Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume I: January. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
Alphabetic Index to All Saints
- St. Aaron, Abbot in Brittany
- St. Abban, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Abdas, Bishop of Cascar
- St. Abdjesus, or Hebedjesus, Bishop and Martyr
- SS. Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs
- St. Abraames, Bishop of Carres
- St. Abraamius, Bishop of Arbela, Martyr
- St. Abraham, Hermit
- St. Acacius, or Achates, Bishop of Antioch, in Asia Minor, Confessor
- SS. Acepsimas, Bishop; Joseph, Priest; and Aithilahas, Deacon, Martyrs
- SS. Acius and Acheolus, Martyrs of Amiens
- St. Adalard, or Adelard, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Adalbert, Bishop of Prague, Martyr
- St. Adamnan of Ireland, Abbot
- St. Adelbert, Confessor
- St. Adhelm, or Aldhelm, Bishop
- St. Ado, Archbishop of Vienne, Confessor
- SS. Adrian and Eubulus, of Palestine, Martyrs
- St. Adrian, Abbot at Canterbury
- St. Adrian, Bishop of St. Andrews in Scotland, Martyr
- St. Adrian, Martyr
- St. Ædesius, Martyr
- St. Aelred, Abbot in England
- St. Ængus, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Afra and Companions, Martyrs
- SS. Agape, Chionia, and Irene, Sisters, and Their Companions, Martyrs
- St. Agapetus, Martyr
- St. Agapetus, Pope and Confessor
- St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Agathangelus, Martyr
- St. Agatho, Pope
- St. Agilus, or Aile, Abbot
- St. Agnes of Monte Pulciano, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
- SS. Agoard and Aglibert, Martyrs in the Diocess of Paris
- St. Aicard, or Achart, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Aid, of Eacharaidh
- St. Aidan, or Ædan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Confessor
- St. Ajutre, or Adjutor, Confessor
- St. Alban, Protomartyr of Britain
- B. Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem
- St. Albert, Recluse
- St. Albeus, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
- St. Albinus, Bishop of Angers, Confessor
- SS. Alchmund and Tilberht, Bishops and Confessors
- St. Alcmund, Martyr
- Life and Writings of Alcuin, Deacon of York
- St. Aldegondes, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Aldric, Bishop of Mans, Confessor
- St. Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem, Martyr
- St. Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, Confessor
- St. Alexander, Pope and Martyr
- St. Alexius, Confessor
- St. Alice, or Adelaide, Empress
- St. Alice, or Adelaide, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Alipius, Bishop and Confessor
- All Saints
- All Souls; or, the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
- St. Almachus, or Telemachus, Martyr
- St. Alnoth, Anchoret and Martyr
- St. Aloysius or Lewis Gonzaga, Confessor
- SS. Alphæus and Zachæus; Also Romanus and Barulas, Martyrs
- St. Alphonsus Turibius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Alto of Ireland, Abbot
- St. Amand, Bishop of Bourdeaux
- St. Amandus, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Amator, Bishop of Auxerre, Confessor
- St. Amatus, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Amatus, or Amé, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Ambrose, Bishop and Confessor, Doctor of the Church
- St. Ammon, Hermit
- St. Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, Confessor
- St. Anacletus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Anastasia, Martyr
- St. Anastasius I., Patriarch of Antioch
- St. Anastasius the Sinaite, Anchoret
- St. Anastasius, Martyr
- St. Anastasius, Pope and Confessor
- St. Anastasius, Surnamed the Younger, Patriarch of Antioch, Martyr
- St. Andeolus, Martyr
- St. Andrew Avellino, Confessor
- St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Andrew of Crete, Martyr
- St. Andrew of Ireland, Deacon and Confessor
- St. Andrew, Apostle
- St. Angelus, Carmelite Friar, Martyr
- St. Anian, or Agnan, Bishop of Orleans, Confessor
- St. Anianus, Second Bishop of Alexandria
- St. Anicetus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin
- St. Anno, Archbishop of Cologne, Confessor
- The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Ansbert, Archbishop of Rouen in 695, Confessor
- St. Anscharius, Archbishop of Hamburg and Bremen, Confessor
- St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
- St. Anselm, Bishop of Lucca, Confessor
- St. Anstrudis or Austru, Virgin and Abbess at Laon
- St. Anterus, Pope
- St. Anthelm, Bishop of Bellay, Confessor
- St. Anthimus, Bishop, and Many Other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
- St. Antipas, Martyr
- St. Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence, Confessor
- St. Antony Cauleas, Patriarch of Constantinople, Confessor
- St. Antony of Padua, Confessor
- St. Antony, Abbot, Patriarch of Monks
- SS. Antony, John, and Eustachius, Martyrs
- St. Anysia, Martyr
- St. Aper, or Evre, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Aphraates, Anchoret
- St. Apian, Martyr
- St. Apollinaris Sidonius, Bishop of Clermont, Confessor
- St. Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna, Martyr
- St. Apollinaris, the Apologist, Bishop
- St. Apollo, Abbot in Thebais
- St. Apollonia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Apollonius the Apologist, Martyr
- SS. Apollonius, Philemon, &c., Martyrs
- The Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel
- St. Arbogastus, Bishop of Strasburg, Confessor
- St. Arcadius, Martyr
- SS. Armogastes, Archinimus, and Saturus, Martyrs
- St. Arnoul, Bishop of Metz, Confessor
- St. Arnoul, Martyr
- St. Arnoul, or Arnulphus, Bishop of Soissons, Confessor
- St. Arsenius, Anchoret of Sceté
- St. Artemius, Martyr
- St. Asaph, Bishop and Confessor
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Asterius, Bishop of Amasea in Pontus, Father of the Church
- St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church
- St. Attracta, or Tarahata, Virgin, in Ireland
- St. Aubert, Bishop of Cambray and Arras, Confessor
- St. Augulus, Bishop in England, and Martyr
- St. Augustine, Apostle of the English, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Augustine, Bishop and Confessor, Doctor of the Church
- St. Aunaire, Bishop of Auxerre
- St. Aurea, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Aurelian, Archbishop of Arles, Confessor
- St. Aurelius, Bishop of Carthage, Confessor
- St. Austremonius, Confessor
- St. Auxentius, Hermit
- St. Avertin, Confessor
- St. Avitus, Archbishop of Vienne, Confessor
- St. Avitus, or Avy, Abbot, near Orleans
- SS. Azades, Tharba, and Many Others, Martyrs in Persia
- St. Babolen, Abbot
- St. Babylas, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr
- St. Bademus, Abbot, Martyr
- St. Bain, Bishop of Terouanne
- St. Baldrede, Bishop of Glasgow, Confessor
- St. Baradat, Confessor
- St. Barbara, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Barbasceminus and Sixteen of His Clergy, Martyrs
- St. Barbatus, or Barbas, Bishop of Benevento, Confessor
- St. Barhadbesciabas, Deacon, Martyr
- St. Barlaam, Martyr
- St. Barnabas, Apostle
- St. Barr, or Finbarr, First Bishop of Cork, Confessor
- St. Barsabias, Abbot, and His Companions, Martyrs, in Persia
- St. Barsanuphius, Anchoret
- St. Barsimæus, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Bartholomew, Apostle
- St. Bartholomew
- St. Basil of Ancyra, Priest and Martyr
- St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Cæsarea, Confessor
- SS. Basilides, Quirinus or Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius, Martyrs
- St. Basiliscus, Bishop of Comana in Pontius, Martyr
- SS. Basilissa and Anastasia, Martyrs
- St. Bathildes, Queen of France
- St. Bavo, Anchoret, Patron of Ghent
- St. Beanus, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Becan, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Bede, Confessor and Father of the Church
- St. Bega, or Bees, of Ireland, Virgin
