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Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume III: March. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.

March 5

St. Roger, Confessor

A DISCIPLE of St. Francis of Assisio, who received him into his Order in 1216, and sent him into Spain, though Wading calls him a layman. The spirit of poverty which he professed, he inherited of his holy father in the most perfect degree, and St. Francis commended his charity above all his other disciples. The gifts of prophecy and miracles rendered him illustrious both living and after his death, which happened in 1236. His head is kept at Villa Franca, in the diocess of Asturia, and his body at Todi in Italy, where he is honoured with a particular office ratified by Gregory IX. See Wading’s Annals, published by Fonseca, at Rome, in 1732. t. 2. p. 413, 414. also Henschenius, p. 418. Pope Benedict XIV. granted to the Franciscans for his festival the 5th of March.  1