
Examining Contending Views on Human Nature: Mancius vs. Xunzi

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Examining Contending Views on Human Nature: Mancius vs. Xunzi

Throughout human intellectual history, mankind has debated the question: “are humans good by nature?” Do humans do good out of only self-centered motivations, or is there an internal built-in sense of morality? Today, we face this problem more than ever. For example, if a lawyer argues a killer’s intentions for committing heinous crimes originate from the fact that he has a tendency towards naturally incompetency, or if outside influences turned a naturally well-to-do individual into a ill-willed murderer. Mencius and Xunzi are among the most notable Confucian scholars, yet their differing views on this philosophical conundrum set them apart. Mencius maintained an …show more content…

The first section will deal with the similarities between the two philosophers beliefs and methodologies, and their interpretations in the modern day. Then, the essay will individually analyze first Mencius, then Xunzi’s fundamental stance on human nature using the primary sources mentioned above. Subsequently, I will reiterate the primary stance of my thesis and support it using the primary and second sources that I have acknowledged in the body of my paper. Finally, I will conclude by examining these two competing beliefs in light of modern interpretations of human nature. It is necessary to observe that Xunzi and Mencius both acknowledged that humans in general have both good and bad emotions as well sentiments of selfishness and selflessness. Furthermore, their belief system is built on the fact that humans’ internal battle to cultivate good sentiments and purge the bad ones is influenced by nature and external environments, and that by performing rituals one can achieve moral enlightenment and inherent goodness. Apart from rituals, which are now commonly regarded as archaic and superstitious in modern society, my argument is in unison with this approach. Most people in modern society believe in a sort of cosmic or karmatic force, in which all individuals’ good emotions are measured in comparison to our self-centered emotions, and by conducting good

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