- St. Begga, Widow and Abbess
- St. Benedict Biscop, Abbot
- St. Benedict II., Pope and Confessor
- St. Benedict of Anian, Abbot
- St. Benedict XI., Pope and Confessor
- St. Benedict, Abbot
- St. Benezet, or Little Bennet, Patron of Avignon
- St. Benignus, or Binen, Bishop
- St. Benignus, Priest and Martyr
- St. Benjamin, Deacon, Martyr
- St. Bernard Ptolemy, Founder of the Olivetans
- St. Bernard, Abbot
- St. Bernard, Bishop of Hildesheim, Confessor
- B. Bernard of Menthon, Confessor
- St. Bernardin of Sienna, Confessor
- St. Bertha, Widow, Abbess of Blangy in Artois
- St. Bertille, Abbess of Chelles
- St. Bertin, Abbot
- St. Bertran, Bishop of Mans
- St. Bettelin, Hermit and Confessor
- St. Beuno, or Beunor, Abbot of Clynnog, in Caernarvonshire, Confessor
- St. Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Birinus, First Bishop of Dorcester, Confessor
- St. Blaan of Ireland, Bishop
- St. Blaithmaic, Native of Ireland, Abbot of Hij, in Scotland
- St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Bobo, Confessor
- St. Boisil, Prior of Mailross, or Melross, Confessor
- St. Bolcan, Abbot in Ireland
- SS. Bona, or Beuve, and Doda, Virgins and Abbesses
- St. Bonaventure, Cardinal, Bishop, and Doctor of the Church
- St. Boniface I., Pope and Confessor
- St. Boniface, Archbishop and Martyr
- St. Boniface, Archbishop of Mentz, Apostle of Germany and Martyr
- St. Boniface, Bishop of Ross, in Scotland, Confessor
- St. Boniface, Martyr
- St. Bonitus, Bishop of Auvergne, Confessor
- SS. Bonosus and Maximilian, Martyrs
- St. Botulph, Abbot
- St. Braulio, Bishop of Saragossa, Confessor
- St. Breaca, Now Breague, Virgin, of Ireland
- St. Brendan the Elder, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Brice, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Bridget of Sweden, Widow
- St. Bridgit, or Bridget, Virgin and Abbess, Patroness of Ireland
- St. Brieuc, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Brinstan, Bishop of Winchester
- St. Brithwald, Archbishop of Canterbury
- St. Bronacha, or Bronanna, Virgin and Abbess in Ireland
- St. Bruno, Bishop of Segni, Confessor
- St. Bruno, Confessor, Founder of the Carthusians
- St. Brynoth I., Bishop of Scara, in Sweden, Confessor
- St. Burckard, First Bishop of Wurtzburg, Confessor
- St. Burian, an Irish Woman
- St. Cadocus, or Cadoc, Abbot in Wales
- St. Cadroe, Confessor
- St. Cæsarius, Archbishop of Arles, Confessor
- St. Cæsarius, Martyr
- St. Cæsarius, Physician, Confessor
- St. Caius, Pope and Martyr
- St. Cajetan of Thienna, Confessor
- St. Calais, Abbot
- St. Calixtus, or Callistus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Camillus de Lellis, Confessor
- St. Cammin, Abbot
- St. Canicus, or Kenny, Abbot in Ireland
- SS. Cantius and Cantianus, Brothers, and Cantianilla, Their Sister, Martyrs
- St. Canut
- St. Canutus, King of Denmark, Martyr
- St. Caprais, Abbot
- St. Caradoc, Priest and Hermit
- St. Caraunus, or Caranus and Caro, in French Cheron, Martyr
- SS. Carpus, Bishop of Thyatira, in Asia Minor, Papylus, His Deacon, and Agathodorus Their Servant, Martyrs
- St. Carthagh, or Mochudu, Bishop of Lismore
- St. Casimir, Prince of Poland
- St. Cassian, Martyr
- SS. Castus and Æmilius, Martyrs
- St. Cataldus, Bishop of Tarentum, in Italy
- St. Cathan, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Catharine de Ricci, Virgin
- St. Catharine of Sienna, Virgin
- St. Catharine of Sweden, Virgin
- St. Catharine, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Catherine of Genoa, Widow
- St. Catherine, of Bologna, Virgin and Abbess of the Poor Clares in That City
- St. Ceada, or Chad, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Cecilius, Confessor
- St. Cecily, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Cedd, Bishop of London
- St. Celestine, Pope and Confessor
- St. Celsus, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Ceolfrid, Abbot
- St. Ceslas, Confessor
- B. Charlemagne, Emperor
- St. Charles Borromeo, Cardinal, Archbishop of Milan, Confessor
- St. Charles the Good, Earl of Flanders, Martyr
- St. Chef, Abbot
- St. Chillen, or Killian, of Ireland, Priest
- St. Christina, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Christopher, Martyr
- St. Chrodegang, Bishop of Metz, Confessor
- SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs
- St. Chrysogonus, Martyr
- St. Chuniald, or Conald, of Ireland, Priest
- St. Cianan, or Kenan, Bishop of Duleek, in Ireland
- The Circumcision of Our Lord
- St. Clare of Monte Falco, Virgin
- St. Clare, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Clarus, Martyr
- St. Claude, Archbishop of Besançon, Confessor
- SS. Claudius, Asterius, Neon, Domnina, and Theonilla, Martyrs
- St. Clement of Alexandria, Father of the Church
- St. Clement of Ancyra, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Clement, Pope and Martyr
- SS. Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes and Martyrs
- St. Clotildis or Clotilda, Queen of France
- St. Clou, or Clodulphus, Bishop of Metz, Confessor
- St. Cloud, Confessor
- St. Coemgen, or Keivin, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
- B. Colette, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Colman Elo, Abbot and Confessor in Ireland
- St. Colman of Ireland, Martyr
- St. Colman, Bishop of Dromore, Confessor
- St. Columba, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Columba, or Columkille, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Columba, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Columba, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Columban of Ireland, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Comgall, Abbot in Ireland
- Commemoration of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Conall, Abbot in Ireland
- The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Concordius, Martyr
- St. Congall, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Conon and His Son, Martyrs of Iconia
- St. Conon, Bishop of the Isle of Man
- St. Conrad, Bishop of Constance, Confessor
- St. Conran, Bishop of Orkney, Confessor
- St. Constant, Priest in Ireland
- St. Constantine, Martyr
- B. Constantine II., King of Scotland, Martyr
- St. Corbinian, Bishop of Frisingen, Confessor
- St. Corentin, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Cormac, Bishop of Cashel and King of Munster in Ireland
- St. Cornelius, Pope and Martyr
- SS. Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs
- SS. Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs
- St. Crispina, Martyr
- St. Cronan, Abbot of Roscrea, in Ireland
- St. Cucufas, Martyr in Spain
- St. Cumin, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Cunegundes, Empress
- St. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Confessor
- The Translation of St. Cuthbert
- St. Cuthburge, Queen, Virgin, and Abbess
- St. Cuthman, in England, Confessor
- St. Cybar, a Recluse at Angouleme
- SS. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs
- St. Cyprian, Archbishop of Carthage, Martyr
- SS. Cyriacus, Largus, Smaragdus, and Their Companions, Martyrs
- SS. Cyril and Methodius, Confessors
- St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem, Confessor
- Appendix on the Writings of St. Cyril of Jerusalem
- St. Cyril, Martyr
- St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria
- On the Writings of St. Cyril of Alexandria
- St. Cyrus and St. John, Martyrs
- St. Dabius, or Davius, Confessor, of Ireland
- St. Damasus, Pope and Confessor
- St. Damhnade, Virgin in Ireland
- St. Daniel the Stylite, Confessor
- St. Daniel, Bishop and Confessor
- SS. Daniel, Priest, and Verda, Virgin, Martyrs
- St. David, Archbishop, Patron of Wales
- St. Declan, First Bishop of Ardmore in Ireland
- The Decollation of St. John the Baptist
- The Dedication of St. Mary ad Nives
- The Dedication of St. Michael’s Church
- The Dedication of the Church of Our Saviour, Called St. John Lateran
