
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

above 206 – all superior 33 important 642 – board manifest 525 artless 703 fair 939 – comprehension 519 – ground alive 359 – par great 31 good 648 – praise 944 – price 814 – stairs 206 – suspicion 946 – the mark 33 – water safe 664 above-mentioned preceding 62 repeated 104 prior 116 abra 198 abracadabra 993 abrade [see abrasion] Abraham, sham – 544 abrasion paring 38 filing 330, 331 abrasive 331 abreast 216, 236 abregé 596 abreption 789 abridge lessen 36 shorten 201in writing 572, 596 abridger 201 abridgment compendium 596 abroach 673 abroad extraneous 57 distant 196 uncertain 475 astir 673 get – public 531 abrogation 756 abrupt sudden 113 violent 173 steep 217 unexpected 508 style 579 abruption 44 abscess 655 abscind 44 abscissa 466 abscission retrenchment 38 division 44 abscond 623 absconder 808 absence nonpresence 187 – d’esprit 452 – of choice 609a – of influence 175a – of intellect 450a – of mind 458 – of motive 615a absent [see absence] absentee 187 absent-minded 458 absinthe 435 absolute not relative 1 great 31 complete 52 certain 474 affirmative 535 authoritative 737 severe 739 free 748 unalienable 924 – establishment 478 – interest property 980 make – confirm 467 adjudge 480 Absolute, the 450 absolution 918 absolutism 739 absolve liberate 750 forgive 918 exempt 927a shrive 952, 998 acquit 970 absonant discordant 414 unreasonable 477 absorb combine 48 take in 296 consume 677 – the mind attention 457 inattention 458 – the soul 824 absorbed 451 absorbent 296 [see absorb] absorbing exigent 630 impressive 821 absorption 296 absquatulate 623 abstain refrain 623 disuse 678 temperance 953 – from action 681 – from voting 609a abstainer 953, 958 abstemious 953 abstention 623 absterge 652 abstersive 662 abstinence [see abstain] total – 953, 955 abstract separate 44 abridge 596 take 789 steal 791 – idea 453 – oneself inattention 458 – thought 451 attention 457 in the – apart 44 alone 87 abstracted inattentive 458 abstraction [see abstract] abstruse 519 absurd [see absurdity] – statement 546 absurdity impossible 471 nonsense 497 ridiculous 853 abulia 605 Abuna 996 abundance 639 poor in – 832 abundant great 31 enough 639 abuse deceive 545 illtreat 649 misuse 679 insolence 885 malediction 908 threat 909 upbraid 932 violate 961 – of language 563 – of terms 523 abusive discourteous 895 defamatory 934, 936 abut adjoin 197 touch 199 rest on 215 abutment defense 717 abutter 199 aby remain 141 endure 821, 826 abysm 198 abysmal deep 208 abyss space 180 interval 198 depth 208 pitfall 667 hell 982 acacia 367 academic theory 514 teaching 537, 542 academical style 578 academician 492 Royal – 559 academy 542 acanaceous 253 acanthophorous 253 acanthus 847 acariâtre 901 acarpous 169 acatalectic 597 acatastasia 139 acaudal 38 acaudate 38 accede assent 488 submit 725 consent 762 accelerate early 132 stimulate 173 velocity 274 hasten 684 accension 384 accent sound 402 tone of voice 580 rhythm 597 accentuate 642 accentuated 581 accentuation 580 accept assent 488 consent 762 receive 785 take 789 accepta 810 acceptable expedient 646 agreeable 829 acceptance security 771 acceptation meaning 516 interpretation 522 acception 522 access approach 286 easy of – 705 means of – 627 accessible possible 470 easy 705 accession increase 35 addition 37 – to office 737, 755 consent 762 accessory extrinsic 6 additive 37 adjunct 39 accompanying 88 aid 707 auxiliary 711 acciaccatura 413 accidence 567 accident event 151 chance 156 disaster 619 misfortune 735 – of an accident 156 fatal – 361 accidental extrinsic 6 irrelative 10 occasional 134 fortuitous 156 undesigned 621 accidentalism 156 Accipitres 739 acclamation assent 488 approbation 931 acclamatory 931 acclimatize domesticate 370 inure 613 acclivity 217 accloy 641 accolade 894 accommodate suit 23 adjust 27 aid 707 reconcile 723 give 784 lend 787 -oneself to conform 82