
Home  »  Volume III: March  »  St. Droctovæus, Abbot

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume III: March. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.

March 10

St. Droctovæus, Abbot

KING CHILDEBERT having built at Paris a famous abbey in honour of St. Vincent, this saint, who was a native of the diocess of Autun, had been educated under St. Germanus, abbot of St. Symphorian’s at Autun, and was a person eminent for his learning and extraordinary spirit of mortification and prayer, was appointed the second, according to Duplessis 1 according to others, the first Abbot of this house, since called St. Germain-des-Prez, in which he died about the year 580. His body is kept in that abbey, and he is honoured by the church on the 10th of March. His original life being lost, Gislemar, a Benedictin monk of this house, in the ninth age, collected from tradition and scattered memoirs that which we have in Bollandus, and more accurately in Mabillon.  1
Note 1. Duplessis’ Annales de Paris, p. 60. 68. [back]