- The Dedication of the Churches of SS. Peter and Paul, at Rome
- St. Deicolus, Abbot, Native of Ireland
- St. Deogratias, Bishop of Carthage, Confessor
- St. Desiderius, Bishop of Langres, Martyr
- St. Desiderius, Bishop of Vienne, Martyr
- St. Deusdedit, Confessor
- St. Didacus, Confessor
- SS. Didymus and Theodora, Martyrs
- St. Die or Deodatus, Bishop of Nevers, and Abbot of Jointures
- SS. Dionysia, Dativa, Æmilianus, Boniface, Leontia, Tertius, and Majoricus, Martyrs
- St. Dionysius of Corinth, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Dionysius the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens, Martyr
- St. Dionysius, Archbishop of Alexandria, Confessor
- St. Dionysius, Bishop of Paris, and His Companions, Martyrs
- St. Dionysius, Pope and Confessor
- St. Disen, or Disibode, of Ireland, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Docmael, Confessor
- St. Dominic, Confessor
- St. Dominic, Confessor
- St. Domninus, Martyr
- SS. Donatian and Rogatian, Martyrs
- St. Donatian, Bishop of Rheims, Confessor
- SS. Donatus, Bishop of Arezzo in Tuscany, and Hilarinus, Martyrs
- St. Donatus, Bishop of Fiesoli, in Tuscany, Confessor
- St. Dorotheus of Tyre, Martyr
- St. Dorotheus, Abbot
- St. Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr
- B. Dositheus, Monk
- St. Dotto, Abbot
- St. Droctovæus, Abbot
- St. Drostan, Abbot in Scotland
- St. Druon, or Drugo, Recluse, Patron of Shepherds
- St. Dubricius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Dumhade of Ireland, Abbot
- St. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
- St. Duthak, Bishop of Ross, in Scotland, Confessor
- St. Dympna, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Eadbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Confessor
- St. Eadburge, Abbess of Menstrey in the Isle of Thanet
- St. Eanswide, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Ebba, Abbess, and Her Companions, Martyrs
- St. Ebba, or Tabbs, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Edana, or Edaene, in Ireland, Virgin
- St. Edburge, Virgin
- St. Edelburga, Virgin
- St. Edelwald, Priest and Confessor
- St. Editha, or Eadgith, Virgin
- St. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
- St. Edmund, King and Martyr
- St. Edward, King and Confessor
- St. Edward, King and Martyr
- St. Edwin, King and Martyr
- St. Egwin, Bishop in England, Confessor
- SS. Eighteen Martyrs of Saragossa, and St. Encratis, or Engratia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Eingan, or Eneon, Confessor
- St. Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia, Confessor
- St. Eleutherius, Abbot
- St. Eleutherius, Bishop of Tournay, Martyr
- St. Eleutherius, Pope and Martyr
- SS. Elias, Jeremy, Isaias, Samuel, Daniel, and Other Holy Martyrs at Cæsarea, in Palestine
- St. Elier or Helier, Hermit and Martyr
- St. Eligius, or Eloy, Bishop of Noyon, Confessor
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Widow
- St. Elizabeth of Sconauge, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal
- St. Elphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr
- SS. Elzear, Count of Arian, and Delphina
- St. Emerentia, Virgin and Martyr
- SS. Emeterius, Called Madir, and Chelidonius, Martyrs
- St. Emmeran, Bishop of Poitiers, Martyr
- St. Enna, or Endeus, Abbot
- St. Ennodius, Bishop of Pavia, Confessor
- St. Ephrem of Edessa, Doctor of the Church, Confessor
- Appendix on the Writings of St. Ephrem
- SS. Epimachus and Alexander, &c. Martyrs
- St. Epiphanius, Archbishop of Salamis, Confessor
- St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Pavia
- The Epiphany of Our Lord
- SS. Epipodius and Alexander, Martyrs at Lyons
- St. Equitius, Abbot
- St. Erasmus, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Erasmus, or Elme, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Erhard, Abbot and Confessor, Native of Scotland
- St. Eric, King of Sweden, Martyr
- St. Erkonwald, Bishop of London, Confessor
- St. Erlulph, Bishop and Martyr, Native of Scotland
- St. Eskill, Bishop and Martyr in Sweden
- St. Ethbin, or Egbin, Abbot
- St. Ethelbert, Confessor, First Christian King among the English
- St. Ethelbert, King of the East-Angles, Martyr
- St. Ethelburge, or Edilburge, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Etheldreda, or Audry, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Etheldritha, or Alfrida, Virgin
- St. Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester, Confessor
- St. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons, Confessor
- St. Eucherius, Bishop of Orleans, Confessor
- St. Eugendus, in French Oyend, Abbot
- St. Eugenia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Eugenius, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Eugenius, Bishop of Carthage, and His Companions, Confessors
- St. Eugenius, Martyr
- St. Eulalia, Virgin and Martyr
- Another St. Eulalia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Eulalia, Virgin, of Barcelona, Martyr
- St. Eulogius of Cordova, Priest and Martyr
- St. Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Confessor
- St. Eunan, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Euphrasia, Virgin
- St. Euplius, Martyr
- St. Eupsychius, Martyr
- St. Eusebius, Abbot
- St. Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata, Martyr
- St. Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli
- SS. Eusebius, Nestablus, Zeno, and Nestor, Martyrs
- St. Eusebius, Pope and Confessor
- St. Eusebius, Priest and Confessor at Rome
- St. Eusebius, Priest and Martyr
- St. Eustachius and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Eustasius, or Eustachius, Abbot of Luxeu
- St. Eustathius, Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor
- St. Eustochium, Virgin
- St. Eustochius, Bishop of Tours
- St. Euthymius, Abbot
- St. Evaristus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Everildis, Virgin, in England
- St. Evroul, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Evurtius, Bishop of Orleans, Confessor
- The Two Ewalds, Martyrs
- The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- St. Exuperius, Bishop of Toulouse
- St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr
- St. Faith or Fides, Virgin, and Companions, Martyrs
- SS. Faith, Hope, and Charity, Virgins and Martyrs
- St. Fanchea, or Faine, Virgin, of Ireland
- St. Fara, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Faro, Bishop of Meaux, Confessor
- SS. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs
- SS. Faustus, Januarius, and Martialis, Martyrs
- The Feast of the Holy Angel-Guardians
- St. Fechin, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Fedlimid, or Felimy, Bishop of Kilmore, Confessor in Ireland
- St. Felan, or Foelan, Abbot in Ireland
- SS. Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs
- St. Felix I., Pope and Martyr
- St. Felix of Cantalicio, Confessor
- St. Felix of Nola, Priest and Confessor
- St. Felix of Valois, Confessor
- St. Felix, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Felix, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Felix, Bishop of Nantes, Confessor
- St. Ferdinand III., King of Castile and Leon, Confessor
- St. Ferreol, Martyr
- SS. Ferreolus, or Fargeau, a Priest, and Ferrutius, a Deacon, Martyrs
- The Festival of the Rosary
- St. Fiachna, Confessor in Ireland
- St. Fiaker of Ireland, Anchoret and Confessor
- St. Fidelis of Sigmarengen, Martyr
- St. Fidharleus, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Finan of Keann-Ethich, in Ireland
- St. Finbar, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Finian, or Finan, Bishop of Cluain-Irard, or Clonard, Confessor in Ireland
- St. Finian, or Winin, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
- St. Finian, surnamed Lobhar, or the Leper
- St. Fintan, Abbot of Cluain-Ednech, in Ireland
- St. Fintan, Surnamed Munnu, Abbot, in Ireland
- St. Firmin, Bishop of Amiens, Martyr
- St. Firminus II., Bishop and Confessor
