Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers
Section V. Religious Affections
2. Religious Doctrines
983. [Religious Knowledge.] Theology.
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NOUN: | THEOLOGY (natural and revealed), theosophy, divine wisdom, divinity, hagiology, hagiography, hierography; Caucasian mystery; monotheism, theism, religion; religious -persuasion, – sect, – denomination, – affiliation; creed (belief) [See Belief]; articles -, declaration -, profession -, confession- of faith. THEOLOGIAN, theologue [now rare], scholastic, divine, schoolman, canonist, theologist [now rare], theologus; monotheist, theist; Homoousian (opp. to Homoiousian); the Fathers.
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ADJECTIVE: | THEOLOGICAL, religious, divine, canonical; denominational; sectarian [See Heterodoxy].