
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

creeper 367 creeping sensation 380 – thing 366 creepy 380 creese 727 cremation of corpses 363 burning 384 crematorium 363 crematory 384 crème – de la crème 648 – de menthe 435 – glacée 298 Cremona 417 crenate 257 crenelate 257 crenelle 257 crenulate 257 creole 57 crêpe de Chine 635 crepitant 406 crepitation 406 crepuscle dawn 125 dusk 422 crepuscular 125 crescendo increase 35 musical 415 crescent increasing 35 street 189 curve 245 – shaped 253 crescive 35 cress 298 cresset signal 550 (luminary 423) crest climax 33 summit 210 pointed 253 tuft 256 sign 550 armorial 877 pride 878 crestate 253 crestfallen dejected 837 humble 879 cretaceous 430 crevasse 198, 667 crevice 198 crew assemblage 72 inhabitants 188 mariners 269 party 712 crib bed 215 translation 522, 539 steal 791 cribbage 840 cribbed confined 751 cribble 260 cribriform 260 Crichton, Admirable – scholar 492 perfect 650 proficient 700 crick pain 378 cricket insect 366 game 840 – ground level 213 cricketer 840 crier 534 send round the – 531 crim. con. 961 crime guilt 947 criminal vicious 945 culprit 949 malefactor 975 ( – conversation 961) – law 963 criminality 947 criminate 938 crimp crinkle 248 notch 257 brittle 328 deception 545 deceiver 548 take 789 steal 791 crimple 258 crimson color 434 feeling 821 cringe submit 725 servility 886 cringing servile 746 crinite 256 crinkle angle 244 convolution 248 ruffle 256 fold 258 crinoid 368 crinoline 225 cripple disable 158 weaken 160 injure 659 crippled disease 655 crisis conjuncture 8 contingency 43 present time 118 opportunity 134 event 151 strait 704 bring to a – 604 come to a – 729 crisp rumpled 248 rough 256 brittle 328 style 572 Crispin 225 crisscross 219, 840 criterion test 463 evidence 467 indication 550 crithomancy 511 critic judge 480 taste 850 detractor 936 and stand a – 480 critical contingent 8 opportune 134 discriminating 465 judicious 480 important 642 dangerous 665 difficult 704 censorious 932 nothing if not – 480 criticism judgment 480 dissertation 595 disapprobation 932 detraction 934 criticize discriminate 465 judge 480 disapprove 932 detract 934 critique [see criticism] discrimination 465 critter 271 croak cry 412 hoarseness 581 stammer 583 warning 668 discontent 832 lament 839 croaker 832, 837 Croat 726 crochet obstinacy 608 crock 191 crockery 384 crocodile 366, 913 crocodile tears 54 crocus yellow 436 Crœsus 803 croft 189, 232 cromlech 363 crone veteran 130 fool 501 crony friend 890 sociality 892 favorite 899 crook support 215 curve 245 deviation 279 thief 792 crooked sloping 217 distorted 243 angular 244 deviating 279 latent 526 crafty 702 ugly 846 dishonorable 940 – path 704 – stick discourtesy 895 – temper 901 – ways 279 croon 405 crop stomach 191 harvest 154 shorten 201 eat 298 store 636 gather 775 take 789 – out reproduce 163 visible 446 disclose 529 – up begin 66 take place 151 reproduction 163 second – fertile 168 profit 775 cropped fragmentary 51 cropper fall 306 croquet game 840 – ground level 213 croquette 298 crore 98 crosier 215, 999 cross mix 41 support 215 across 219 pass 302 interment 363 oppose 708 failure 732 disaster 735 refuse 764 vex 830 decoration 877 fretful 901 punishment 975 rites 998 – and pile 621 – debt 30 – fire interchange 148 difficulty 704 opposition 708 attack 716 – purposes contrary 14 disorder 59 error 495 misinterpret 523 unskillful 699 difficulty 704 opposition 708 discord 713 – questions inquiry 461 discord 713 game 840 – sea 348 – swords 722 – the mind 451 – the path of 706 – the Rubicon 609 fire – 722 red – 662 crossbar 219 crossbarred 219 crossbow 727 crossbreed 41, 83 crosscut 628 crossed 219 – bayonet 708 – in love 898 cross-examine 461 cross-eye 443 cross-grained rough 256 obstinate 606 irascible 901 sulky 901a crosshatch 259 crossing 219 – the bar death 360 crosspatch 895 crossroad 627 crossruff 314 cross-shaped 219