
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

obnubilated 422 oboe 417 obovate 247 obreption 528, 775 obscene dirty 653 indecent 961 obscure dark 421 dim 422 unseen 447 uncertain 475 unintelligible 519 eclipse 874 ignoble 876 obscurity [see obscure] unsubstantiality 4 latency 526 style 571 obsecration 765 obsecratory 765 obsequies 363 obsequious servile 746, 886 courteous 894 respectful 928 obsequiousness 933 observance rule 82 attention 457 habit 613 practice 692 fulfillment 772 duty 926 rite 998 Observant friar 996 observation intellect 450 idea 453 attention 457 assertion 535 observatory 318 observe [see observance, observation] – a duty 926 – rules 82 observer aviator 269a spectator 444 obsess haunt 860 bedevil 978 sorcery 992 obsession [see obsess] siege 716 obsidional 716 obsolescence 614 obsolescent 563 obsolete old 124 words 563 effete 645 obstacle moral706 (physical179) obstetrician 631 obstetrics production 161 surgery 662 obstinacy 606 prejudice 481 obstipation 261 obstreperous violent 173 loud 404 obstruct close 261 hinder 706 – the passage of light 426 obstructionist 710 obstructive opponent 710 obstruent 706 obstupefaction 823 obtain exist 1 get 775 – under false pretense 791 obtainable 470 obtenebration 421 obtestation entreaty 765 obtrectation 934 obtrude interfere 228 insert 300 meddle 682 (obstruct 706) obtruncate 201 obtrusion interference 228 obstruction 706 obtrusive interfering 228 vulgar 851 rude 895 obtund mitigate 174 blunt 254 deaden 376 paralyze 823 obtundent 823 obtundity 823 obtuse blunt 253 insensible 376 imbecile 499 dull 823 – angle 244 obumbrate 421 obverse 234 obviate 706 obvious visible 446 clear 518 manifest 525 ocarina 417 occasion juncture 8 opportunity 134 cause 153 befit the – 646 have – for 630 on the present – 118 on the spur of – 612 occasional 134, 475 occasionally 136 Occident 236 occiput 235 occision 361 occlusion 261 occult unintelligible 519 latent 526 hidden 528 – art 992 occultation disappearance 449 concealment 528 occultism latency 526 concealment 528 heterodoxy 984 psychic 992a occupancy presence 186 possession 777 (property 780) – in common 778 occupant inhabitant 188 proprietor 779 occupation business 625 in the – of 188 – road 627 occupied 682 – by 188 – with attention 457 business 625 occupier dweller 188 possessor 779 occupy presence 186 possess 777 – a post 737 – oneself with attend 457 business 625 – the chair 693 – the mind thought 451 attention 457 – time 106 occur exist 1 follow 117 happen 151 – in a place 186 – to the mind 451 occurrence 151 circumstance 8 of daily – 613 occursion 276 ocean 341 – basin 341 – greyhound 273 – lane 341 – of dreams 4 plow the – 267 ocean-going 273 oceanography 341 Oceanus 341 ocelot 440 ocher brown 433 orange 439 yellow – 436 ocherous 436, 439 ochlocracy 738 o’clock 114 know what’s – 698 octad 193 octagon 98, 244 octahedron 244 octangular 98 octastyle 98 Octateuch 985 octave eight 98 period 108 music 413 poetry 597 octave 98, 593 octennial 138 octodecimo 593 octogenarian 130 octonary 98 octopus mollusk 366, 368 monster 846, 913 octoroon 41 octroi 812 octuple 98 ocular 441 – demonstration see 441 visible 446 – inspection 441 oculist 662 odalisque 746 odd remaining 40 exception 83 single 87 insane 503 vulgar 851 ridiculous 853 – fish 857 Odd Fellows 712 oddity laughingstock 857 oddments 51 odds inequality 28 chance 156 discord 713 at – disagreement 24 discord 713 long – 704 – against one 665 – and ends remainder 40 mixture 41 part 51 useless 645 the – are 472 what’s the – 643 ode 597 od force 992 Odin 979 odious disagreeable 830 ugly 846 hateful 898 odi profanum vulgus 878 odium disgrace 874 hatred 898 blame 932 odium theologicum pedantry 481 pietism 988 church 995 odograph 200 odometer 200 odontalgia 378 odontoid prominent 250 sharp 253 odor 398 in bad – 932 – of sanctity 987 O. D. shirt 225 odylic force 992 œcology 357 œcumenical 78 œdematous swollen 194 soft 324 Œdipus answer 462 expounder 524 Davus sum non – 703