Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary PowersDivision (I) Individual Volition
Section II. Prospective Volition
3. Contingent Subservience
665. Danger.
exposure (liability) [See Liability]; vulnerability; vulnerable point, heel of Achilles; forlorn hope (hopelessness) [See Hopelessness].
[DANGEROUS COURSE] leap in the dark (rashness) [See Rashness]; road to ruin, facilis descensus Averni [Vergil], hairbreadth escape.
[APPROACH OF DANGER] cause for alarm; source of danger [See Pitfall]; rock -, breakers- ahead; storm brewing; clouds -in the horizon, – gathering; warning [See Warning]; alarm [See Alarm].
[SENSE OF DANGER] apprehension [See Fear].
hang by a thread, totter; tremble on the verge; totter on the brink; sleep -, stand- on a volcano; sit on a barrel of gunpowder, live in a glass house.
ENDANGER; bring -, place -, put- in -danger &c. n.; expose to danger, imperil; be proscribed; have one’s name on the danger list; be overdue [naut.], be despaired of; be under sentence of death; jeopard, jeopardize; put one’s head in the lion’s mouth; beard the lion in his den; compromise; sail too near the wind (rash) [See Rashness].
[See threaten] danger; run one hard; lay a trap for (deceive) [See Deception].
ADVENTURE, risk, hazard, venture, stake, set at hazard; run the gauntlet (dare) [See Courage]; engage in a forlorn hope.
DEFENSELESS, guardless, fenceless [archaic], harborless, unsheltered, unshielded; vulnerable, expugnable, exposed; open to (liable) [See Liability].
aux abois [F.], at bay, with one’s back to the wall; on the wrong side of the wall, on a lee shore, on the rocks.
PRECARIOUS, critical, ticklish; slippery, slippy; hanging by a thread &c. v.; with a halter round one’s neck; between -the hammer and the anvil, – Scylla and Charybdis, – two fires; on the edge, brink, or verge of -a precipice, – a volcano, – an abyss, -a pit; in the lion’s den, on slippery ground, under fire; not out of the wood; in the condemned cell, under sentence of death; at stake, in question.
UNWARNED, unadmonished, unadvised; unprepared [See Nonpreparation]; off one’s guard (inexpectant) [See Inexpectation].
TOTTERING, unstable, unsteady; shaky, top-heavy, tumble-down, ram-shackle, crumbling, water-logged; helpless, guideless; in a bad way; reduced to -, at- the last extremity; trembling in the balance; nodding to its fall (destruction) [See Destruction].
THREATENING [See Threat]; ominous, illomened; alarming (fear) [See Fear]; explosive; poisonous; venomous (insalubrious) [See Insalubrity]; rotten at the core.
ADVENTUROUS (rash) [See Rashness], (bold) [See Courage].