
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties
Division (I) Formation of Ideas
Section IV. Reasoning Processes

478. Demonstration.

   NOUN:DEMONSTRATION, proof, irrefragability; conclusiveness &c. adj.; apodeixis or apodixis, probation, comprobation [obs.].
  logic of facts (evidence) [See Evidence]; experimentum crucis [L.] (test) [See Experiment]; argument [See Reasoning]; rigorous -, absolute- establishment.
   VERB:DEMONSTRATE, prove, establish, make good; show, evince (be evidence of) [See Evidence]; verify [See Evidence]; settle the question, reduce to demonstration, set the question at rest.
  make out, – a case; prove one’s point, have the best of the argument; draw a conclusion (judge) [See Judgment].
  FOLLOW, – of course; stand to reason; hold good, hold water [colloq.].
   ADJECTIVE:DEMONSTRATING &c. v., demonstrative, demonstrable; probative, unanswerable, conclusive, convincing; apodeictic or apodictic, apodeictical or apodictical; irresistible, irrefutable, irrefragable, undeniable.
  CATEGORICAL, decisive, crucial.
  DEMONSTRATED &c. v.; proven; unconfuted, unanswered, unrefuted; evident [See Certainty].
  DEDUCIBLE, consequential, consectary [obs.], inferential, following.
   ADVERB:OF COURSE, in consequence, consequently, as a matter of course.
  1. Probatum est.
  2. There is nothing more to be said, Q.E.D., it must follow.
  3. Exitus acta probat.
  4. For now the field is not far off Where we must give the world a proof Of deeds, not words.—Butler
  5. A thing that nobody believes cannot be proved too often.—Shaw