
How Did Confucius Judge The Foundation Of Human Nature

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Confucius was born in the province of Lu, in northern China and lived during the Chou dynasty, where the moral and social order was falling apart due to the land being divided among feudal lords. This brought Confucius into thinking of restoring that order, he believed that changed was achievable through educating political leaders in his philosophy, so that they could further implement his values amongst the people of China.Therefore, I believe that Confucius judged the foundation of human nature to be good, it was only a matter of reaching it. Into his teachings, Confucius focused on ethical ways that an individual could achieve their good nature. His teachings centered ethical order and believed that an individual relied on self effort rather than divine beings to achieve the ideal character. Confucius believed that anyone could attain the ability to live a good and moral life by following the key principle of Ren, Li and Junzi. Ren is an important principle and existed in all humans, It is benevolence, …show more content…

(Brodd 257) This ideal model of a man improved an individuals moral conduct while still improving social relationships. help those reach their potential of good moral and social order. Confucis was very optimistic about humans and their potential to be good and do good to others. It was only a matter of acknowledging it on their own where individuals and rulers to cure the corruption of society. In the Articel “Junzi or the Exemplary Man: An Introduction to the Confucian Gentlemen.” Thus established that cultivating oneself also led to the well being of a community and stated “Here, we have to understand that Confucian political philosophy puts great (or even greatest) emphasis on leading by example. When the rulers are just and upright, so shall the common people be; when the rulers are corrupt and without virtue, the same happens in the realm of the common

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