
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary Powers
Division (I) Individual Volition
Section II. Prospective Volition
2. Degree of Subservience

655. Disease.

   NOUN:DISEASE; illness, sickness &c. adj.; ailing &c. v.; “the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to” [Hamlet]; “all ills that men endure” [Cowley]; morbidity, morbosity [obs.]; infirmity, ailment, indisposition; complaint, disorder, malady, distemperature [archaic]; valetudinarianism; loss of health, delicacy, delicate health, invalidity, invalidism, invalescence [rare]; malnutrition, want of nourishment, cachexia or cachexy; prostration, decline, collapse; decay [See Deterioration].
  VISITATION, attack, seizure, stroke, fit, epilepsy, apoplexy, bloodstroke; palsy, paralysis, motor paralysis, sensory paralvsis, hemiplegia, paraplegia or paraplegy; paralysis agitans [L.], shaking palsy, Parkinson’s disease; shock; shell-shock [common during World War].
  TAINT, virus, pollution, infection, contagion; septicæmia or septicemia, blood poisoning, pyæmia or pyemia, septicity; epidemic; sporadic, endemic; plague, pestilence.
  FEVER, calenture; inflammation; ague; intermittent -, remittent -, congestive -, pernicious-fever; malarial fever; dengue or dandy fever, breakbone fever; yellow fever, yellow jack; typhoid or typhoid fever, enteric fever; typhus; eruptive fever; scarlet fever, scarlatina; smallpox, variola; varioloid; vaccinia, cow pox; varicella, chicken pox; rubeola, measles.
  ERUPTION, rash, brash, breaking out; canker rash; dartre, exanthema or exanthem; scabies, itch, psora; pox; eczema, tetter, psoriasis; lichen, papular rash; lichen tropicus, prickly heat; impetigo; erythema; erysipelas, St. Anthony’s fire; urticaria, hives, nettlerash; herpes; herpes zoster, shingles; herpes circinatus, ringworm; miliaria, pemphigus, rupia.
  SORE, canker, ulcer, fester, boil, gumboil; pimple (swelling) [See Convexity]; carbuncle; gathering; abscess, impostume or imposthume [obsoles.], aposteme; Rigg’s disease, pyorrhea or pyorrhœa; chancre; peccant humor; proud flesh; corruption; enanthem or enanthema, gangrene; mortification, sphacelus, sphacelation; slough, caries, necrosis; cancer, carcinoma; tumor, leprosy.
  HEART DISEASE, carditis, pericarditis, endocarditis, valvular lesion; hypertrophy -, dilatation -, atrophy -, fatty degeneration- of the heart; angina pectoris.
  WASTING DISEASE, marasmus, emaciation, atrophy; consumption, white plague, tuberculosis, T.B. [med. cant], phthisis; pulmonary -, galloping- consumption; pulmonary phthisis, phthisipneumonia, pneumonia; chlorosis, green sickness; anæmia or anemia; leucocythænia or leucocythenia.
  THROAT DISEASE, laryngitis, tonsillitis, quinsy, cynanche; bronchitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, pertussis; thrush, canker.
  COLD, cough; rheum; catarrh, hay fever; influenza, grippe or grip; rose cold.
  INDIGESTION, dyspepsia, poor digestion, pyrosis, water qualm; cardialgia, heartburn; seasickness, mal de mer [F.]; nausea; giddiness, vertigo; constipation, autointoxication.
  EYE DISEASE, trachoma, conjunctivitis, pink eye; cataract, caligo, pin-and-web, gutta serena [L.].
  VENEREAL DISEASE, pox, syphilis; gonorrhea or gonorrhœa, blennorrhea or blennorrhœa, blennorrhagia.
