
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

arcade street 189 curve 245 gateway 260 Arcadia pleasure 827 paradise 981 Arcadian pastoral 371 artless 703 innocent 946 arcanum 533 arch great 31 support 215 curve 245 convex 250 concave 252 clever 498 cunning 702 triumphal – trophy 733 celebration 883 archæologist antiquary 122 scholar 492 archæology 122 archaic old 124 archaism past times 122 obsolete phrase 563 archangel 977 archbishop 996 archbishopric 995 archdeacon 996 archduchy 181 archduke 745 archdukedom 180 archebiosis 161 arched roof 245 archenemy, the – 978 archer 726, 840 archery 840 Arches, court of – tribunal 966 churchdom 995 archetypal 20 archetype 22, 453 Archeus 359 archfiend 978 archiater 695 archiepiscopal 995 archigenesis 161, 357 archipelago 346 architect constructor 164 agent 690 architectonic 161 architecture arrangement 60 construction 161 fabric 329 ornament 847 architrave 210 archive 551 archlute 417 archon ruler 745 deputy 759 judge 967 archtraitor 941 arclike 245 arctic northern 237 cold 383 arctics 225 arcuation 245 ardent fiery 382 eager 682 feeling 821 loving 897 – expectation 507 – imagination 515 ardor vigor 574 activity 682 feeling 821 desire 865 arduous 704 area 181, 182 arefaction 340 arefy 340 arena space 180 region 181 field of view 441 field of battle 728 arenaceous 330 arenosity 330 areola 247 areolar 219 areometer 321 Areopagus 966 ares 180 arescent 340 aretaics 944 arête 253 aretology 926, 944 Argand lamp 423 argent 430 argentine 430 argil 324 argillaceous 324 argol 653 argosy 273 argot 563 argue evidence 467 reason 476 indicate 550 argufy 476 argument topic 454 discussion 476 meaning 516 have the best of an – 478 Argus-eyed sight 441 vigilant 459 argute 498 aria composition 54 music 415 Arianism 984 arid unproductive 169 dry 340 uninteresting 841 Ariel courier 268 swift 274 messenger 534 spirit 979 arietation 276 arietta 415 aright well 618 (skillful 698) ariolation 511 ariose 413, 415 arise exist 1 begin 66 happen 151 mount 305 appear 446 – from 154 aristate 253 aristocracy power 737 nobility 875 aristocrat 875 aristocratic 852 Aristotelian 476 Aristotelianism 451 arithmancy 511 arithmetic 85 ark abode 189 asylum 666 boat 273 arm part 51 power 157 instrument 633 provide 637 prepare 673 war 722 weapon 727 – in arm together 88 friends 888 sociable 892 – of the law 963 – of the sea 343 make a long – 200 armada 726 armadillo 366 Armageddon 361, 720 armament preparation 673 arms 727 armchair 215 armed defence 717 – at all points 673 – force 664, 726 armet 717 armful 25 armiger 875 armigerous 722 armillary sphere 466 armipotent 157 armistice cessation 142 deliverance 672 pacification 723 armless 158 armlet ring 247 gulf 343 armor defense 717 arms 727 buckle on one’s – 673 armorial 550 armor-plated 223 armory assembly 189 store 636 workshop 691 arms 727 [see arm] heraldry 550 war 722 honors 877 clash of – 720 deeds of – 720 in – infant 129 under – 722 up in – active 682 discord 713 resistance 719 resentment 900 enmity 889 arm’s length at – 196 keep at – repel 289 defense 717 enmity 889 seclusion 893 discourtesy 895 Armstrong gun 727 army collection 72 multitude 102 troops 726 – list 86 arnica 662 aroint begone 297 malediction 908 aroma 400 aromatize 400 around 227 lie – 220 arouse move 615 excite 824 – oneself 682 arpeggio 413 arpent 180, 200 arquebus 727 arquebusade 662 arraign accuse 938 indict 969 arrange set in order 60 organize 357 plan 626 compromise 774 (prepare 673) – in a series 69 – itself 58 – matters pacify 723 – music 416 – under 76 arrangement [see arrange] painting 556 temporary111 arrant identical 31 manifest 525 notorious 531 bad 649 disreputable 874 base 940 arras 847 arrastra 330 array order 58 arrangement 60 series 69 assemblage 72 multitude 102 dress 225 prepare 673 adorn 847 ostentation 882 battle – 722 arrear, in – incomplete 53 nonpayment 808 arrears debt 806 arrest stop 142 restrain 751 in law 969 – the attention 457 arrière pensée afterthought 65 mental reservation 528 motive 615 set purpose 620