
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

apozemial 384 appal pain 830 terrify 860 appanage property 780 gift 784 apparatus 633 apparel 225 apparent visible 446 appearing 448 probable 472 manifest 525 heir – 779 apparition shade 362 fallacy of vision 443 spirit 980a psychical research 992a (appearance 448) apparitor precursor 64 messenger 534 appeach 938 appeal address 586 request 765 – motion 969 – to call to witness 467 – to arms 722 – to for (claim) 924 court of – 966 appear come in sight 446 show itself 525 (come into being 1) – for 759 – in print 591 appearance 448 make one’s – arrive 292 to all – to the eye 448 probable 472 appearances keep up – 852 appease 174 appellant claimant 924 appellate 966 appellation 564 append add 37 sequence 63 hang 214 appendage addition 37 adjunct 39 accompaniment 88 rear 235 appendicitis 655 appendix 65, 67 apperception 450, 490 appercipient 450 appertain related to 9 component 56 belong 777 property 780 appetence 865 appetency 602 appetite 865 tickle the – savory 394 appetitive 865 appetizer 393, 394 appetizing 865 exciting 824 applaud 931 applause 931 apple 298, 369 – brandy 959 – butter 396 – dumpling 298 – fritters 298 – jack 959 – of discord 713 – of one’s eye good 648 love 897 favorite 899 – pie 298 – slump 298 golden – allurement 615 apple green 435 apple-pie order 58 appliance use 677 -s means 632 machinery 633 applicable revelant 9, 23 useful 644 expedient 646 applicant 767 application study 457 metaphor 521 use 677 request 765 apply appropriate 788 – a match 384 – the mind 457 – a remedy 662 appoggiato 413 appoggiatura 413 appoint prescribe 741 assign 786 appointment business 625 order 741 charge 755 assignment 786 interview 892 appointments gear 633 apportion arrange 60 disperse 73 allot 786 (portion 51) apportionment 786 apposition relation 9 relevancy 23 closeness 199 paraphrase 522 appraise estimate 466 value 812 appreciate realize 450, 451 measure 466 judge 480 know 490 taste 850 approve 931 apprehend believe 484 know 490 fear 860 seize 969 apprehension idea 453 taking 789 apprehensive 860 apprentice 541 servant 746 – oneself 676 apprenticeship learning 539 training 673 apprize 527 apprized of 490 approach of time 121 impend 152 nearness 197 move 286 path 627 approbation 931 appropinquation 286 appropinquity 197 appropriate fit 23 peculiar 79 possess 777 assign 786 borrow 788 take 789 steal 791 (expedient 646) appropriation allotment 786 taking 789 stealing 791 approval assent 488 commend 931 approve 488, 931 approximate related to 9 resemble 17 in mathematics 85 nearness 197 approach 286 appulse meeting 199 collision 276 approach 286 converge 290 appulsion 199, 276 appurtenance adjunct 88 component 56 belonging 780 (part 51) appurtenant relating 9 apricot fruit 298 color 439 April – fool dupe 547 laughingstock 857 – showers 149 make an – fool of 545 a priori reasoning 476 apron clothing 39, 225 defense 717 canonicals 999 à propos relative 9 apt 23 occasion 134 (expedient 646) apse 1000 apt consonant 23 tendency 176, 177 docile 539 willing 602 clever 698 (intelligent 498) (expedient 646) aqua 337 – fortis 384 – regia 384 aquamarine 435, 438 aquarium 370, 636 Aquarius rain 348 aquatic 267, 337 aquatics 267 aquatinta 558 aquatist 558 aqueduct 350 aqueous 337 aquiline 244 A. R. 106 Arab wanderer 268 horse 271 araba 272 arabesque 847 Arabian – nights 515 – perfumes 400 arable 371 arado 780 arbiter critic 480 director 694 adviser 695 judge 967 – bibendi 840 – elegantiarum revels 840 taste 850 fashion 852 arbitrament judgment 480 (choice 609) – of the sword 722 arbitrary without relation 10 irregular 83 willful 606 capricious 608 authoritative 737 severe 739 insolent 885 lawless 964 – power 739 arbitrate adjudicate 480 mediate 724 arbitration concord 714 compromise 774 court of – 966 submit to – 774 arbitrator 724 arbor abode 189 summerhouse 191 support 215 rotation 312 plaisance 840 Arbor Day 840 arboreal 367 arborescent ramifying 242 rough 256 trees 367 arboriculture 371 arboriform 242 arc 245