Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary PowersDivision (I) Individual Volition
Section II. Prospective Volition
1. Conceptional Volition
624. Relinquishment.
discontinuance (cessation) [See Cessation]; renunciation (recantation) [See Tergiversation]; abrogation [See Abrogation]; resignation (retirement) [See Resignation]; desuetude [See Desuetude]; cession (of property) [See Relinquishment].
RENOUNCE (abjure) [See Tergiversation]; forego, have done with, drop; nol-pros [law]; disuse [See Disuse]; discard [See Relinquishment]; wash one’s hands of; drop all idea of.
BREAK OFF, leave off; desist; stop (cease) [See Cessation]; hold one’s hand, stay one’s hand; quit one’s hold; give over, shut up shop; throw up the -game, – cards.
give up the -point, – argument; pass to the order of the day, move the previous question, table, table the motion.