- SS. Five Friars, Minors, Martyrs
- St. Flavia Domitilla, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Flavian, Archbishop of Constantinople, Martyr
- SS. Flora and Mary, Virgins and Martyrs
- St. Florence, or Flann, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Flour, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Foillan, Martyr
- SS. The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
- The Four Crowned Brothers, Martyrs
- St. Frances, Widow, Foundress of the Collatines
- St. Francis Borgia, Confessor
- St. Francis of Assisium, Confessor
- St. Francis of Paula, Founder of the Order of Minims, Confessor
- St. Francis of Sales, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Francis Solano, Confessor
- St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies, Confessor
- St. Frederic, Bishop of Utrecht, Martyr
- St. Frideswide, Virgin, Patroness of Oxford
- St. Fridian, Erigdian, or Frigdian, Bishop of Lucca, Confessor
- St. Fridolin, Abbot
- St. Fructuosus, Archbishop of Braga, Confessor
- St. Fructuosus, Bishop of Tarragon, and his Companions, Martyrs
- St. Frumentius, Apostle of Ethiopia, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Fulgentius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Fursey, Abbot in Ireland
- SS. Fuscian, Victoricus, and Gentian, Martyrs
- St. Gal, Bishop
- St. Galdin, Archbishop of Milan, Confessor
- St. Gall, Abbot
- St. Galla, Widow
- St. Galmier, of Lyons
- St. Gamaliel
- St. Gatian, First Bishop of Tours, Confessor
- St. Gaucher, or Gautier, Abbot in Limousin
- St. Gaudentius of Brescia, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Gelasinus, Martyr
- St. Gelasius, Pope and Confessor
- St. Genebrard, or Genebern, Martyr in Ireland
- St. Genesius of Arles, Martyr
- St. Genesius, a Comedian, Martyr
- St. Genesius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Genevieve, or Genovefa, Virgin, Chief Patroness of Paris
- St. George, Martyr
- St. Gerald, Abbot
- St. Gerald, Bishop
- St. Gerald, Confessor
- St. Gerard, Abbot
- St. Gerard, Bishop of Chonad, Martyr
- St. Gerard, Bishop of Toul, Confessor
- SS. German, Abbot of Granfel, and Randaut, Martyrs
- St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, Confessor
- St. Germanus, Bishop of Capua, Confessor
- St. Germanus, Bishop of Paris, Confessor
- St. Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople
- St. Germer, or Geremar, Abbot
- St. Gertrude, Virgin and Abbess of Nivelle
- St. Gertrude, Virgin and Abbess
- SS. Gervasius and Protasius, Martyrs
- St. Gery, or Gaugericus, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Getulius and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Gilbert, Abbot, Founder of the Gilbertins
- St. Gilbert, Bishop of Caithness, in Scotland
- St. Gildard, or Godard, Bishop of Rouen, Confessor
- St. Gildas the Wise, or Badonicus, Abbot, Native of England
- St. Gildas, the Albanian, or the Scot, Confessor
- St. Giles, Abbot
- St. Glastian, Bishop and Confessor in Scotland
- St. Goar, Priest and Confessor
- St. Gobain of Ireland, Priest and Martyr
- St. Godard, Bishop of Hildesheim, Confessor
- St. Godeschalc, Prince of the Western Vandals, and His Companions, Martyrs
- St. Godfrey, Bishop of Amiens, Confessor
- St. Godrick, Hermit
- St. Gontran, King and Confessor
- SS. Gordian and Epimachus, Martyrs
- St. Gordius, Martyr
- SS. Gorgonius, Dorotheus, and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Gregory II. Pope and Confessor
- B. Gregory Lewis Barbadigo, Cardinal Bishop of Padua, Confessor
- St. Gregory Nazianzen, Bishop and Confessor, Doctor of the Church
- St. Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop and Confessor
- Appendix on the Writings of St. Gregory of Nyssa
- St. Gregory of Spoleto, Priest and Martyr
- St. Gregory of Tours, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Gregory Thaumaturgus, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Confessor
- Annotation on the Life of St. Gregory
- St. Gregory VII., Pope and Confessor
- St. Gregory X. Pope and Confessor
- St. Gregory, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Gregory, Bishop of Langres
- St. Gregory, Bishop
- St. Grimbald, Abbot
- St. Grimonia, or Germana, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Gudula, Virgin, Patroness of Brussels
- St. Gudwall, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Guinoch, Bishop and Confessor in Scotland
- St. Guislain, Abbot
- St. Gummar, or Gomer, Confessor
- St. Gundleus, Confessor
- St. Gunthiern, Abbot in Brittany
- St. Guthagon, Recluse
- St. Guthlake, Hermit, and Patron of the Abbey of Croyland
- St. Guy, Confessor
- St. Guy, Confessor
- St. Gybrian, or Gobrian, of Ireland, Priest
- St. Harold VI., King of Denmark, Martyr
- St. Hedda, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Hedwiges, or Avoice, Duchess of Poland, Widow
- St. Hegesippus
- St. Helen of Skofde in Sweden, Martyr
- St. Helen, Empress
- St. Hemma, Widow
- St. Henry II., Emperor
- St. Henry, Archbishop of Upsal, Martyr
- St. Henry, Hermit
- B. Henry of Treviso, Confessor
- B. Herman Joseph, Confessor
- St. Hermas
- St. Hermenegild, Martyr
- St. Hermes, Martyr
- St. Hidulphus, Bishop and Abbot
- St. Hilarion, Abbot
- St. Hilary, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Hilary, Bishop
- St. Hilda, or Hild, Abbess
- St. Hildegardis, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Hippolytus, Priest and Martyr
- The Holy Innocents
- The Festival of the Holy Name of the Virgin Mary
- St. Homobonus, Merchant, Confessor
- St. Honoratus, Archbishop of Arles, Abbot
- St. Honoratus, in French Honore, Bishop of Amiens, Confessor
- St. Honorius, Archbishop of Canterbury Confessor
- St. Hormisdas, Martyr
- St. Hospicius, or Hospis, Anchoret
- St. Hospitius, or Sospis, Recluse in Provence
- St. Hubert, Bishop of Liege, Confessor
- St. Hugh of Lincoln, Martyr
- St. Hugh, Abbot of Cluni, Confessor
- St. Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble, Confessor
- St. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, Confessor
- St. Humbert, Bishop of the East-Angles, Martyr
- A Hundred and Twenty Martyrs of Hadiab, or Hadiabena, in Persia
- St. Hyacinth, Confessor
- St. Hyginus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Ibar, or Ivor, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Ida, Widow
- St. Idaberga or Edburge, Virgin
- St. Idus, Bishop of Ath-Fadha, in Leinster
- St. Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor
- St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr
- St. Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Confessor
- St. Ildefonsus, Archbishop
- St. Ilidius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Iltutus, Abbot
- St. Innocent I., Pope and Confessor
- The Invention of St. Stephen, or the Discovery of His Relics
- The Invention or Discovery of the Holy Cross
- St. Irchard, or Erthad, Bishop and Confessor in Scotland
- St. Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons, Martyr
- St. Irenæus, Bishop of Sirmium, Martyr
- St. Isabel, Virgin
- St. Isaias, St. Sabbas, &c. Martyrs of Sinai
- St. Ischyrion, Martyr
- St. Isidore of Alexandria, Priest and Hospitaller
- St. Isidore of Pelusium, Priest
- St. Isidore of Scété, Priest and Hermit
- St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville
- St. Isidore, Patron of Madrid, Labourer
- St. Ita, or Mida, Virgin of Ireland, Abbess
- St. Ivia, or Ivo, Bishop
- St. James of La Marca of Ancona, Confessor
- St. James of Sclavonia, or Illyricum, Confessor
- St. James the Great, Apostle
- St. James the Less, Apostle
- St. James, Bishop of Nisibis, Confessor
- SS. James, Marian, and Companions, Martyrs in Numidia
- St. James, Surnamed Intercisus, Martyr
- St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow and Abbess
- St. Januarius, Bishop of Benevento, and His Companions, Martyrs
- St. Jarlath, First Bishop of Tuam in Ireland, Confessor
