
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

cake stick 46 pastry 298, 396 consolidate 321 – walk 840 calabash 191 calaboose 752 calambac 400 calambour 400 calamiform 253 calamitous adverse 935 disastrous 830 calamity killing 361 evil 619 adversity 735 suffering 830 calash cap 225 vehicle 272 calathiform 252 calcareous 432 calcimine 430 calcinatory 384 calcine 384 calcitrate 276 calcium light 423 calculate reckon 85 investigate 461 expect 507 intend 620 – upon 484 calculated tending 176 premeditated 611 calculating prudent 498 – machine 85 calculation [see calculate] accounts 811 caution 864 calculous 323 calculus 85, 323 caldron [see cauldron] calèche 272 Caledonian 188 calefaction 384 calefy 384 calembour 520 calendar list 86 chronicle 114 record 551 schedule 611 calender 255 calenture delirium 503 disease 655 calf young 129 animals 366 fool 501 – love 902 golden – 986, 991 Caliban 846 caliber degree 26 size 192 breadth 202 opening 260 intellectual capacity 498 calibrate degree 26 breadth 202 measure 466 calico 635 calid 382 calidarium 386 calidity 382 caliginous 421 calipers 466 caliph 745 caliphate 737 calisthenics training 537 beauty 845 caliver 727 calk 660 call signal 550 name 564 express 566 motive 615 visit 892 sanctify 976 ordain 995 at one’s – alert 682 obedient 743 – attention to 457 – for require 630 order 741 ask 765 – forth resort to 677 excite 824 – in advice 695 – in question 485 – into being 161 – into notice 525 – into play 677 – names 929, 932 – of duty 926 – off the attention 458 – out cry 411 challenge 715 – over number 85 – to 586 – to account 932 – to mind 505 – to order 741 – to the bar 968 – to the ministry 996 – to witness 467 – up recollect 505 motive 615 excite 824 – upon demand 741 request 765 visit 892 duty 924, 926 – up spirits 992 within – 197 callable 741 callæsthetics 845 callant 129 call boy theater 599 callidity 698 calligraphy 590 calling business 625 Calliope 597 calliope 404, 417 callithump 173 callosity 323, 823 callous hard 323 obtuse 376 insensible 823 callow young 127 infant 129 bare 226 unprepared 674 calm physical 174 quiet 265 silent 403 dissuade 616 leisure 685 peace 721 moral 826 imperturbable 871 – before a storm 145 – belief &c. 484 green – below 318 calmant 174 calmative 174 calminant 210 calminate 210 calmness expectance 871 [see calm] calomel 662 caloric 382 – engine 633 calorimeter 389 calotte 999 calotype 554 caloyer 996 calumet token 550of peace 721, 723 calumniator 936 calumny 934 calvary 1000 Calvinism 984 calyx 191 cam 633 camarade 890 camarilla 712 camber 250 cambist 797, 801 camboose 386 Cambrian 188 cambric 635 camel 271 – backed 243 – bird 274 swallow a – caprice 608 clumsy 699 camelopard 206 camelot 797 cameo convex 250 sculpture 557 camera 445 camera lucida 445 camera obscura 445 camerated 191 camilla 274 camisade 716 camisole 225 camorra 712 camouflage 273 camp locate 184 abode 189 military 728 – meeting 990 – on the trail 281 campagna space 180 plain 344 campaign tactics 692 war 722 (plan 626) – hat 225 campaigner 726 campaigning travel 266 campaniform curved 245 round 249 concave 252 campanile 206 campanular 245, 249 campanulous 249 camper 268 campestrian 344 campestrine 344 camphor 356a camphorated 356a campus 344, 367, 728 Campus Martius 728 can power 157 mug 191 preserve 670 best one – 686 – it be! 870 Canadian 188 canaille 876 canakin 191 canal opening 260 conduit 350 way 627 – boat 273 canaliferous 259 canard rumor 532 lie 546 canary 366 cancan dance 840 cancel destroy 162 counteract 179 obliterate 552 abrogate 756 repudiate 773 cancellated 219 cancellation 219 cancelli 191 cancellous 219 cancer disease 655 bane 663 painful 830 candelabrum 423 candelia 349 candent 382, 430 candid white 430 sincere 543 ingenuous 703 honorable 939 candidacy 763 candidate petitioner 767 desirous 865 candidature 763 candle 423 bargain by inch of – 769 burn – at both ends 686 – ends remains 40 economy 817 candle foot 466 candleholder 711 candlelight 126, 422 Candlemas 138, 998 candle power 466