
Confucius First Teacher

Decent Essays

ading Questions
1) [Smith 154-59; Analects (Lun Yu) of Confucius (Kung Tze)] Comprehensively explain the life of Confucius. Why is he called ‘the First Teacher’? Explain one or more key instance where a biographical experience of his played a crucial role in the development of his philosophical doctrines. Provide at least one example from the Analects readings that illustrate some biographical point from his life in practice or within his explicit teachings.
1) [Smith 154-59; Analects (Lun Yu) of Confucius (Kung Tze)] Comprehensively explain the life of Confucius. Confucius was raised by his mother because he lost his father when he was very young. Confucius was a very educated person growing up. His main goal in life was public office, but …show more content…

Confucius is called the first teacher because he is first among all teachers, but it is not because he was the very first, just that he is the highest.
1b) Explain one or more key instance where a biographical experience of his played a crucial role in the development of his philosophical doctrines. Confucius grew up in poverty, which helps him related to the common people. His philosophy has a democratic quality. He was respected by all, and he respected everyone whether they were nobles or poor
1c) One example From the Analects readings that illustrate some biographical point From his life in practice or within his explicit teachings can be Found in Chapter 1 Verse 5.ConFucius states, “In leading a state of a thousand chariots, respect the once and be trustworthy; economize in the use of resources and love the people, and employ the people when it is timely.”
2) [Smith 159-72; Analects (Lun Yu) of Confucius (Kung Tze)] According to Smith, what is the main problem Confucius faced? What are some examples? What are some possible solutions? And, in light of the problem, examples, and possible solutions, what is Confucius’ conclusion? Provide one or more example from the Analects of a concession or mention of the problem of social disorder—either its likely causes or a proposed …show more content…

To stop the wars and killings Confucius decided to spread his beliefs and traditions.
2d) One example From the Analects of a concession or mention of the problem of social disorder can be found in Chapter 5 Verse 26. Confucius says, “All is lost! I have yet to see a man who can see his own faults and censure himself!”
3) [Smith 167-80; Analects (Lun Yu) of Confucius (Kung Tze)] Describe Confucius’s notion of deliberate tradition? How is it a response to the problem of social cohesion? How does Smith contrast it with ‘spontaneous tradition’? Does it sound convincing? Explain providing at least one telling illustration of deliberate tradition in practice or in teaching as detailed in his Analects.
3a)[Smith 167-80;Analects (Lun Yu) of Confucius (Kung Tze)] Describe Confucius’s notion of deliberate tradition? When talking about the deliberate tradition Confucius believed that it needed attention so it would remain intact even when faced with views of individualism.
3b) How is it a response to the problem of social cohesion? It is a response to the problem of social cohesion because traditions help people stay together and as they get passed on it means even

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