- St. Jean, Joan, or Joanna, of Valois, Queen of France
- St. Jerom Æmiliani, Confessor
- St. Jerom, Priest and Doctor of the Church
- St. Joachim of Sienna of the Order of Servites, Confessor
- St. Joannicius, Abbot
- St. Joavan, or Joevin, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Jodoc, or Josse, Confessor
- SS. John and Paul, Martyrs
- St. John before the Latin Gate
- St. John Calybite, Recluse
- St. John Capistran, or, of Capistran, Confessor
- St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, and Doctor of the Church
- On the Writings of St. John Chrysostom
- St. John Climacus, Abbot
- St. John Columbini, Confessor
- St. John Damascen, Father of the Church
- St. John de Prado, Priest and Martyr
- St. John Francis Regis of the Society of Jesus, Confessor
- St. John Gualbert, Abbot
- B. John Marinoni, Confessor
- St. John Nepomucen, Martyr
- St. John of Beverley, Bishop and Confessor
- St. John of Bridlington, Confessor
- St. John of Egypt, Hermit
- St. John of God, Confessor, Founder of the Order of Charity
- St. John of Matha, Confessor, Founder of the Order of the Trinitarians
- St. John of Reomay, Abbot
- St. John of Sahagun, Confessor
- St. John of the Cross, Confessor
- St. John the Almoner, Confessor, Patriarch of Alexandria
- St. John the Apostle and Evangelist
- St. John the Dwarf, Anchoret of Sceté
- St. John the Silent, Bishop and Confessor
- St. John, Pope and Martyr
- St. John, Priest and Confessor
- SS. Jonas, Barachisius, and Their Companions, Martyrs
- St. Joseph Barsabas, Confessor
- St. Joseph Calasanctius, Confessor
- St. Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor
- St. Joseph of Leonissa, Confessor
- St. Joseph of Palestine
- St. Joseph, of Arimathea
- St. Joseph
- St. Jude, Apostle
- St. Julia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Julian and St. Basilissa, Martyrs
- St. Julian of Cilicia, Martyr
- St. Julian Sabas, Hermit
- St. Julian, Anchoret
- St. Julian, Archbishop of Toledo, Confessor
- SS. Julian, Chronion, and Besas, Martyrs
- St. Julian, First Bishop of Mans, Confessor
- St. Julian, Martyr at Brioude
- St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin
- St. Juliana, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Julitta, Martyr
- SS. Julius and Aaron, Martyrs
- St. Julius, Martyr
- St. Julius, Pope and Confessor
- SS. Justa and Rufina, Martyrs
- St. Justin, Martyr, in Parisis
- St. Justin, the Philosopher, Martyr
- St. Justina of Padua, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Justinian, Hermit and Martyr
- SS. Justus and Pastor, Martyrs
- St. Justus, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
- St. Justus, Archbishop of Lyons, Confessor
- St. Juventinus and St. Maximinus, Martyrs
- St. Kebius, Bishop
- St. Kenelm, King and Martyr
- St. Kennocha, Virgin in Scotland
- St. Kentigern, Bishop of Glasco, Confessor
- St. Kentigerna, Widow, of Ireland
- St. Keyna, Virgin
- St. Kiaran, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Kiaran, or Kenerin, Bishop and Confessor
- SS. Kilian, Bishop, Colman, Priest, and Totnan, Deacon, Martyrs
- St. Kinga, or Cunegundes, Virgin
- St. Kinnia, Virgin, of Ireland
- SS. Kyneburge, Kyneswide, and Tibba
- St. Ladislas I., King of Hungary, Confessor
- St. Lamalisse, Confessor
- St. Lambert, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Landelin, Abbot
- St. Landry, Bishop of Paris, Confessor
- St. Laserian, Called Molaisre, Bishop of Leighlin, in Ireland
- St. Laurence Justinian, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Laurence, Archbishop of Canterbury
- St. Laurence, Archbishop of Dublin, Confessor
- St. Laurence, Martyr
- St. Lea, Widow
- St. Leander, Bishop of Seville, Confessor
- St. Lebwin, Patron of Daventer, Confessor
- SS. Leo and Paregorius, Martyrs
- St. Leo II., Pope and Confessor
- St. Leo IV., Pope and Confessor
- St. Leo IX. Pope and Confessor
- St. Leo the Great, Pope
- St. Leocadia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Leodegarius, or Leger, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Leonard, Hermit and Confessor
- St. Leonides, Martyr
- St. Leonorus, Bishop
- St. Leopold, Marquis of Austria, Confessor
- St. Lethard, Bishop of Senlis, Confessor
- St. Leufredus, Abbot
- St. Lewine, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Lewis Bertrand, Confessor
- St. Lewis, Bishop of Toulouse, Confessor
- St. Lewis, King of France
- St. Liberatus, Abbot, and Six Monks, Martyrs
- St. Liborius, Bishop of Mans, Confessor
- St. Licinius, Bishop of Angers, Confessor
- B. Lidwina, Called Lydwid, Virgin
- St. Lifard, Abbot
- St. Linus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Lioba, Abbess
- St. Livin, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Lo, or Laudus, Bishop of Coutances in Normandy
- St. Loman, or Luman, Bishop in Ireland, Confessor
- St. Lomer, or Laudomarus, Abbot
- St. Luanus, or Lugid or Molua, Abbot in Ireland
- SS. Lucia and Geminianus, Martyrs under Dioclesian
- SS. Lucian and Marcian, Martyrs
- St. Lucian, Apostle of Beauvais, in France, Martyr
- St. Lucian, Priest and Martyr
- St. Lucius, King and Confessor
- St. Lucius, Pope and Martyr
- St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Lucy, Virgin
- St. Ludger, Bishop of Munster, Apostle of Saxony
- St. Luican, Confessor in Ireland
- St. Luke the Evangelist
- St. Lullus, or Lullon, Archbishop of Mentz, Confessor
- St. Lupus, Bishop of Troyes, Confessor
- St. Lupus, or Leu, Archbishop of Sens, Confessor
- St. Macarius the Elder, of Egypt
- St. Macarius, of Alexandria, Anchoret
- St. Maccai, Abbot
- St. Mac Cartin, Aid or Aed, Bishop of Clogher, Confessor in Ireland
- St. Macculindus, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Macedonius, Anchoret in Syria
- St. Mackessoge, or Kessoge, Confessor
- St. Macnisius, Bishop
- St. Macrina, Virgin
- St. Macull, of Ireland, Confessor
- St. Madelberte, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Maden, or Madern, Confessor
- St. Magloire, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Maguil, in Latin Madelgisilus, Recluse in Picardy
- St. Maharsapor, Martyr
- St. Maidoc, or Maodhog, Bishop of Ferns, in Ireland
- St. Maieul, Abbot of Cluni, Confessor
- St. Main, Abbot, Native of England
- St. Malachy, Archbishop of Ardmach or Armagh, Confessor in Ireland
- St. Malo, or Maclou, First Bishop of Aleth in Brittany
- St. Malrubius, Hermit and Martyr
- St. Malrubius, Martyr
- St. Mamas, Martyr
- St. Mammertus, Archbishop of Vienne, Confessor
- St. Mans, or Magnus, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Mansuet, Bishop
- SS. Many Martyrs of Alexandria, in 392
- St. Marcella, Widow
- St. Marcellina, Virgin
- SS. Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs
- SS. Marcellus and Apuleius, Martyrs at Rome
- SS. Marcellus and Valerian, Martyrs
- St. Marcellus the Centurion, Martyr
- St. Marcellus, Abbot of the Acœmetes, Confessor
- St. Marcellus, Bishop of Paris, Confessor
- St. Marcellus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Marcian, Anchoret and Confessor
- St. Marcian, Priest
- St. Marciana, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Marcou, or Marculfus, Abbot
- SS. Marcus and Marcellianus, Martyrs
- SS. Marcus, Marcian, and Their Companions, Martyrs
- St. Margaret of Cortona, Penitent
- B. Margaret, Princess of Hungary, Virgin
- St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland
- B. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr at Louvain, in Brabant
- St. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Margaret, Virgin, in England
- St. Marina, Virgin
- SS. Marinus and Asterius, or Astyrius, Martyrs
- St. Maris, St. Martha, St. Audifax, and St. Abachum, Martyrs
- St. Marius, Abbot
- St. Mark, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Mark, Bishop of Jerusalem, Confessor
- St. Mark, Evangelist
- St. Mark, Pope and Confessor
- St. Marnan, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Maro, Abbot
