 inexpedient 647 bad 649 disaffection dissent 489 enmity 889 hate 898 disaffirm 536 disagree [see disagreement] disagreeable unpleasing 830 dislike 867 disagreement difference 15 incongruity 24 dissent 489 discord 713 disallow 761 disannul 756 disappear 449 disappearance 449 disapointment balk 509 fail 732 discontent 832 disapprobation hindrance 706 refusal 764 disapproval 932 disapprove 932 disapprover 936 disarm disable 158 weaken 160 reconcile 831 propitiate 914 disarrange 61 disarray disorder 59 undress 226 disaster killing 361 evil 619 failure 732 adversity 735 calamity 830 disastrous bad 649 disavow 536 disband separate 44 disperse 73 liberate 750 disbar abrogate 756 disapprove 932 punish 968, 972 disbelief 485 religious 989 disbelieve 485, 989 disbench abrogate 756 disbar 968 punish 972 disbowel 297 disbranch 44 disburden facilitate 705 – oneself of 782 – one’s mind 529 disburse 809 disc surface 220 front 234 discard eject 297 relinquish 624 disuse 678 abrogate 756 refuse 764 repudiate 773 surrender 782 – from one’s thoughts 458 discarded 495 discarnate 317 disceptation 476 discern see 441 know 490 discernible 446 discerning 498 discernment 498, 868 discerptible 51 discerption 44 discharge violence 173 propel 284 emit 297 excrete 299 sound 406 acquit oneself 692 complete 729 liberate 750 abrogate 756 pay 807 exempt 927a acquit 970 – a duty 926, 944 – a function business 625 utility 644 – an obligation 772 – from the memory 506 – from the mind 458 – itself egress 295 river 348 discind 44 disciple pupil 541 Christian 985 disciplinarian master 540 martinet 739 discipline order 58 follower 65 teaching 537 training 673 restraint 751 punishment 972 religious 990 disclaim deny 536 repudiate 756 objure 757 refuse 764 disclaimer 536 disclamation [see disclaim] disclose 529 disclosure 529 discovery 480a discoid broad 202 layer 204 frontal 220 flat 251 discoloration 429 discolored shabby 659 ugly 846 blemish 848 discomfit 731 discomfiture 732 discomfort physical 378 mental 828 discommend 932 discommode hinder 706 discommodious useless 645 inexpedient 647 discompose derange 61 put out 458 hinder 706 pain 830 disconcert 874 anger 900 discomposure 828 disconcert derange 61 distract 458 disappoint 509 hinder 706 discontent 832 confuse 874 disconcerted hopeless 859 (failure 732) disconformity 83 discongruity 15, 24 disconnect 44, 70