Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class II. Words Relating to SpaceSection IV. Motion
4. Motion with Reference to Direction
299. Excretion.
hemorrhage, bleeding; outpouring (egress) [See Egress]; menses, menstrual discharge, menstrual flow, catamenial discharge; leucorrhea or leucorrhœa, the whites.
EJECTA (pl.), saliva, spittle, sputum (pl. sputa); spit, rheum; ptyalism, salivation, catarrh; diarrhea or diarrhœa egesta (pl.), excreta; lava; exuviæ (uncleanness) [See Uncleanness].
EJECTIVE, eliminative, eliminant.