- St. Martha, Virgin
- St. Martial, Bishop of Limoges
- St. Martin, Bishop of Tours, Confessor
- St. Martin, Pope and Martyr
- St. Martina, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Martinianus, Hermit at Athens
- SS. Martyrs for the Holy Scriptures
- Appendix on the Martyrs of China
- SS. Martyrs of Gorcum
- The Martyrs of Japan
- SS. Martyrs of Pontus, under Dioclesian
- SS. Martyrs of Rome, under Nero
- The Martyrs of Triers
- SS. The Martyrs of Utica, Called the White Mass
- Martyrs under the Lombards
- Martyrs Who Died in the Great Pestilence in Alexandria
- St. Maruthas, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, Virgin
- St. Mary Magdalen
- St. Mary of Egypt, and St. Zozimus, a Holy Priest
- St. Mary of Oignies
- St. Mary, Martyr
- The Massylitan Martyrs in Africa
- St. Mathurin, Priest and Confessor
- St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
- St. Matthias, Apostle
- St. Maud, or Mathildis, Queen of Germany
- St. Maura, Virgin
- St. Maurice and His Companions, Martyrs
- St. Maurilius, Bishop of Angers, Confessor
- St. Mauront, Abbot
- St. Maurus, Abbot
- St. Maw, Confessor
- St. Maxentia of Ireland, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Maxentius, Abbot in Poitou
- SS. Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Dionysius, John, Serapion, and Constantine, Martyrs
- St. Maximilian, Martyr
- St. Maximinus, Bishop of Triers, Confessor
- St. Maximinus, First Archbishop of Aix, Confessor
- St. Maximus, Bishop of Riez, Confessor
- St. Maximus, Bishop of Turin, Confessor
- St. Maximus, Confessor
- St. Maximus, Martyr
- SS. Maximus, or Mauxe, and Venerand, Martyrs in Normandy
- B. Mechtildes, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Medard, Bishop of Noyon, Confessor
- St. Meen, Abbot in Brittany
- St. Melania the Younger
- St. Melanius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Melchiades, Pope
- St. Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor
- St. Melito, Bishop of Sardes in Lydia, Confessor
- St. Mellitus, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
- St. Mello, or Melanius, Bishop of Rouen, Confessor
- St. Memmius, Bishop
- St. Meneve, Abbot
- St. Mennas, Martyr
- St. Meriadec, Bishop of Vannes, Confessor
- St. Merri, or Medericus, Abbot
- St. Methodius, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Confessor
- St. Milburge, Virgin in England
- St. Mildred, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Milgithe, Virgin, of England
- SS. Milles, Bishop of Susa, Ambrosimus, Priest, and Sina, Deacon, Martyrs in Persia
- St. Mitrius, Martyr
- St. Mochoemoc, in Latin, Pulcherius, Abbot
- St. Mochteus, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Mochua, alias Cronan, of Bella, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Mochua, or Moncain, alias Claunus, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Modan, Abbot in Scotland, Confessor
- St. Modomnoc, or Dominick, of Ossory, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Modwena, a Noble Irish Virgin
- St. Molingus, alias Dairchilla, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
- St. Moloc, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Monan, Martyr, in Scotland
- St. Monegondes, a Recluse at Tours
- St. Monica, Widow
- St. Moninna, Virgin in Ireland
- St. Monon, Martyr
- SS. Montanus, Lucius, Flavian, Julian, Victoricus, Primolus, Rhenus, and Donatian, Martyrs at Carthage
- St. Mummolin, or Mommolin, Bishop of Noyon, Confessor
- St. Munde, Abbot
- St. Muredach, First Bishop of Killala, in Ireland
- SS. Nabor and Felix, Martyrs
- St. Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem
- SS. Narses, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Nathalan, Bishop of Aberdeen, Confessor
- St. Nathy, or David, Priest in Ireland
- The Nativity of Christ, or Christmas Day
- The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
- The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
- SS. Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs
- SS. Nemesianus, Felix, Lucius, another Felix, Litteus, Polianus, Victor, Jader, and Dativus, and Others, Martyrs and Confessors, in Numidia
- St. Nemesion, Martyr, &c.
- St. Nennius, or Nennidhius, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Nennus or Nehemias of Ireland, Abbot
- St. Nenoc, or Nennoca, Virgin
- St. Neot, Anchoret, and Confessor
- SS. Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs
- St. Nestor, Bishop and Martyr
- SS. Nicander and Marcian, Martyrs
- SS. Nicasius, Ninth Archbishop of Rheims, and His Companions, Martyrs
- St. Nicephorus, Martyr
- St. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, Confessor
- St. Nicetas, Abbot
- St. Nicetas, Martyr
- St. Nicetius, Archbishop of Lyons, Confessor
- St. Nicetius, Bishop of Triers, Confessor
- St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor
- St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, Confessor
- St. Nicholas, Bishop of Lincopen, in Sweden, Confessor
- St. Nicodemus
- St. Nicomedes, Martyr
- St. Nicon, Surnamed Metanoite, Confessor
- St. Nilammon, Hermit, near Pelusium, in Egypt
- St. Nilus the Younger, Abbot
- St. Nilus, Anchoret, Father of the Church and Confessor
- St. Ninian, or Ninyas, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Nissen, Abbot in Ireland
- St. Norbert, Archbishop of Magdebourg, Confessor
- SS. Nunilo and Alodia, Virgins and Martyrs, in Spain
- The Octave of the Epiphany
- St. Odilo, or Olon, Sixth Abbot of Cluni
- St. Odo, Abbot of Cluni, Confessor
- St. Odo, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
- St. Odrian, Bishop and Tutelar Saint of Waterford
- St. Odulph, Canon of Utrecht, Confessor
- St. Oduvald, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Olaus, King of Sweden, Martyr
- St. Olaus, or Olave, King of Norway, Martyr
- St. Olympias, Widow
- St. Omer, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Onesimus, Disciple of St. Paul
- St. Onuphrius, Hermit
- St. Opportuna, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Optatus, Bishop of Milevum, Confessor
- St. Osith, Virgin
- St. Osmanna of Ireland, Virgin
- St. Osmund, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Oswald, Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of York
- St. Oswald, King and Martyr
- St. Oswin, King and Martyr
- St. Othilia, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Otho, Bishop of Bamberg, Confessor
- St. Oudoceus, Bishop
- St. Ouen, or Audoen, Archbishop of Rouen, Confessor
- St. Pachomius, Abbot
- St. Pacian, Bishop of Barcelona, Confessor
- Appendix on the Writings of St. Pacian of Barcelona
- St. Palladius, Bishop and Confessor, Apostle of the Scots
- St. Pambo of Nitria, Abbot
- St. Pammachius, Confessor
- St. Pamphilus, Priest and Martyr
- St. Pancras, Martyr
- St. Pantænus, Father of the Church
- St. Pantaleon, Martyr
- St. Paphnutius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Papoul, or Papulus, Priest and Martyr
- St. Paschal Baylon, Confessor
- St. Paschasius Radbert, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Paternus, Bishop of Avranches, Confessor
- St. Patiens, Archbishop of Lyons, Confessor
- St. Patricius, Bishop of Prusa, in Bithynia, Martyr
- St. Patrick, Bishop and Confessor, Apostle of Ireland
- St. Paul of Latrus, or Latra, Hermit
- St. Paul, Anchoret
- St. Paul, and Thirty-six Companions in Egypt, Martyrs
- St. Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, Martyr
- St. Paul, Bishop of Leon, Confessor
- St. Paul, Bishop of Narbonne, Confessor
- St. Paul, Bishop of Verdun, Confessor
- St. Paul, the Apostle
- St. Paul, the First Hermit
- The Conversion of St. Paul
- St. Paula, Widow
- St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Paulinus, Archbishop of York, Confessor
- St. Paulinus, Patriarch of Aquileia, Confessor
- St. Pega, Virgin, of England
- St. Pelagia, Penitent
- St. Pelagia, Virgin and Martyr
