
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

sawdust 330 sawney 501 saxhorn 417 Saxon style of language 576, 578 say nearly 32 turn 138 assert 535 express 560 speak 582 have one’s – 535, 582 not – I did it 938 – by heart 505 – no 489 – nothing 585 – one’s prayers 990 – to oneself 589 – what comes upper-most 612 that is to – 522 what do you – to that 870 you don’t – so 870 sayid 745 saying maxim 496 assertion 535 sbirro 965 scab apostate 607 scabbard 191 throw away the – resolution 604 war 722 scabby 940 scabies 380, 655 scabrous 256 scaffold support 215 preparation 673 execution 975 (way 627) (means 632) scagliola 223, 545 scaithless [see scathless] scalawag 949 scald burn 382, 384 poet 597 scale portion 51 series 69 term 71 slice 204 skin 223 mount 305 weigh 319 gamut 413 measure 466 printing 591 hold the -s 480 hold the -s even 922 -s falling from the eyes see 441 disclose 529 -s of justice 922 – the heights 305 – the walls 716 turn the – reversion 145 influence 175 counter evidence 468 motive 615 scalene 243 scaling ladder 305 scallion 298 scallop convolution 248 notch 257 scalp 226 scalpel 253 scalp lock 256, 550 scaly 223 scamble 44 scamp neglect 460 rascal 949 scamped sham 545 scamper speed 274 – off 623 scampish 945 scan see 441 attend to 457 inquire 461 know 490 prosody 597 scandal news 532 obloquy 934 scandalize 932 scandalmonger 532 scandalous disreputable 874 vicious 945 scandent 305 scansion 597 scant small 32 few 103 little 193 narrow 203 insufficient 640 scantling model 22 scrap 32 dimensions 192 (part 51) scanty [see scant] scape 671 scapegoat substitute 147 atonement 952 scapegrace reckless 863 rascal 949 scaphoid 245 scapin cheat 548 knave 941 scapulary 999 scar shore 342 record 551 blemish 848 he jests at -s 830 scarab 993 Scaramouch 844 scarce incomplete 53 few 103 infrequent 137 insufficient 640 make oneself – absent 187 run away 623 scarcely 32 – any 103 – anything 643 – ever 137 scarcity [see scarce] scare 860 scarecrow ugly 846 frighten 860 scarf dress 225 canonicals 999 scarfskin 223 scarify notch 257 torment 830 scarlatina 655 scarlet 434 – Woman 984 scarp oblique 217 defense 717 scarpines 972 scathe badness 649 injury 659 (evil 619) (bane 663) scatheless perfect 650 (secure 664) (saved 672) scatter derange 61 disperse 73 diverge 291 – to the winds destroy 162 confute 479 scatter-brained inattentive 458 insane 503 scatterling 268 scavenger 652 scene appearance 448 painting 556 drama 599 excitement 825 – of action 728 scene painter 559 scene painting 556 scenery 448, 599 sceneshifter 599 scenic 599, 882 scenography 54, 556 scent smell 398 discovery 480a disbelieve 485 knowledge 490 sign 550 trail 551 get – of 527 on the – 622 on the right – 462 put on a new – 279 – from afar 510 throw off the – 623 scent bag 400 scent bottle 400 scent container 400 scented 400 scentless 399 scepter 33, 747 sway the – 737 sceptic [see skeptic] scepticism [see skepticism] schatchen 903 schedule 86, 611 Schelling’s philosophy 451 schematism 60 schematist 626 scheme draft 554 plan 626 schemer 626, 702 schenk beer 298 scherzo 415 schesis 7 schism dissent 489 discord 713 heterodoxy 984 schismless 983a schistose 204 schnapps 959 schnorrer 804 scholar erudite 492 learner 541 rank 873 scholarly 539 scholarship knowledge 490 learning 539 trophy 733, 873 scholastic knowledge 490 teaching 537, 540 learning 539 school 542 theology 983 Scholasticism 451 scholiast 492, 524 scholium maxim 496 interpretation 522 school herd 72 system of opinions 484 knowledge 490 teaching 537 academy 542 painting 556 go to – 539 – bag 191 – days 127 send to – 537 – of art 542 -s of painting 556 -s of sculpture 557 schoolbook 542 schoolboy lad 129 learner 541 (tyro 193) a -’s tale 111 familiar to every – 490 schoolfellow 541 schoolgirl 129, 541 schoolman scholar 492 theologian 983 schoolmaster 540 – abroad knowledge 490 learning 537 schoolmistress 540 schoolroom 191, 542 schooner 273 receptacle 191 Schopenhauer’s philosophy 451 schrod 298 sciamachy 497 sciatica 378 science knowledge 490 skill 698 – of language 562 – of virtue 944 scientific exact 494 teaching 537