
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

perversion sophistry 477 misinterpretation 523 misteaching 538 falsehood 544 untruth 546 injury 659 impiety 988 perversity [see perverse] pervert [see perversion] convert 144 recant 607 perverted in error 495 pervestigation 461 pervicacious 606 pervigilium 682 pervious 260, 295 pessimism overrate 482 underrate 483 dejection 837 hopeless 859 pessimist 482, 862, 859 pessimize 549, 934 pessomancy 511 pest bane 663 painfulness 830 pester 830 pesthouse 662 pestiferous 657 pestilence 655 pestle 330 pet love 897 favorite 899 anger 900 fondle 902 flatter 933 petal 367 petard 727 hoist on one’s own – retaliation 718 failure 732 Peter pence 784 petiole 367 petition ask 765 pray 990 petitioner 767 petitio principii 477 petit maitre 854 petname 565 petrel warning 668 petrify dense 321 hard 323 organization 357 freeze 385 thrill 824 affright 860 astonish 870 petrol 356 petroleum 356 pétroleur 384 petrology 358 petronel 727 petticoat dress 225 woman 374 – government 737 pettifogger 968 pettifogging sophistry 477 dishonorable 940 pettish 901 petty shallow 32 little 193 unimportant 643 – cash 800, 811 – cashbook 551 – larceny 791 – sessions 966 – treason 742 petulance insolence 885 irascibility 901 petulant – language 574 pew cell 191 church 1000 pewter 41 phaeton 272 Phaëthon 306, 423 phalansterism 910 phalanx party 712 army 726 (assemblage 72) phantasm illusion 443 appearance 448 imagination 515 phantasmagoria 448 phantasy idea 453 imagination 515 phantom unreal 4 corpse 362 fallacy of vision 443 imaginary 515 specter 980a pharisaical falsehood 544 false piety 988 Pharisee deceiver 548 pietist 988 pharmaceutist 662 pharmacology 662 pharmacopœia 662 pharmacopolist 662 pharmacy 662 pharos 550 phase aspect 8 transition 144 form 240 appearance 448 assume a new – 144 have many -s 149 view in all its -s 461 phasis 448 phasma 443 pheasant 298 phenix [see phœnix] phenomenon event 151 appearance 448 prodigy 872 phial 191 [see vial] Phidias 559 philander 902 philanderer 902 philanthropical 906, 910 philanthropy 910 philippic 932 Philistine conformity 82 unintellectual 491 bourgeois 876 philologist 492 philologize 562 philology 560 philomath 492 philomel 416 philosopher intellect 450 scholar 492 sage 500 -’s stone 650 philosophical thoughtful 451 calm 826 – unitarianism 984 philosophy intellect 450 thought 451 knowledge 490 calmness 826 moral – 450 – of the mind 450 philter 993 phiz face 234 look 448 phlebotomy ejection 297 remedy 662 phlegm viscid 352 insensibility 823 phlegmatic dull 32 slow 275 indifferent 866 phlogiston 382 pho! 497 Phœbe 318 Phœbus sun 318 luminary 423 phœnix exception 83 reproduction 163 paragon 650 restoration 660 phone telephone 534 phonetic sound 402 tonic 561 voice 580 speech 582 – spelling 561 phonetics 560, 561 phonic 402, 418 phonics 402 phonocamptic 402 phonograph 417, 418, 551 phonography sound 402 letter 561 writing 590 phonorganon 418 phosphorescence light 420 luminary 423 phosphorus 423 photics 420 photodrama 448 photogenic 420 photograph like 17 picture 556 photographer 445 photography light 420 optical instruments 445 representation 554 painting 556 photogravure 558 photolithograph 558 photolithography 420 photology 420 photometer light 420 optical instrument 445, 466 photometry 420 photomicrography 420 photophony 402 photoplay 448 photospectroheliography 554 photosphere 318 phototelegraphy 420 phototherapy 420 phragma 228 phrase music 413 language 566 phrasemonger 577 phraseology 569 phrenetic deranged 503 madman 504 phrenitis 503 phrenologist 448 phrenology 448, 450 phrensy imagination 515 passion 825 Phryne 962 phthiriasis 653 phthisis 655 phthisozoics 361 phylacteric sorcery 992 phylactery maxim 496 spell 993 phyletic 166 phylogeny 161, 357 phylum 75 physic cure 660 remedy 662 throw – to the dogs 662 physical 316, 542 – culture 845 – drill 537 – education material 316 teaching 537 – force strength 159 compulsion 744 – pain 378 – pleasure 377 – science 316 physician 662, 695 physicism 316 physics 316 physiogeny 161 physiognomy face 234 appearance 448 interpret 522 physiology organization 357 life 359 vegetable – 369