  [VARIOUS DISEASES] headache (physical pain) [See Physical Pain]; goiter or goitre, bronchocele, struma, tracheocele; lockjaw, tetanus, trismus; diarrhea or diarrhœa, dysentery, bloody flux, flux, issue, hemorrhage; hemorrhoids, piles; cholera, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera [colloq., Eng.] cholera infantum, summer complaint; colic; jaundice, icterus; apnœa; asthma; king’s evil, scrofula; rickets, rachitis; appendicitis; gall-stones, biliary calculus, stone; hernia, rupture; varicosis, varicose veins; arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries; neuritis; nervous prostration; St. Vitus’s dance, chorea; neurasthenia; sciatica; rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago; dropsy, œdema or edema; elephantiasis; beriberi [both tropical]; locomotor ataxia; paresis, softening of the brain; bubonic plague; black death; leprosy, elephantiasis Græcorum; sleeping sickness.
  fatal (hopeless) [See Hopelessness] -disease &c.; dangerous illness, churchyard cough; general breaking up, break-up of the system.
  [DISEASE OF MIND] idiocy [See Imbecility. Folly]; insanity [See Insanity].
  MARTYR TO DISEASE; cripple; “the halt, the lame, and the blind”; valetudinary, valetudinarian; invalid, patient, case.
  sick-room, sick-chamber; hospital [See Remedy].
  [SCIENCE OF DISEASE] pathology, pathogeny, etiology, nosology, nosography, nosogeny, therapeutics; diagnostics, symptomatology, semeiology, semeiography, prognosis, diagnosis; clinic, polyclinic.
  [VETERINARY] anthrax, splenic fever, woolsorter’s disease, charbon, milzbrand, malignant pustule, quarter evil, quarter ill, Texas fever, blackwater, murrain, bighead; blackleg, black quarter; cattle plague, glanders, milk sickness; rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, hog cholera; epizoötic; heaves, rot, sheep rot; scabies, mange, distemper.
   VERB:BE or FEEL ILL &c. adj.; ail, suffer, labor under, be affected with, complain of; droop, flag, languish, halt; sicken, peak, pine, dwindle; gasp; drop down in one’s tracks; waste away, fail, lose strength, lose one’s grip.
  keep one’s bed; lay by, lay up; be laid by the heels; lie helpless, – on one’s back.
  fall a victim to -, be stricken by -, take -, catch- -a disease &c. n., – an infection; break out.
  MALINGER, feign sickness (falsehood) [See Falsehood].
   ADJECTIVE:AILING &c. v.; ill, ill of; taken ill, seized with; indisposed, unwell, sick, squeamish, poorly, seedy [colloq.]; affected -, afflicted- with illness; laid up, confined, bedridden, invalided, in hospital, on the sick list; out of health, out of sorts [colloq.], under the weather [U. S.]; valetudinary.
  UNSOUND, unhealthy; morbose [obs.], healthless, infirm, chlorotic, unbraced, cranky [dial. Eng.], sickly, weakly, weakened (weak) [See Weakness]; drooping, flagging; lame, halt, crippled, halting; hors de combat [F.] (useless) [See Inutility].
  touched in the wind, broken-winded, spavined, gasping.
  DISEASED, morbid, tainted, vitiated, peccant, contaminated, poisoned, septic, septical, tabetic, tabid, mangy, leprous, cankered; rotten, – to, – at- the core; withered; palsied, paralytic; dyspeptic; luetic, pneumonic, pulmonic, phthisic or phthisical, consumptive, tubercular, tuberculous, rachitic; syntectic or syntectical, varicose.
  DECREPIT; decayed (deteriorated) [See Deterioration]; incurable (hopeless) [See Hopelessness]; in declining health; in a bad way, in danger, prostrate; moribund (death) [See Death].
  EPIDEMIC, epizoötic [of animals]; zymotic, contagious; morbific [See Insalubrity].
  1. In sickness and in health.—marriage service
  2. Tie up the knocker; say I’m sick, I’m dead.—Pope
  3. The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.—Bible
  4. Diseases desperate grown By desperate appliance are reliev’d, Or not at all.—Hamlet
  5. This sickness doth infect The very life-blood of our enterprise.—I Henry IV
  6. That dire disease, whose ruthless power Withers the beauty’s transient flower.—Goldsmith
  7. A malady Preys on my heart that med’cine cannot reach.—Maturin
  8. The best of remedies is a beefsteak Against sea-sickness; try it, sir, before You sneer.—Byron