
Confucius in the Analects Essay

Decent Essays

Confucius’s counsel and guidance recorded in The Analects instilled wisdom when they were first recorded and continue to provide a thought provoking analysis of life and the checkpoints that guide it. The Master’s commentary on restraint, diligence, decency, and citizenship are well intended and relevant. Politics and the role of government also come under scrutiny as Confucius offers his insights in bettering the organization of power. His proverb-like admonitions use clear examples of everyday life allowing them to be understood and easily digested. Confucius’s own eagerness and willingness to share goodness he experienced makes it easier to apply and practice in one’s own life. …show more content…

His endorsing and bragging of Hui’s in the following statement shows his fondness of this trait. “Ah! Hui was the one to whom I could tell things and who never failed to attend to them.” (Confucius p.50) Confucius continues to be pleased with the disciples’ vigor and compliments them on their affinity for personal exertion. “Alas! I ever saw him make progress, and never saw him stand still.” (Confucius p. 50) Confucius’s displeasure of idleness is rather apparent in his accolades towards his disciples.
Confucius’s complimentary behavior not motivated his disciples but also set forth the example of decency and citizenship within society. “I can try a lawsuit as well as other men, but surely the great thing is to bring about that there be no going to law.” (Confucius p. 70) Confucius stresses not only the importance of bearing down society with avoidable lawsuits, but also that the relationships between neighbors should be above petty differences and disputes. He continues to encourage the importance neighbors by counseling his followers about the perspective in which we view others. “The man of noble mind seeks to achieve the good in others and not their evil. The little-minded man is the reverse of this.” (Confucius p. 70) The goodwill of which Confucius wishes to implant in his followers is evident in his statements as he encourages optimism and

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