
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

sportsman 361, 622, 840 sportswoman 840 sportulary 784, 785 sportule 784 sporule 330 sposh 653 spot inextension 180a place 182 discover 480a mark 550 dirt 653 blemish 848 blot 874 (decoloration 429) (sully 846) (disgrace 940) on the – instantly 113 present time 118 soon 132 in one’s presence 186 spotless perfect 650 clean 652 innocent 946 (beautiful 845) spotlight 423, 550, 599 spotted variegated 440 damaged 659 ugly 846 spotter aviator 269a spousal 903 spouse companion 88 married 903 spouseless 904 spout egress 295 flow out 348 conduit 350 speak 582 act 599 pawn 771 (lend 787) sprag 633 sprain powerless 158 weak 160 sprat – to catch a herring barter 794 – to catch a whale bungling 699 sprawl length 200 horizontal 213 descend 306 spray sprig 51 atomizer 336 foam 353 foliage 367 flowers 400 spread enlarge 35 disperse 73 universalize 78 expanse 180 expand 194 diverge 291 meal 298 publish 531 – abroad 531 – a shade 421 – canvas 267 – out 194 – sail 267 – the toils 545 – to 196 spread-eagle 884 spree 840 sprig branch 51 infant 129 sprightly cheerful 836 witty 842 spring early 125 source 153 strength 159 velocity 274 recoil 277 fly 293 leap 309 elasticity 325 rivulet 348 instrument 633 store 636 remedy 662 – a leak imperfect 651 damage 659 – a mine destroy 162 unexpected 508 attack 716 – a project 626 – back 277 – from 154 – of life 131 -s of action 615 – tide flood 31, 35, 52 high 206 water 337 wave 348 (abundance 639) – to one’s feet 307 – up begin 66 event 151 grow 194 ascend 305 visible 446 – upon 508, 789 spring balance 319 springe 545 Springfield rifle 727 spring gun 545, 667 springle 545 spring-net 545 springtide youth 127 springy 325 sprinkle add 37 mix 41 scatter 73 wet 337, 348 variegate 440 baptize 998 sprinkler 337 sprinkling small quantity 32 sprint 274 sprit sprout 167 support 215 sprite good spirit 979 demon 980 sprout grow 35, 365 offspring 167 expand 194 – from result 154 spruce tree 367 neat 652 beautiful 845 – up 652, 847 sprue 653 sprung imperfect 651 damaged 659 spry active 682 cheerful 836 (skillful 698) spud 272 spume 353 spunk 861 spun out long time 110 diffuse style 573 spur pointed 250 sharp 253a horse 370 incite 615 quicken 684 on the – of the moment instantly 113 now 118 soon 132 opportune 134 impulse 612 win -s succeed 731 glory 873 spurious erroneous 495 false 544 deceptive 545 illegitimate 925 spurn reject 610 disdain 930 spurred 253 spurt transient 111 swift 274 gush 348 impulse 612 haste 684 exertion 686 spurtle 73 sputum 299 sputter emit 297 splash 348 stammer 583 spy see 441 spectator 444 inquire 461 informer 527 emissary 534 scout 664 warning 668 spyglass 445 squab large 192 short 201 broad 202 bench 215 nestling 298 squabble 713 squad assemblage 72 soldiers 726 squadron fighters 726 (crowd 72) (ships 273) squalid dirty 653 unsightly 846 squall violent 173 wind 349 cry 411 quarrel 713 squalor 653 squamate 223 squamiferous 223 squamous layer 204 skin 223 squander waste 638 misuse 679 lose 776 prodigal 818 squandering 776 squantum 840 square congruous 23 compensate 30 four 95 place 182 houses 189 perpendicular 212 form 244 measure 466 sparring 720 justice 924 honorable 939 make all – 660 on the – 939 – accounts pay 807 account 811 put a – thing into a round hole 699 – deal 922 – inches 180 – piano 417 – the circle 471 – up 556 – with 23 – yards 180 square-toes 857 squash destroy 162 flatten 251 blow 276 fruit 298 soft 324 marsh 345 semiliquid 352 pulpiness 354 hiss 409 – pie 298 squashy 345, 352 squat locate oneself 184 little 193 short 201 thick 202 low 207 sit 308 (ugly 846) squatter 188 squaw woman 374 wife 903 squeak human cry 411 animal cry 412 disclosure 529 (weep 839) squeal [see squeak] squealer 532, 941 squeamish unwilling 603 sick 655 fastidious 868 (censorious 932)