
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary Powers
Division (I) Individual Volition
Section II. Prospective Volition
2. Degree of Subservience

662. Remedy.

   NOUN:REMEDY, help, redress; anthelmintic, vermifuge, helminthagogue; antifebrile, febrifuge; antipoison, antidote, mithridate [old pharm.], theriaca or theriac, counter-poison; antispasmodic; lithagogue; bracer, pick-me-up [colloq.], stimulant, tonic; abirritant, prophylactic, antiseptic, germicide, bactericide, corrective, restorative; alterant, alterative; cathartic [See Cleanness]; specific; emetic, carminative.
  METERIA MEDICA, pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, acology, posology, dosology [rare]; pathology [See Disease]; pharmacopœia.
  NARCOTIC, nepenthe or nepenthes, opium, morphine, cocaine, hashish, bhang, ganja, dope [slang]; sedative [See Moderation].
  CURE; partial -, attempted -, radical -, perfect -, certain- cure; sovereign remedy, panacea, cure-all, catholicon.
  PHYSIC, medicine, simples, drug, potion, draft or draught, dose, pill, bolus, electuary; lincture or linctus; medicament; pharmacon.
  NOSTRUM, recipe, receipt, prescription; elixir, elixir vitœ [L.], balm, balsam, cordial, tisane, ptisan.
  agueweed, boneset; arnica, benzoin, cream of tartar, bitartrate of potash, calomel, mercurous chloride; catnip, catmint; Epsom salts; feverroot or feverwort, feverweed, friar’s balsam, Indian sage; ipecac or ipecacuanha; Peruvian bark, Jesuits’ bark, cinchona, quinine or quinin, sassafras, yarrow.
  SALVE, ointment, cerate, oil, lenitive, palliative, lotion, embrocation, liniment.
  harquebusade or arquebusade, traumatic, vulnerary, pepastic, maturative, maturant, suppurative; eyewater, collyrium; cosmetic; depilatory.
  POULTICE, cataplasm, vesicatory, plaster, emplastrum [L.], epithem, sinapism.
  compress, pledget; bandage (support) [See Support].
  TREATMENT, medical treatment, regimen, diet; dietary, dietetics; vis medicatrix [L.]; vis naturœ [L.]; médecine expectante [F.]; bloodletting, bleeding, venesection, phlebotomy, cupping, sanguisuge, leeches; operation, the knife [colloq.], surgical operation; major operation; electrolysis, electrolyzation.
  HEALING ART, leechcraft [archaic], practice of medicine, therapeutics; allopathy, homeopathy or homœopathy, osteopathy, eclecticism, heteropathy; gynecology, gyniatrics, gynecological therapeutics; pediatrics or pædiatrics; surgery, chirurgery [archaic]; orthopedics or orthopædics, orthopedia or orthopædia, orthopraxy, orthopraxis, orthopedic surgery; sarcology, organotherapy; hydrotherapy, hydropathy, cold-water cure; faith cure, faith healing, mind cure, psychotherapy, psychotherapeutics; Christian Science, Eddyism; radiotherapy, heliotherapy, serotherapy, serum therapy; aërotherapy, pneumatotherapy; vocational therapy; dentistry, surgical dentistry; midwifery, obstetrics, tocology.
  HOSPITAL, infirmary, clinic, hôpital [F.], general hospital, hotel-Dieu [F.]; special hospital (cancer, children’s, dental, fever, maternity or lying-in, ophthalmic &c); pesthouse, lazarhouse, lazaretto, lazaret; lock hospital [Eng.]; maison de santé [F.]; Hôtel des Invalides [F.]; sanatarium, sanitarium, sanatorium, springs, baths, spa, pump room, well; hospice; asylum, home; Red Cross; ambulance.
  dispensary, dispensatory, drug store, chemist’s shop [Brit.].
  DOCTOR, physician, leech [archaic], medical man, disciple of Æsculapius; medical -, general- practitioner; medical attendant, specialist; surgeon, chirurgeon [archaic].
  consultant, operator; interne, anæsthetist or anesthetist; aurist, oculist, dentist, dental surgeon; osteopath, osteopathist; orthopedist or orthopædist; gynecologist, obstetrician; Christian Science practitioner, faith healer; medical student, medic [colloq. or slang, U. S.]; accoucheur (fem. accoucheuse) [F.], midwife; nurse; graduate -, trained -, district -, practical -, monthly- nurse; sister, nursing sister; dresser, bonesetter, apothecary, druggist, chemist [Brit.], pharmacopolist, pharmaceutist, pharmacist, pharmaceutical chemist, pharmacologist; Æsculapius, Hippocrates, Galen; masseur (fem. masseuse) [F.], massagist, rubber.
  [INSTRUMENTS] stethoscope, stethometer, stethograph, respirometer, spirometer, pneumometer, spirograph, pneumatograph, pneumatometer, pulmotor.
   VERB:APPLY A REMEDY &c. n.; doctor [colloq.], dose, physic, nurse, minister to, attend, dress the wounds, plaster, poultice; strap, splint, bandage; prevent [See Hindrance]; relieve [See Relief]; palliate [See Improvement]; heal, cure, “kill or cure,” work a cure, remedy, stay (disease), snatch from the jaws of death; restore [See Restoration]; drench with physic; consult, specialize, operate, anæsthetize or anesthetize; straighten, mold or mould; deliver; extract, fill, stop; transfuse, bleed, cup, let blood; electrolyze.
  manicure; pedicure; shampoo; massage, rub.
   ADJECTIVE:REMEDIAL; restorative [See Restoration]; corrective, palliative, healing; sanatory, sanative; prophylactic; salutiferous (salutary) [See Salubrity]; medical, medicinal; therapeutic, hypnotic, neurotic, chirurgical [archaic], surgical, epulotic [obs.], paregoric, tonic, corroborant, roborant; analeptic, balsamic, anodyne, narcotic, sedative, lenitive, demulcent, emollient; detersive, detergent; abstersive, disinfectant; febrifugal, antifebrile; alterative; traumatic, vulnerary.
  allopathic, homeopathic or homœopathic, eclectic, hydropathic, heteropathic; aperient, laxative, cathartic, purgative; septic; aseptic, antiseptic; antiluetic, antisyphilitic; anthelmintic, vermifugal; chalybeate, deobstruent; purifying, cleansing, depurative, depuratory; electrolytic or electrolytical.
  DIETETIC, dietary, alimentary; nutritious, nutritive; digestive, digestible, peptic.
  REMEDIABLE, curable; antidotal, alexipharmic, alexiteric.
  1. Aux grands maux les grands remèdes.
  2. Temporis ars medicina fere est.—Ovid
  3. Physicians mend or end us, Secundum artem.—Byron
  4. Troubled with thick-coming fancies.—Macbeth
  5. The remedy is worse than the disease.—Dryden
  6. Throw physic to the dogs, I’ll none of it.—Macbeth
  7. The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.—Swift
  8. Divine presenter of the healing rod.—Browning