Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary PowersDivision (I) Individual Volition
Section IV. Antagonism
2. Active Antagonism
710. Opponent.
OPPOSITIONIST, obstructive; brawler, wrangler, brangler [rare], disputant; filibuster [U. S.], filibusterer [U. S.], extremist, bitter-ender [U. S.], irreconcilable, obstructionist, “willful men.”
MALCONTENT; demagogue, reactionist; anarchist, anarch; Jacobin, Fenian, Sinn Feiner; Red; Industrial Workers of the World, I. W. W.
RIVAL, competitor, contestant, entrant; the field.