
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

inflexion [see inflection] inflict act upon 680 severity 739 – evil 649 – pain bodily pain 378 mental pain 830 – punishment 972 infliction adversity 735 mental pain 828, 830 punishment 972 inflorescence 161 influence cause 153 change 140 physical175 tendency 176 inducement 615 instrumentality 631 authority 737 (importance 642) absence of – 175a make one’s – felt 175 sphere of – 780 influenza 655 influx 294 inform 527 – against accuse 938 go to law 969 informal irregular 83 lawless 964 informality nonobservance 773 informant 527, 938 information knowledge 490 communication 527 lawsuit 969 pick up – 539 wide – 539 informed 527 informity 241 infraction infringement 303 disobedience 742 nonobservance 773 exemption 927 – of usage unconformity 83 desuetude 614 infrangible combined 46 dense 321 infrequency 137 infrequent 137 infrigidation 385 infringe transgress 303 disobey 742 not observe 773 undueness 925 dereliction 927 – a law 83 infructuose 169 infumate 340, 673 infundibular concave 252 hole 260 infuriate violent 173 excite 824 anger 900 infuscate 431 infuse mix 41 insert 300 teach 537 – courage 861 – life into 824 – new blood 658 infused 6 infusible 321 infusion [see infuse] liquefaction 335 infusoria 193 ingannation 545 ingate 350 ingathering 72 ingemination 90 ingenerate 5 ingenious original 515 instrumental 633 skillful 698 ingenit 5 ingénu artless 703 ingénue actress 599 ingenuity 698 ingenuous artless 703 (sincere 543) (honorable 939) ingesta 298 ingestion 296 ingestive 296 ingle 388 ingle side 189 inglorious disreputable 874 dishonorable 940 ingluvies 191 ingot 800 ingraft add 37 join 43 insert 300 teach 537 ingrafted extrinsic 6 habit 613 ingrain insinuate 228 texture 329 color 428 ingrained intrinsic 5 combined 48 habit 613 character 820 ingrate 917 ingratiate 897 ingratiating 894 ingratitude 917 ingredient 56 ingress 294 forcible – 300 ingressive 294 ingurgitate 296 ingustible 391 inhabile 699 inhabit 186 inhabitant 188 inhalation [see inhale] inhale receive 296 breathe 349 smoke 389 smell 398 inharmonious 15, 713 – color 428 – sound 414 inhere in 56 inherence 5 inherent 56, 820 inherit acquire 775 possess 777 inheritance property 780 – of the saints 981 inherited intrinsic 5 transfer 783 inheritor 779 inhesion 5 inhibit hinder 706 restrain 751 prohibit 761 (restrain 615) inhospitable 893 inhuman 907 inhume 363 inimaginable impossible 471 improbable 473 wonderful 870 inimical contrary 14 opposition 708 enmity 889 inimitable nonimitation 20 unequal 28 supreme 33 very good 648 perfect 650 iniquity wrong 923 vice 945 worker of – 949 inirritability 826 initial 66 – letter 558 initiate begin 66 receive 296 teach 537 initiated skillful 698 initiatory 296 inject 300 fluid 337 injudicial 964 injudicious 499, 863 injunction command 630 advice 695 command 741 prohibition 761 injure evil 619 damage 659 spite 907 injurious 619, 923 – insects 913 injury evil 619 badness 649 damage 659 injustice 923 ink 431 before the – is dry 132 pen and – 590 inkhorn 590 inkle 45 inkling knowledge 490 supposition 514 information 527 inkslinger 593 inkwell 590 inlaid 847 – work 847 inland 221 inlay 300, 440 inlet beginning 66 interval 198 opening 260 ingress 294of the sea 343 inly 221 inmate 188, 221 inmost 221 – nature 1 – soul 820 – thoughts 451 to the – core 822 inn 189 innate 5 (habit 613) – proclivity 601 innavigable 471 inner 221 – coating 224 – man intellect 450 affections 820 – reality 1 innermost 221 – recesses 221 innings land 342 acquisition 775 innkeeper 188, 637 innocence 946 innocent child 167 fool 501 good 648 healthy 656 artless 703 guiltless 946 good woman 948 innocuous good 648 healthy 656 innocent 946 innominables 225 innominate 565 innovation variation 20a new 123 change 140 innoxious salubrious 656 innocent 946 innuendo hint 527 censure 932 innumerable 105 innutritious 657 inobservance 773 (disobedience 742) inoccupation 681 inoculate insert 300 teach 537 influence 615 inoculated 48 inoculation [see inoculate] inodorous 399 inoffensive good 648 innocent 946