Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract RelationsSection VI. Time
3. Time with reference to an Effect or Purpose
132. Earliness.
PUNCTUALITY; promptitude (activity) [See Activity]; haste &c (velocity) [See Velocity]; suddenness (instantaneity) [See Instantaneity].
PREMATURITY, precocity, precipitation, anticipation, prevenience; a stitch in time.
ACCELERATE; expedite (quicken) [See Velocity]; make haste (hurry) [See Haste].
PREMATURE, precipitate, precocious; prevenient, anticipatory; rath or rathe [obs. or poetic].
SUDDEN (instantaneous) [See Instantaneity]; unexpected [See Inexpectation]; immanent, impending, near, near at hand; immediate.
BEFOREHAND; prematurely &c. adj.; precipitately (hastily) [See Haste]; too soon; before its time, before one’s time; in anticipation; unexpectedly [See Inexpectation].
SUDDENLY (instantaneously) [See Instantaneity]; before one can say “Jack Robinson,” at short notice, extempore; on the spur of the moment, on the spur of the occasion [Bacon]; at once; on the spot, on the instant; at sight; off hand, out of hand; à vue d’œil [F.]; straight, straightway, straightforth; forthwith, incontinently, summarily, instanter, forthright [archaic], immediately, briefly, shortly, erewhile [archaic], quickly, speedily, apace, before the ink is dry, almost immediately, presently, at the first opportunity, in no long time, by and by, in a while, directly.