Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract RelationsSection VII. Change
2. Complex Change
150. Stability.
permanence [See Permanence]; obstinacy [See Obstinacy].
FIXTURE, establishment; rock, pillar, tower, foundation, leopard’s spots, Ethiopian’s skin; law of the Medes and Persians.
standpatter [U. S. politics].
ESTABLISH, settle, stablish [archaic], ascertain, fix, set, stabilitate [obs.], stabilize; stet [printing], retain, keep hold; make good, make sure; fasten (join) [See Junction]; set on its legs [colloq.], set on its feet; float; perpetuate.
SETTLE DOWN; strike root, take root; take up one’s abode [See Location]; build one’s house on a rock.
FIXED, steadfast, firm, firm as Gibraltar, firm as a rock, on a rock; tethered, anchored, moored, at anchor, firmly -seated, – established &c. v.; deep-rooted, ineradicable; fast, steady, balanced; confirmed, inveterate, valid; fiducial; immovable, irremovable, riveted, rooted; stated, settled, stereotyped, established &c. v.; obstinate [See Obstinacy]; vested; incontrovertible, indeclinable.
STUCK FAST, transfixed, aground, high and dry, stranded.
INCOMMUTABLE, indefeasible, irretrievable, intransmutable, irresoluble, irrevocable, irreversible, reverseless, inextinguishable, irreducible; indissoluble, indissolvable; indestructible, undying, imperishable, indelible, indeciduous; insusceptible, – of change.