Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract RelationsSection VI. Time
3. Time with reference to an Effect or Purpose
133. Lateness.
DELAY, cunctation [rare] tarriance, moration [rare], delation [archaic], procrastination; deferring &c. v.; postponement, adjournment, prorogation, retardation, respite; protraction, prolongation; after-time; circumlocution office [ridicule], “circumlocution court” [Dickens], chancery suit, Fabian policy, médecine expectante [F.], moratorium; leeway; high time; truce, reprieve, demurrage; stop, stay, suspension, remand.
PUT OFF, defer, delay, lay over, suspend; shift off, stave off; waive, retard, remand, postpone, adjourn; procrastinate; dally; prolong, protract; spin out, draw out, lengthen out; prorogue; keep back; tide over; push to the last, drive to the last; let the matter stand over; table, lay on the table, shelve; respite [rare], perendinate [rare]; reserve (store) [See Store]; temporize, filibuster [U. S.], stall [slang]; consult one’s pillow, sleep upon it.
BE KEPT WAITING, dance attendance; kick one’s heels [colloq.], cool one’s heels [colloq.]; faire antichambre [F.]; wait impatiently; await (expect) [See Expectation]; sit up, sit up at night; lose an opportunity [See Intempestivity].
SLOWLY, leisurely, deliberately, at one’s leisure; ex post facto [L.]; sine die [L.].