
Confucius Chapter 7 Summary

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The Anlects serve as a giude bok to life and this chapter there is a big impact on Education and learning. confucius says, “Devote yourself to the Way,depend on Integrity, rely on Humanity, and wander in the arts.” (Anlects 68). This quote is connect to other quote confucius says, “culture, conduct, loyalty, and standing by your words.” (Anlects73) These two quotes from chapter 7 connects with each other because they both represent the founding morals to being a good person. The quotes highlights devotion to the was more than the second quote but, they both have the same message to have Integrity or standing by your words, humanity or conduct and arts or culture. These two qoutes corolated to this qoute, Confucious say, “Intgertiy never alone.It

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