
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

sinking heart – 837 – fund 802 sinless 946 sinned against more – than sinning 946 sinner 949 Sinn Fein 742 Sinn Feiner 710, 712, 742 sin offering 952 sinologist 492 sinuous 217, 248 sinus 252 sip small 32 drink 298 siphon 348, 350 sippet 298 sir man 373 title 877 – Oracle 887 sircar 745 sirdar 745 sire 166 siren sea nymph 341 musician 416 musical instrument 417 seducing 615 warning 668 alarm 669 evildoer 913 evil spirit 980 sorcerer 994 – strains 415 song of the -s 615 sirene musical instrument 417 siriasis 503 sirius 423 sirkar 745 sirloin 298 sirocco wind 349 heat 382 sirrah! 949 sirup 352, 396 siskin 366 sissy milksop 158 sister kin 11 likeness 17 nurse 662 celibacy 904 sisterhood party 712 friendship 888 frail – 962 sisterly 906 sisters, – three 601 weird – 994 Sisyphus task of – useless 645 difficult 704 (not complete 730) sit 308 hatch 370 – down settle 184 lie 213 stoop 308 – in judgment adjudge 480 jurisdiction 965 lawsuit 969 – on 215 – on thorns annoyance 828 fear 860 – up for 133 site 182, 183 sith circumstance 8 reason 476 sitting [see sit] incubation 673 convocation 696 – up late 133 work 686 sitting room 191 situation circumstances 8 place 183 location 184 business 625 out of a – 185 situs 183 sitz bath 386 Siva 976 six 98 – of one and half a dozen of the other 27 sixes and sevens at – disorder 59 discord 713 six-shooter 727 sixty 98 sizar 746 size magnitude 31 glue 45 arrange 60 dimensions 192 viscid 352 – up 480 sizz 409 sizzle 409 sjambok 975 skald 597 skate locomotion 266 vehicle 272 deterioration 659 skating 840 skating rink 840 skean 727 skean dhu 727 skedaddle 274, 623 skeel 191 skeesicks 949 skein 219 tangled – 59 skeletal 203 skeleton remains 40 essential part 50 thin 203 support 215 corpse 362 plan 626 reduced to a – 659 – in the closet bad 649 painful 830 skeptic agnostic 485, 984 skepticism thought 451 doubt 485 incredulity 487 irreligion 989 sketch delineate 230 form 240 represent 554 paint 556 describe 594 outline 626 sketcher 559 sketchy incomplete 53 feeble 575 unfinished 730 skew 217 skewbald 440 skewer 45 ski 225, 266, 272 skiagram 421, 554 skiagraph 421 skiagraphy shadow 421 representation 554, 556 skid support 215 hindrance 706 skies [see sky] exalt to the 873 praise to the – 933 skiff 273 skill 698 acquisition of – 539 game of – 840 skillet 191, 386 skillful 698 skim move 266 navigate 267 rapid 274 neglect 460 summarize 596 skimp 460 skin outside 220 tegument 223 peel 226 thief 792 mere – and bone 203 – a flint impossible 471 parsimony 819 – game 545 – over 660 wet to the – 339 with a whole – 670 without – 822 skin-deep shallow 32, 209 external 220 skinlike 223 skinned thick – 376 thin – 375 skinny thin 203 all skin 223 skip depart 293 jump 309 neglect 460 rejoice 838 (amusement 840) skipjack prosperous 734 lowborn 876 skipper sea captain 269 captain 745 skippet 191 skippingly 70 skirmish 720 skirmisher 726 skirt appendix 39 pendent 214 dress 225 surrounding 227 edge 231 side 236 woman 374 hang upon the -s of 281 on the -s of near 197 skirt-dance 840 skirting 231 skit ridicule 856 detraction 934 prostitute 962 skittish capricious 608 excitable 825 timid 862 bashful 881 skittles 840 skive 204 skulk hide 528 cowardly 862 skull 450 skullcap 225 skunk 366, 401 skunk cabbage 401 skurry 684 sky summit 210 world 318 air 338 sky-aspiring 865 sky-blue 438 skylark 305 skylarking 840 skylight 260 sky line 196 skyrocket 305 skyscraper 210 skyward 210, 305 slab layer 204 support 215 flat 251 puddle 343 viscous 352 record 551 slabber slaver 297 unclean 653