
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers
Section IV. Moral Affections
2. Moral Sentiments

934. Detraction.

   NOUN:DETRACTION, disparagement, depreciation, vilification, obloquy, scurrility, scandal, defamation, aspersion, traducement [rare], slander, calumny, obtrectation [obs.], evil-speaking, backbiting, scandalum magnatum [L.].
  sarcasm, cynicism; criticism (disapprobation) [See Disapprobation]; invective [See Disapprobation]; envenomed tongue; spretæ injuria formæ [L.].
  PERSONALITY, libel, lampoon, skit [Scot. & dial.], squib, pasquil, pasquinade; chronique scandaleuse [F.], roorback [U. S.].
  DETRACTOR [See Detractor].
   VERB:DETRACT, derogate, decry, depreciate, disparage; run down, cry down; back-cap [U. S.]; belittle; pessimize; sneer at (contemn) [See Contempt]; criticize, pull to pieces, pick a hole in one’s coat, asperse, cast aspersions, blow upon, bespatter, blacken, vilify, vilipend, avile [obs.]; give a dog a bad name, brand, malign; backbite, libel, lampoon, traduce, slander, defame, calumniate, bear false witness against; speak ill of behind one’s back.
  muckrake; fling dirt (disrespect) [See Disrespect]; anathematize [See Disapprobation]; dip the pen in gall, view in a bad light.
   ADJECTIVE:DETRACTING &c. v.; defamatory, traducent [rare], detractory, derogatory, disparaging, libelous; scurrile, scurrilous, abusive; foul-spoken, foul-tongued, foul-mouthed; slanderous, calumnious, calumniatory; sarcastic, sardonic, satirical, cynical.
  1. Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer; And without sneering, teach the rest to sneer.—Pope
  2. Another lie nailed to the counter.
  3. Cut men’s throats with whisperings.—B. Jonson
  4. Foul whisperings are abroad.—Macbeth
  5. Soft-buzzing slander.—Thomson
  6. Virtue itself ’scapes not calumnious strokes.—Hamlet
  7. Ill-will never said well.—Henry V