
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

explorer 268 explosion [see explode] revolution 146 violence 173 loudness 404 sound 406 anger 900 explosive 727 dangerous 665 exponent numerical 84 interpreter 524 informant 527 index 550 export 295 expose denude 226 confute 479 disclose 529 censure 932 – oneself disreputable 874 – to danger 665 – to view visible 446 manifest 525 exposé confutation 479 disclosure 529 description 594 exposed bare 226 – to liable 177 exposition [see expose] explanation 522 indication 550 drama 599 exhibition 882 expositor interpreter 524 teacher 540 expository explaining 522 informing 527 disclosed 529 disserting 595 expostulate dissuade 616 advise 695 deprecate 766 reprehend 932 exposure [see expose] appearance 448 – to weather 338 expound interpret 522 teach 537 expounder 524 express carrier 268, 271 rapid 274 squeeze out 301 mean 516 declare 525 inform 527 language 560 intentional 620 transit 627 haste 684 – by words 566 – car 272 – regret 952 – sympathy for 915 – train 272 expressed 566 well – 578 expression [see express] musical – 416 aspect 448 nomenclature 564 phrase 566 mode of – 569 new fangled – 569 expressive meaning 516 sensibility 822 expressman 271 exprobation censure 932 accusation 938 expropriation 782 expugnable 665 expugnation success 731 (taking 789) expuition 297 expulsion [see expel] exclusion 55 expunge destroy 162 efface 552 expurgate 652 exquisite savory 394 excellent 648 pleasurable 829 beautiful 845 fop 854 exquisitely very 31 exradio 420 exsiccate 340 exspuition 297 exsudation 299 exsufflation 993 extant 1 extasy [see ecstasy] extemporaneous [see extempore] transient 111 extempore instant 113 early 132 occasion 134 offhand 612 unprepared 674 extemporize 612 extemporizer 612 extend expand 194 prolong 200 (increase 35) – to 196 extended spacious 180 long 200 broad 202 extendibility 324 extensibility 324, 325 extensile 324 extension [see extend] increase 35 continuance 143 space 180 – of time 110 extensive great 31 wide 180 – knowledge 490 extent degree 26 space 180 length 200 extenuate decrease 36 weaken 160 excuse 937 extenuated 203 extenuating 937 – circumstances qualification 469 excuse 937 extenuatory 469 exterior 57, 220 exteriority 220 exterminate 162 extermination 301 exterminator 165 extern 220 external 220 – evidence 467 – senses 375 externalize 220 exterritorial 220 extinct inexistent 2 past 122 old 124 destroyed 162 darkness 421 extincteur 385 extinction obliteration 552 – of life 360 extinguish destroy 162 blow out 385 darken 421 extinguisher 165 put an – upon hinder 706 defeat 731 extinguishment 2 extirpate 2, 301 extispicious 511 extispicy 511 extol overestimate 482 praise 931 extort extract 301 compel 744 despoil 789 extorted dissent 489 extortion dearness 814 rapacity 819 extortionate severe 739 dear 814 rapacious 819 grasping 865 extortioner 789, 819 extra additional 37 supernumerary 641 ab – 220 extract take out 301 record 551 quotation 596 remedy 662 extraction 301 paternity 166 – of roots 85 extractor 301 extradition deportation 270 expulsion 297 extrados 220 extrajudicial 964 extralimitary 220 extramundane 220, 317 extramural 220 extraneous extrinsic 6 not related 10 foreign 57 exterior 220 extraneousness 57 extraordinary great 31 exceptional 83 extraregarding 220 extraterrene 220 extraterrestrial 220 extraterritorial 220 extravagance [see extravagant] extravagant inordinate 31 violent 173 absurd 497 foolish 499 fanciful 515 exaggerated 549 excessive 641 high-priced 814 prodigal 818 vulgar 851 ridiculous 853 extravaganza fanciful 515 misrepresentation 555 drama 599 extravagation 303 extravasate egress 295 ejection 297 extreme inordinate 31 end 67 – unction 998 extremist 710 extremity end 67 adversity 735 tribulation 828 at the last – 665 drive matters to an – 604 extricate take out 301 deliver 672 facilitate 705 liberate 750 extrinsicality 6 extrinsic evidence 467 extrusion eject 297 excrete 299 extrusive 297 exuberant – style 573 redundant 639 exudation egress 295 excretion 299 exudative 295 exude 295 exulcerate 659 exult rejoice 838 boast 884