
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

A A 1 273, 648 – at Lloyd’s 273 Aaronic 995 A. B. 269 abacist 85 aback 235 take – 508 abaction 791 abacus 85 Abaddon 978, 982 abaft 235 abalienate 783 abandon depart from 293a purpose 624property 782hope 859society 893 abandon lively 682 artless 703 abandoned neglected 460 forsaken 893 vicious 945 – farm 782 abandonment 757 abase depress 308 degrade 879 abased 886 abasement disrepute 874 servility 886 abash daunt 860 humiliate 879 abashed modest 881 abate lessen 36a price 813 abatement 36 – of differences 774 abatjour 260 abattis 717 abattoir 361 abat-voix 417 abba 166 abbacy 995 abbatial 995 abbatis 717 abbess 996 abbey 1000 abbot 996 abbreviation shortening 201 compendium 596 abbreviatory short 201 compendious 596 abbreviature 596 A B C beginning 66 teaching 537 letters 561 abdal fanatic 984 clergy 996 abderian 836 abdicant 757 abdicate – a throne 738 resign 757 abditory 530 abdomen 221, 250 abdominal 221, 250 abdominoscope 445 abdominous 194 abducent 289 abduct repel 289 take 789 steal 791 abduction 289 abductor 792 abecedarian teacher 540 learner 541 abecedary school 542 letter 561 aberdevine 366 aberrant exceptional 83 deviating 279 divergent 291 erroneous 495 aberration [see aberrant] variation 20a mental503 abet 707 abettor 711 abeyance extinction 2 suspense 142 expectation 507 in – 172 abeyant 526 abhor dislike 867 hate 898 abhorrence [see abhor] abhorrent painful 830 abide endure 1, 106 remain 110 continue 141, 143 dwell 186 quiet 265 expect 507by assent 488 observe 772 – with be composed 826 not – 867 abigail 746 abilities to the best of one’s- 686 ability power 157 skill 698 abiogenesis 161, 357 abirritate 834 abito 350 abject vile 874, 940 servile 886 – fear 862 abjunction 44 abjuratory 536, 757 abjure deny 536 renounce 607 resign 757 abkari 812 ablation subduction 38 taking 789 ablaze heat 382 light 420 able capable 157 skillful 698 – seaman 269 able-bodied 159 ablegate displace 185 depute 759 ablepsia 442 ablude 15 ablution 652 abnegation denial 536 refusal 764 forbearance 953 self – 942 abnormal 83 – mind 503 abnormalize 83 aboard present 186 ship 273 go – 293 abode 189 presage 511 take up one’s – settle 150 locate oneself 184 abodement 511 aboideau 350 abolish [see abolition] abolition destroy 162 abrogate 756 abolitionist 756 abolitionize 756 abomassum 191 abominable bad 649 foul 653 hateful 898 abominate dislike 867 hate 898 abomination 649 abord 894 aboriginal beginning 66 cause 153 aborigines 188 aborticide 361 abortion immaturity 674 failure 732 abound 639 about relative to 9 nearly 32 near 197 around 227 – it and about 573 – to 121 – to be 152 be – busy with 625 active 682 beat – 629 come – 658 get – public 531 recover 660 go – turn 311 going – news 532 put – turn round 283 round – 311 set – 676 turn – invert 218 what it is – 454 what one is – 625