- SS. Peleus, Pa-Termuthes, and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Pellegrini, or Peregrinus, Hermit
- B. Pepin of Landen
- SS. Perpetua and Felicitas, with Their Companions, Martyrs
- St. Perpetuus, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Peter ad Vincula, or St. Peter’s Chains
- St. Peter Balsam, Martyr
- St. Peter Celestine, Pope and Confessor
- St. Peter Chrysologus, Archbishop of Ravenna, Confessor
- B. Peter Damian, Cardinal, Bishop of Ostia
- St. Peter Gonzales, Confessor
- St. Peter Nolasco, Confessor
- St. Peter of Alcantara, Confessor
- St. Peter of Luxemburgh, Cardinal, Bishop of Metz, Confessor
- St. Peter of Pisa
- St. Peter of Sebaste, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Peter Paschal, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Peter Regalati, Confessor
- St. Peter, Abbot in England
- SS. Peter, Andrew, and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Peter, Archbishop of Tarentaise
- St. Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, Martyr
- St. Peter, Martyr
- St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles
- The Chair of St. Peter, at Antioch
- St. Peter’s Chair at Rome
- St. Petroc, in French Perreuse, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Petronilla, Virgin
- St. Petronius, Bishop of Bologna, Confessor
- St. Phæbadius, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Philastrius, Bishop of Brescia, Confessor
- St. Phileas, and St. Philoromus, Bishop of Thmuis, Martyrs
- SS. Philemon and Appia
- St. Philibert, First Abbot of Jumieges and Nermoutier
- St. Philip Beniti, Confessor
- St. Philip Neri, Confessor
- St. Philip the Deacon
- St. Philip, Apostle
- St. Philip, Bishop of Heraclea, and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Philogonius, Bishop of Antioch, Confessor
- St. Phocas, Gardener, Martyr
- St. Piat, Apostle of Tournay, Martyr
- St. Pionius, Priest and Martyr
- St. Pius I., Pope and Martyr
- St. Pius V., Pope and Confessor
- St. Placidus, Abbot, and Companions, Martyrs
- St. Plato, Abbot
- St. Plechelm, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Plutarch, &c. Martyrs
- St. Pœmen, or Pastor, Abbot
- St. Pollio, Lector, and His Companions, Martyrs in Pannonia
- St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr
- St. Polyeuctus, Martyr
- St. Pontian, Pope and Martyr
- St. Pontius, an Illustrious Primitive Martyr
- St. Poppo, Abbot of Stavello
- St. Porphyrius, Bishop of Gaza, Confessor
- St. Possidius, Bishop and Confessor
- SS. Potamiana or Potamiena, and Basilides, Martyrs
- St. Potamon, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Pothinus, Bishop, Sanctus, Attalus, Blandina, &c., Martyrs of Lyons
- St. Praxedes, Virgin
- The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Pretextatus, or Prix, Archbishop of Rouen, Martyr
- SS. Primus and Felicianus, Martyrs
- St. Prior, Hermit
- St. Prisca, Virgin and Martyr
- SS. Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander, Martyrs
- SS. Processus and Martinian, Martyrs
- St. Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople, Confessor
- St. Procopius, Martyr
- St. Projectus, Bishop of Clermont, Martyr
- St. Prosdecimus, First Bishop of Padua, Confessor
- St. Prosper of Aquitain, Confessor
- St. Proterius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Martyr
- SS. Protus and Hyacinthus, Martyrs
- St. Prudentius, Bishop of Troyes, Confessor
- St. Psalmod, or Saumay, Anchoret
- St. Psalmodius of Ireland, Hermit
- SS. Ptolemy, Lucius, and a Third Companion, Martyrs
- St. Publius, Abbot near Zeugma, upon the Euphrates
- St. Publius, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Pudentiana, Virgin
- St. Pulcheria, Virgin and Empress
- The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Quadratus, Bishop of Athens, Confessor
- St. Quintin, Martyr
- SS. Quiricus or Cyr, and Julitta, Martyrs
- St. Quirinus, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Radbod, Bishop of Utrecht, Confessor
- St. Radegundes, Queen of France
- The Venerable Raingarda, Widow
- St. Ralph, Archbishop of Bourges, Confessor
- St. Raymund Nonnatus, Confessor
- St. Raymund of Pennafort, Confessor
- St. Regina, or Reine, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Regulus, or Rieul
- St. Remaclus, Bishop of Maestricht, Confessor
- St. Rembert, Archbishop of Bremen, Confessor
- St. Remigius, Archbishop of Rheims, Confessor
- St. Richard, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Richard, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Richard, Bishop of Andria, Confessor
- St. Richard, King in England, and Confessor
- St. Richarius, or Riquier, Abbot
- St. Rictrudes, Abbess
- St. Rigobert, or Robert, Bishop
- B. Robert of Arbrissel, Priest
- B. Robert, Abbot
- St. Robert, Abbot of Molesme, Founder of the Cistercians
- St. Robert, Abbot
- St. Roch, Confessor
- B. Roger, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Roger, Confessor
- The Roman Captives in Persia, Martyrs
- SS. Romanus and David, Martyrs
- SS. Romanus and Lupicinus, Abbots
- St. Romanus, Archbishop of Rouen, Confessor
- St. Romanus, Martyr
- St. Romaric, Abbot
- St. Romuald, Abbot and Confessor, Founder of the Order of Camaldoli
- St. Rosa of Viterbo, Virgin
- St. Rosa of Viterbo, Virgin
- St. Rosalia, Virgin
- St. Rose of Lima, Virgin
- St. Rouin, Abbot
- St. Ruadhan, Abbot in Ireland
- SS. Rufina and Secunda, Virgins, Martyrs
- SS. Rufinus and Valerius, Martyrs
- SS. Rufus and Zozimus, Martyrs
- St. Rufus, or Rufin, Anchoret, at Glendaloch in Ireland
- St. Rumold, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Rumon, Bishop in England
- St. Rumwald, Confessor
- St. Rupert, or Robert, Bishop of Saltzbourg, Confessor
- St. Rusticus, or Rotiri, Bishop of Auvergne
- St. Sabas the Goth, Abbot and Martyr
- St. Sabas, Abbot
- St. Sabina, Martyr
- St. Sabinus, Bishop of Assisium, and His Companions, Martyrs
- St. Sadoth, Bishop of Seleucia and Ctesiphon, with 128 Companions, Martyrs
- St. Salvius, Bishop
- St. Salvius, or Sauve, Bishop of Amiens
- St. Sampson, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Samthana, Virgin, Abbess in Ireland
- SS. Sapor and Isaac, Bishops, Mahanes, Abraham, and Simeon, Martyrs
- St. Saturninus, Bishop of Toulouse, Martyr
- SS. Saturninus, Dativus, and Others, Martyrs of Africa
- St. Scholastica, Virgin
- St. Sebastian, Martyr
- St. Sebbi, or Sebba, King and Confessor
- St. Secundin, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Senan, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Sequanus, or Seine, Abbot
- St. Serapion, Abbot of Arsinoe
- St. Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis, in Egypt, Confessor
- St. Serapion, Martyr in England
- St. Serapion, the Sindonite
- St. Serf, or Servanus, Bishop
- SS. Sergius and Bacchus, Martyrs
- St. Servatius, Bishop of Tongres
- St. Servulus, Confessor
- The Seven Brothers, Martyrs, and St. Felicitas, Their Mother
- Seven Friar Minors, Martyrs
- The Seven Machabees, Brothers, with Their Mother, Martyrs
- The Seven Martyrs at Samosata
- St. Severianus, Bishop of Scythopolis, Martyr
- St. Severin, Archbishop of Cologn, Confessor
- St. Severin, or Surin, Bishop
- St. Severinus, Abbot of Agaunum
- St. Severinus, Abbot, and Apostle of Noricum, or Austria
- St. Sexburgh, Abbess
- St. Sidronius, Martyr
- St. Sigebert II., French King of Austrasia, Confessor
- St. Sigefride, or Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden
- St. Sigismund, King of Burgundy, Martyr
- St. Silave, or Silan, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
- St. Silverius, Pope and Martyr
- St. Silvin of Auchy, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Simeon Stylites, Confessor
- St. Simeon Stylites, the Younger
- St. Simeon, Bishop of Ctesiphon, and His Companions, Martyrs
- St. Simeon, Bishop of Jerusalem, Martyr
- St. Simeon
- St. Simon Stock, Confessor
- St. Simon, an Infant, Martyr at Trent
- St. Simon, Surnamed the Zealot, Apostle
