Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual FacultiesDivision (I) Formation of Ideas
Section IV. Reasoning Processes
476. Reasoning.
DISCUSSION, comment; ventilation; inquiry [See Inquiry].
ARGUMENTATION, controversy, debate; polemics, wrangling; contention [See Contention]; logomachy, disputation, disceptation [archaic]; paper war.
LOGIC, art of reasoning.
process -, train -, chain- of reasoning; deduction, induction; synthesis, analysis.
argument; case, plea, plaidoyer [F.], opening; premise or premiss; lemma, proposition, terms, premises; postulate, data, starting point, principle; inference (judgment) [See Judgment].
prosyllogism, syllogism; enthymeme, sorites, dilemma, a fortiori reasoning, a priori reasoning, reductio ad absurdum [L.], horns of a dilemma, argumentum ad hominem [L.], comprehensive argument; empirema, epagoge.
LOGICAL SEQUENCE; good case; correct -, just -, sound -, valid -, cogent -, irrefutable -, logical -, forcible -, persuasive -, persuasory [rare] -, consectary [obs.] -, conclusive [See Demonstration] -, subtle- reasoning; force of argument; strong -point, – argument.
ARGUMENTS, reasons, pros and cons.
REASONER, logician, dialectician; disputant; controversialist, controvertist; wrangler, arguer, debater, polemic, casuist, rationalist; scientist; eristic.
TRY CONCLUSIONS; open a -discussion, – case; join -, be at- issue; moot; come to the point; stir -, agitate -, ventilate -, torture- a question; take up a -side, – case.
CONTEND, take one’s stand upon, insist, lay stress on; infer [See Judgment].
FOLLOW FROM (demonstration) [See Demonstration].
DEBATABLE, controvertible.
LOGICAL; syllogistic, soritical, epagogic, inductive, deductive, synthetic or synthetical, analytic or analytical; relevant [See Agreement].
FINALLY, in conclusion, in fine; after all, au bout du compte [F.], on the whole, taking one thing with another; pro and con; rationally &c. adj.
- Ab actu ad posse valet consecutio.
- Per troppo dibatter la verità si perde.
- Troppo disputare la verità fa errare.
- Remembrance and reflection, how allied; What thin partitions sense from thought divide.—Pope
- And many a Knot unravelled by the Road, But not the Master-knot of Human Fate.—Omar Khayyám—Fitzgerald
- Logic is mainly valuable wherewith to exterminate logicians.—Chesterton