
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

analyst investigator 461 experimenter 463 analytical [see analysis] analyze grammar 567 describe 594 [see analysis] anamorphoscope 555 anamorphosis distortion 243 optical 443 misrepresentation 555 anapest 597 anaphrodisia 174, 866 anarch 710 anarchist opponent 710 insurgent 742 enemy 891 evil doer 913 anarchy disorder 59 social 738 anastatic printing 558 anastomosis junction 43 crossing 219 anastomotic 219 anastrophe 218 anathema 908 anathematize curse 908 censure 932 detract 934 anatomize dissect 44 investigate 461 anatomy dissection 44 leanness 203 texture 329 science 357 comparative – 368 anatripsis 331 anatriptic 331 ancestor 69, 166 ancestral bygone 122 old 124 aged 128 ancestry 69, 166 anchor connection 45 stop 265 safeguard 666 check 706 hope 858 at – fixed 150 stationed 184 safe 664 cast – settle 184 arrive 292 sheet – means 632 anchorage location 184 roadstead 189 refuge 666 anchored fixed 150 anchoretic 893 anchorite recluse 893 ascetic 955 ancien régime 875 ancient old 124 flag 550 – mariner 269 – times 122 ancientness 122 ancillary 707 ancon 342 and addition 37 accompaniment 88 andante 415 andiron 386 androgynous 83 androlepsia 789 androtomy 372 anecdote 594 anecdotist 594 anele 998 anemograph 349 anemography 349 anemology 349 anemometer wind 349 measure 466 record 551 anemometrograph 349 anemometry 349 anemone 845 anemoscope 349 anent 9 aneroid 338, 340 anew again 104 newly 123 anfractuosity 248 angel messenger 534 backer 599, 711 object of love 897 good person 948 supernatural being 977 bishop 996 – of death 360 fallen – bad man 949 devil 978 guardian – safety 664 auxiliary 711 benefactor 912 angelic 944 angelus 550 anger 900 angina pectoris 655 angiology 329 angle 244 point of view 448 try 463 at an – 217 angle rafter 215 Anglican sectarian 984 ecclesiastical 995 Anglicanism 984 Anglice 563 Anglicism 563 angling 622 Anglophobia 898 angry [see anger] anguiform 248 anguilliform filament 205 serpentine 248 anguilloid 248 anguillous 248 anguine 366 anguish physical 378 moral 828 angular 244 – velocity 264 angularity 244 angustation 203 anhedonia 828, 837 anhelation 688 anhydrate 340, 670 anhydration 340 anhydric 340 anhydrous 340 anility age 128 imbecility 499 anima 359 – bruta 359 – divina 359 – mundi 359 animadvert attend to 457 reprehend 932 animal 366 – cries 412 – economy 359 – gratification 377 – life 364 – magnetism 992a – physiology 368 – spirits 836 female – 364 animalcular 193 animalcule minute 193 animal 366 animalism animality 364 sensuality 954 animality 364 animalization 364 animastic 450 animate induce 615 excite 824 enliven 836 animation life 359 animality 364 activity 682 vivacity 836 suspended – 823 animative 359 animism 317, 984 animist 317 animosity dislike 867 enmity 889 hatred 898 anger 900 animus willingness 602 intention 620 desire 865 ankle 244 – deep deep 208 shallow 209 anklet 847 ankus 615 ankylosis 150 annalist chronologist 115 recorder 553 annals chronology 114 record 551 account 594 annatto 434 anneal 673 annex add 37, 39 join 43 annexationist 43 annexe 39 annihilate extinguish 2 destroy 162 anniversary 138, 883 anno 106 annotation explanation 522 note 550 annotator scholar 492 interpreter 524 commentator 595 annotto 434 announce herald 116 predict 511 inform 527 publish 531 assert 535 announcement [see announce] annoy molest 649, 907 disquiet 830 annoyance 828 source of – 830 annual periodic 138 plant 367 book 593 annuity 810 annul destroy 162 abolish 756 annular 247 annularity 249 annulet 247 annunciate inform 527 (publish 531) Annunciation, the – 990 annunciative 527 annunciator 527 annunciatory 531 anodyne lenitive 174 remedial 662 relief 834 anoint coat 223 lubricate 332 oil 355 Anointed, the 976 anointment lubrication 332 oil 355 anomalous 241 anomaly disorder 59 irregularity 83 anon 132 anonymous 565 anopsia 442 anorexy 866 another different 15 repetition 104 – time 119 answer to an inquiry 462 confute 479 solution 522 succeed 731 pecuniary profit 775 pleadings 969 – for deputy 759 promise 768 go bail 806 – one’s turn 644 – the helm 743 – the purpose 731 – to correspond 9 require an – 461