- SS. Simplicius and Faustinus, Brothers, and Beatrice, Their Sister, Martyrs
- St. Simplicius, Pope and Confessor
- St. Sindulphus, or Sendou, Priest of Rheims
- St. Siran, or Sigirannus, Abbot in Berry, Confessor
- SS. Sisinnius, Martyrius, and Alexander, Martyrs in Trent
- St. Sisoes or Sisoy, Anchoret in Egypt
- St. Sixtus III., Pope
- St. Sixtus, or Xistus I., Pope and Martyr
- SS. Socrates and Stephen, Martyrs
- St. Sola, Hermit
- St. Sophia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Confessor
- St. Soter, Pope and Martyr
- St. Soteris, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Speratus and His Companions, Martyrs
- SS. Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus, Martyrs
- St. Spiridion, Bishop and Confessor
- St Serenus, a Gardener, Martyr
- St. Stanislas Kostka, Confessor
- St. Stanislas, Bishop of Cracow, Martyr
- St. Stephen of Grandmont, Abbot
- Appendix to the Life of St. Stephen of Grandmont
- St. Stephen the Younger, Martyr
- St. Stephen, Abbot of Citeaux, Confessor
- St. Stephen, Abbot
- St. Stephen, King of Hungary, Confessor
- St. Stephen, Pope and Martyr
- St. Stephen, the First Martyr
- St. Sulpicius II., Surnamed le Debonnaire, Archbishop of Bourges
- St. Sulpicius Severus
- St. Sulpicius the Pious, Archbishop of Bourges
- St. Suranus, Abbot in Umbria
- St. Susanna, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Swidbert, or Swibert, the Ancient, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Swithin or Swithun, Bishop and Patron of Winchester, Confessor
- St. Syagrius, Bishop of Autun
- St. Sylvester Gozzolini, Abbot of Osimo
- St. Sylvester, Pope and Confessor
- St. Symmachus, Pope and Confessor
- St. Symphorian, Martyr
- St. Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons, Martyrs
- St. Syncletica, Virgin
- St. Syra, Virgin, of Ireland
- St. Tanco, or Tatta, Bishop and Martyr, Native of Scotland
- SS. Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus, Martyrs
- St. Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Confessor
- St. Tecla, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Telesphorus, Pope and Martyr
- Ten Martyrs of Crete
- St. Teresa, Virgin
- St. Ternan, Bishop of the Picts, Confessor
- St. Thaïs, the Penitent
- SS. Thalassius and Limneus, Confessors
- St. Thalilæus, a Cilician, Recluse in Syria
- SS. Thea and Valentina, Virgins, and St. Paul, Martyrs
- St. Thecla, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Theliau, Bishop in England, and Confessor
- B. Theobald, Abbot
- St. Theobald or Thibault, Confessor
- St. Theodora, Empress
- St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
- St. Theodoret, Priest and Martyr
- St. Theodorus Grapt, Confessor
- St. Theodorus of Heraclea, Martyr
- St. Theodorus of Siceon, Bishop and Confessor
- St. Theodorus the Studite, Abbot
- St. Theodorus, Abbot of Tabenna, Confessor
- St. Theodorus, Surnamed Tyro, Martyr
- St. Theodosia, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch, Abbot
- St. Theodota, Martyr
- St. Theodotus, Vintner, and Seven Virgins, Martyrs
- SS. Theodulus and Julian, Martyrs
- St. Theonas, Bishop of Alexandria, Confessor
- St. Theophanes, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, Confessor
- St. Thierri, Abbot
- St. Thillo, Recluse
- St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr
- St. Thomas of Aquino, Doctor of the Church and Confessor
- St. Thomas of Villanova, Archbishop of Valentia, Confessor
- St. Thomas, Apostle
- St. Thomas, Bishop of Hereford, Confessor
- SS. Thrasilla and Emiliana, Virgins
- St. Thyrsus, St. Leucius, and St. Callinicus, Martyrs
- SS. Tiburtius, Martyr, and Chromatius, Confessor
- SS. Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus, Martyrs
- St. Tigernach, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
- SS. Timothy, Agapius, and Thecla, Martyrs
- St. Timothy, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Timothy, Martyr
- St. Titus, Disciple of St. Paul, Bishop
- St. Tochumra, Virgin in Ireland
- Another St. Tochumra, Virgin in Ireland
- The Transfiguration of Our Lord
- St. Tresain, or Tresanus, Priest and Confessor
- St. Tron, Confessor
- SS. Trypho and Respicius, Martyrs, and Nympha, Virgin
- St. Turiaf, Bishop of Dol, in Brittany
- St. Turibius, Bishop of Astorga
- St. Turninus, Confessor of Ireland
- SS. Twelve Brothers, Martyrs
- St. Tygrius and St. Eutropius, Martyrs
- SS. Tyrannio, Bishop of Tyre, Zenobius, and Other Martyrs in Phœnicia
- St. Ubaldus, Bishop of Gubio
- St. Ulfrid, or Wolfred, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Ulmar, or Wulmar, Abbot
- St. Ulpian, Martyr
- St. Ulric, Bishop of Ausburg, Confessor
- St. Ulrick, Recluse in England
- St. Ultan, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Urban, Pope and Martyr
- St. Ursmar, of Laubes or Lobes, Bishop and Abbot
- SS. Ursula, and Her Companions, Virgins and Martyrs
- St. Valentine, Priest and Martyr
- St. Valery, Abbot
- St. Vandrille, or Wandregisilus, Abbot
- St. Vaneng, Confessor
- St. Vanne, or Vitonius, Bishop of Verdun, Confessor
- St. Vaughe of Ireland, Hermit
- St. Vedast, Bishop of Arras, Confessor
- St. Venantius, Martyr
- St. Veronica, Virgin, of Milan
- St. Victor of Braga, Martyr
- St. Victor of Marseilles, Martyr
- St. Victor, Martyr at Milan
- St. Victor, or Vittre, of Arcies, or Arcis, in Champagne, Anchoret and Confessor
- St. Victor, Pope and Martyr
- St. Victoria, Virgin and Martyr
- SS. Victorian, Proconsul of Carthage, &c., Martyrs
- St. Victorinus, and Six Companions, Martyrs
- St. Victorinus, Bishop and Martyr
- St. Vigilius, Bishop of Trent, Martyr
- St. Vimin, or Vivian, Bishop and Confessor, in Scotland
- St. Vincent Ferrer, Confessor
- St. Vincent of Lerins, Confessor
- St. Vincent of Paul, Confessor
- St. Vincent, Martyr in Agenois
- St. Vincent, Martyr
- St. Virgil of Ireland, Bishop of Saltzburg, Confessor
- The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
- SS. Vitalis and Agricola, Martyrs
- St. Vitalis, Martyr
- SS. Vitus or Guy, Crescentia, and Modestus, Martyrs
- St. Vulgan, of Ireland, Confessor
- St. Vulsin, Bishop of Shireburn, Confessor
- St. Walburge, Virgin, Abbess in England
- St. Walstan, Confessor
- St. Walter, Abbot of St. Martin’s, Near Pontoise
- St. Walter, Abbot
- St. Walthen, or Waltheof, Abbot of Melross, Confessor
- St. Waltrude, Widow
- St. Wasnulf, or Wasnon, Patron of Conde, Confessor
- St. Wenceslas, Duke of Bohemia, Martyr
- St. Wenefride, Virgin and Martyr
- St. Wereburge, Virgin and Abbess, in England, Patroness of Chester
- St. Werenfrid, Priest and Confessor
- St. Wigbert, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Wilfred, Bishop of York, Confessor
- St. Willehad, Bishop of Bremen, Confessor
- St. William of Maleval, Hermit, and Institutor of the Order of Gulielmites
- St. William of Monte-Vergine
- St. William of Norwich, Martyr
- St. William, Abbot of Eskille, Confessor
- St. William, Archbishop of York, Confessor
- St. William, Bishop of Roschild, Confessor
- St. William, Bishop of S. Brieuc in Brittany, Confessor
- St. William, Confessor, Archbishop of Bourges
- St. Willibald, Bishop of Aichstadt, Confessor
- St. Willibrord, First Bishop of Utrecht, Confessor
- St. Winebald, Abbot and Confessor
- St. Winoc, Abbot
- St. Winwaloe, or Winwaloc, Abbot
- St. Wiro, Bishop in Ireland
- St. Wistan, Prince of Mercia, Martyr
- St. Withburge, Virgin
- St. Wolfgang, Bishop of Ratisbon
- SS. Wulfhad and Ruffin, Martyrs
- St. Wulfhilde, Virgin and Abbess
- St. Wulfran, Archbishop of Sens
- St. Wulstan, Bishop of Worcester, Confessor
- St. Xystus, or Sixtus II., Pope and Martyr
- B. Yvo, Bishop of Chartres, Confessor
- St. Yvo, Confessor
- St. Zachary, Pope and Confessor
- St. Zeno, Bishop of Verona, Confessor
- St. Zenobius, Bishop of Florence, Confessor
- St. Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr
- St. Zita, Virgin
- St. Zoticus, Bishop of Comana in Cappadocia, Martyr
- St. Zozimus, Bishop of Syracuse