
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

suttee killing 361 burning 384 unselfishness 942 idolatry 991 sutteeism 361 suture 43 suzerain 745 suzerainty 737 swab dry 340 clean 652 lubber 701 swaddle clothe 225 restrain 751 swaddling clothes in – infant 129 subjection 749 swag hang 214 lean 217 curve 245 drop 306 oscillate 314 booty 793 swage 174 swagger pride 878 boast 884 bluster 885 swaggerer 482, 884, 887 swagsman 268 swain man 373 rustic 876 lover 897 swale 659 swallow swift 274 gulp 296 eat 298 bird 366 believe 484 credulous 486 brook 826 – flight 274 – the bait dupe 547 willing 602 – the leek recant 607 submit 725 – up destroy 162 store 636 use 677 take 789 – whole 465a swallow-tailed coat 225 swamp destroy 162 marsh 345 defeat 731 swamped failure 732 swampy moist 339 swan 366 – bath 341 – road 341 – song 360 swap exchange 148 blow 276 barter 794 sward 344, 367 swarm crowd 72 multitude 102 climb 305 bees 370 sufficiency 639 redundance 641 swarthy 431 swartness 431 swash affuse 337 spurt 348 swashbuckler fighter 726 blusterer 887 swashy 339 swastika 621, 993 swath 72 swathe fasten 43 clothe 225 restrain 751 sway power 157 influence 175 lean 217 oscillate 314 agitation 315 induce 615 authority 737 – to and fro 149 sweal 659 swear affirm 535 promise 768 curse 908 just enough to – by 32 – at 908 – a witness 768 – by believe 484 – false 544 sweat exude 295 excretion 299 heat 382 exertion 686 fatigue 688 cold – 860 in a – 382 – of one’s brow 686 – over 451 sweater 225 Swedenborg 986 Swedenborgian religious sect 984 sweep space 180 curve 245 navigation 267 rapid 274 bend 279 clean 652 dirty fellow 653 steal 791 make a clean – of 297 – along 264 – away destroy 162 eject 297 abrogate 756 relinquish 782 – off 297 – of time 109 – out eject 297 clean 652 – the chords 416 sweeper cleaner 652, 876 war vessel 726 sweeping whole 50 complete 52 inclusive 76 general 78 – change 146 sweepings useless 645 dirt 653 (trifle 643) sweepstakes gain 775 receipt 810 sweet saccharine 396 melodious 413 color 428 clean 652 agreeable 829 lovely 897 look – upon desire 865 love 897 endearment 902 – potatoes 298 – smell 400 – tooth desire 865 – wine 396 – words 894 sweeten 396, 829 sweetheart 897, 902 sweetmeat 396, 829 sweetness 396 – and light 829 sweets pastry 298 sugar 396 treat 829 sweet-scented 400 swell increase 35 expand 194 convexity 250 wave 348 sound 404 emotion 821 fop 854 nobility 875 swagger 885 extol 931 (increase 35) ground – agitation 315 – out diffuse style 573 – over 250 – the ranks of 37 – with rage 900 swelling expansion 194 prominence 250style 577 excitement 824 swell mob 792 swelter 382 sweltry 382 swerve variation 20a change 140 deviate 279 demur 603 tergiversation 607 – from 287 swift 274 swig drink 298 drunkenness 959 swill drink 298 uncleanness 653 intemperance 954 drunkenness 959 swim navigate 267 float 305 light 320 dim-sightedness 443 – against the stream 704 – in pleasure 377 abundance 639 – with the stream conformity 82 inactivity 683 – with the tide prosperity 734 swimming – eyes 443head 503 – bath 652 – belt 666 – bladder 334 – pool 652 swimmingly easilu 705 success 731 prosperity 734 swindle cheat 545 peculate 791 swindler cheat 548 thief 792 swine 366 cast pearls before – 638 – of Epicurus 954a swineherd 746 swing operation 170 space 180 hang 214 oscillate 314 freedom 748 amusement 840 full – active 682 success 731 give full – facilitate 705 have one’s – 738 swinge 972 swinging great 31 swinish intemperance 954 gluttony 957 – multitude 876 swink 686 swirl 312, 348 swish 409 switch deviate 279 recede 287 flog 972 rod 975 swivel hinge 312 cannon 727 swivel-eye 443 swollen expanded 194 proud 878 swoon powerless 158 fatigue 688 swoop descend 274, 306 seize 789 at one fell – 173 swop 794 sword weapon 727 at the point of the – 722 severity 739 compulsion 744 subjection 749 draw the – war 722 flesh one’s – war 722 measure -s 720, 722 put to the – 361 of Damocles – in hand prepare 673 war 722 turn -s into plow-shares 723