Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual FacultiesDivision (II) Communication of Ideas
Section I. Nature of Ideas Communicated
522. Interpretation.
symptomatology, semeiology or semiology, diagnosis, prognosis; metoposcopy, physiognomy; paleography (philology) [See Language]; oneirology.
TRANSLATION; rendering, rendition; reddition; literal -, free- translation; key; secret; clavis [L.], crib, pony [U. S.].
COMMENT, commentary; exegesis; expounding, exposition; hermeneutics; inference (deduction) [See Judgment]; illustration, exemplification; gloss, annotation, scholium, note; enucleation, elucidation, dilucidation [obs.]; éclaircissement [F.].
acception [obs.], acceptation, acceptance; light, reading, lection, construction, version.
EQUIVALENT, – meaning [See Meaning]; synonym, pœcilonym, polyonym [rare]; paraphrase, metaphrase; convertible terms, apposition.
dictionary [See Word]; polyglot.
PREDICTION [See Prediction]; chiromancy or cheiromancy, palmistry; astrology.
find out &c. [See Discovery] -the meaning of [See Meaning]; read; spell out, make out; decipher, unravel, disentangle; find the key of, enucleate, resolve, solve; consignify [rare]; read between the lines.
ELUCIDATE, account for; find -, tell- the cause of [See Cause]; throw -, shed- -light, -new light, – fresh light- upon; clear up.
illustrate, exemplify; unfold, expound, comment upon, annotate; popularize (render intelligible) [See Intelligibility].
UNDERSTAND BY; take -, understand -, receive -, accept- in a particular sense; put a construction on, be given to understand.
EQUIVALENT [See Equality]; paraphrastic, consignificative [rare], consignificant, synonymous, pœcilonymic, polyonymal [rare], polyonymic [rare].
metaphrastic, literal [See Meaning]; polyglot.
LITERALLY, strictly speaking; in -plain, – plainer- -terms, – words, – English; more simply.