
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

decent mediocre 651 pure 960 decentralize 49 deception 545, 702 deceptive sophistical 477 deceiving 545 cunning 702 – reasoning 477 decession 293 dechristianize 989 decide turn the scale 153 judge 480 choose 609 decided great 31 ended 67 certain 474 resolved 604 take a – step 609 deciduous transitory 111 falling 306 vegetation 367 spoiled 659 decimal numeration 84 tenth 98, 99 decimalize 99 decimate subtract 38 tenth 99 few 103 weaken 160 kill 361 play havoc 659 decipher 522, 525, 561 decision judgment 480 resolution 604 intention 620 law case 969 decisive certain 474 proof 478 commanding 741 take a – step 609 deck floor 211 cards 840 beautify 847 deckle-edged 674 declaim 582 – against 932 declamatory style 577 speech 582 declaration evidence 467 affirmation 535 law pleadings 969 – of faith belief 484 theology 983 – of war 713, 722 declarative 527 declaratory meaning 516 inform 527 declare 535 declension [see decline] grammar 567 backsliding 988 declensions 5 declination [see decline] deviation 279 divergence 291 measurement 466 rejection 610 declinatory 764 declinature 764 decline decrease 36 old 124 weaken 160 descent 306 grammar 567 be unwilling 603 reject 610 disease 655 become worse 659 adversity 735 refuse 764 – of day 126 – of life 128 declivitous 217, 306 declivity slope 217 descent 306 declivous 306 decoction 335, 384 decode 525, 561 decollate 972 décolletée 225 decolor 429 decoloration 429 decolorize 429 decompose 49 decomposition 49 decompound 49 deconsecrate 756 decoration trophy 733 insignia 747 ornament 847 title 877 Decoration Day 840 decorous [see decorum] proper 924 respectful 928 decorticate 226 decorum fashion 852 duty 926 purity 960 decoy draw 288 deceive 545 deceiver 548 entice 615 decrassify 652, 658 decrease in degree 36 in size 195 decree judgment 480 order 741 law 963, 969 decrement decrease 36 thing deducted 40a contraction 195 decrepit old 128 impotent 158 weak 160 disease 655 decayed 659 decrepitate 406 decrepitude [see decrepit] decrescence 36 decrescendo 36 decretal 741 decretive 741 decry underrate 483 censure 932 detract 934 decumbent 213, 214 decuple 98 decursive 306 decurtation 201 decussate 219 decussation 219 dedecorous disreputable 874 discourteous 895 dedicate use 677 inscribe 873 dedication book 593 [see dedicate] deduce deduct 38 infer 480 deducible evidence 467 proof 478 deduct retrench 38 deprive 789 deduction [see deduce] decrement 40a reasoning 476 inference 521 deductive 476 deed transference 270 evidence 467 record 551 act 680 security 771 -s of arms 720 – without a name 947 deem 484 deemster 664, 967 deep great 31 profound 208 sea 341 sonorous 404 cunning 702 – color 428 – game 702 – in debt 806 – knowledge 490 – mourning 839 – note 408 – potations 959 – reflection 451 – sea 208 – sense 821 – sigh 839 – study 457 – toned 413 in – water 704 plough the – 267 deep-dyed intense 171 black 431 vicious 945 deepen increase 35 deep-felt 821 deep-laid plan 626 deeply [see deep] deep-mouthed resonant 408 bark 412 deep musing 458 deep-read 490 deep-rooted stable 150 strong 159 belief 484 habit 613 affections 820 deep-seated 208 interior 221 deer 366 in heart a – 862 deev 980 deface destroy form 241 obliterate 552 injure 659 render ugly 846 defalcation incomplete 53 contraction 195 shortcoming 304 nonpayment 808 defamation [see defame] defamatory 932, 934 defame shame 874 censure 932 detract 934 defamer 936 defatigation 841 default incomplete 53 shortcoming 304 neglect 460 insufficiency 640 debt 806 nonpayment 808 in – of 187 judgment by – 725 defaulter thief 792 nonpayer 808 rogue 949 defeasance 756 defeat confute 479 succeed 731 failure 732 – one’s hope 509 defecate 652 defecation 299 defect decrement 40a incomplete 53 imperfect 651 failing 945 defection relinquishment 624 imperfection 651 disobedience 742 defective incomplete 53 insufficient 640 imperfect 651 defend [see defense] defendant 938 defender 914 defense answer 462 resist 717 vindication 937 defenseless impotent 158 weak 160 exposed 665 defensible safe 664 excusable 937