
Anlects Of Confucius Vs Tao Te Ching

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As the Korean old proverb goes, “Read the Analects of Confucius when you are young and read the Tao Te Ching when you get older.” Personally, the Analects of Confucius appeared to me because its ideas are very down to earth. Many people believed that two texts are complementary and do not replace one another. The reason why is that two texts have different ideas. The Analects of Confucius is dealing with more practical things but Tao Te Ching pursue ideal things. Therefore, I strongly believe that we have to read both of texts in life so that we can have a better life.
First of all, an idea of obedience was described in two texts. According to Tao Te Ching 49, Laozi said Master have to accept all the complaints that people had and treat them …show more content…

According to the Tao Te Ching 3, Laozi said people should not be praise man’s wisdom to avoid arguments between peoples and should not think highly of goods to prevent theft. The reason why the world is in such a disarray is that people deem highly of the wisdom, scholarship, and the goods. Laozi doesn’t like class society based on people’s difference in terms of ability. He dreamed of a society without rank. He tried to make an equal society. Historically, the Analects of Confucius has been often mentioned when supporting the absolute monarchy in feudal system. Sometimes it has been used by high class in order to hide a social inconsistent as justifying social hierarchy. The difference between two texts is that philosopher Laozi doesn’t support class-society but Confucius accented the hierarchical order. However, the true value of Confucius idea is based on politics of human. In other words, he emphasized that leaders should restore their humanity to avoid society disruption. To be specific, he expected the society to follow this phrase: “Lord should behave like a lord and his retainers should remain faithful to …show more content…

According to Tao Te Ching 8, Laozi said the best virtue is like a water. Water gives the benefits to all the creations and make a peaceful world without any fight. In fact, water tend to be at the lower place where people don’t want to be at. Therefore, philosopher Laozi considered water same as the right thing that people must pursue. To be specific, his idea is similar to this phrase: “Life seeking for the free accordance with nature reason”. The place where people live should be over the ground and the mind is good to be deep like a pond. All the talk should be trustworthy and laws should be governed well. When you have things to do be done, it is better to be good at it. Act should be performed in the proper time. Therefore, we can live peacefully and there would be no wrong. That is why the best virtue is similar to water. According to the Analects of Confucius 2, Confucius said that if a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others” In other words, Confucius emphasize that people should learn and study all the time. And also, he accented a filial devotion and

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