Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class III. Words Relating to Matter
Section III. Organic Matter
2. Sensation
1. Sensation in general
377. Physical Pleasure.
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NOUN: | PLEASURE; physical -, sensual -, sensuous – pleasure; bodily enjoyment, animal gratification, delight, sensual delight, hedonism, sensuality; luxuriousness &c. adj.; dissipation, round of pleasure; titillation, gusto, creature comforts, comfort, ease; pillow (support) [See Support]; luxury, lap of luxury; purple and fine linen; bed of -down, – roses; velvet, clover; cup of Circe (intemperance) [See Intemperance]. TREAT; diversion, entertainment, banquet, regalement, refreshment, regale; feast; delice [obs.]; dainty [See Savoriness]; bonne bouche [F.]. SOURCE OF PLEASURE [See Pleasurableness]; happiness, felicity, bliss, beatitude (mental enjoyment) [See Pleasure].
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VERB: | ENJOY, pleasure [rare]; feel -, experience -, receive- pleasure; relish; luxuriate -, revel -, riot -, bask -, swim -, wallo-in; feast on; gloat -over, – on; smack the lips; roll under the tongue. live on the fat of the land, live in comfort &c. adv.; bask in the sunshine, faire ses choux gras [F.]. GIVE PLEASURE [See Pleasurableness]; charm, delight, enchant.
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ADJECTIVE: | ENJOYING &c. v.; luxurious, voluptuous, sensual, comfortable, cosy, snug, in comfort, at ease, in clover [colloq.]. AGREEABLE [See Pleasurableness]; grateful, refreshing, comforting, cordial, genial; gratifying, titillative, sensuous; apolaustic, hedonic, hedonistic, palatable [See Savoriness]; sweet (sugar) [See Sweetness]; fragrant [See Fragrance]; melodious [See Melody. Concord]; lovely (beautiful) [See Beauty].
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ADVERB: | IN COMFORT &c. n.; on a bed of roses &c. n.; at one’s ease; on flowery beds of ease.
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QUOTATIONS: | - Ride si sapis.—Martial
- Voluptates commendat rarior usus.—Juvenal
- The man who finds most pleasure for himself is often the man who least hunts for it.—Chesterton