
Confucius Lives Next Door Summary

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What Living in the East Teaches Us About Living in the West The novel Confucius Lives Next Door: What Living in the East Teaches Us About Living in the West, the author T. R. Reid recounts him and his families experience of their time living in Tokyo, Japan. Reid originally moved to Tokyo to write for the Washington Post, however, shortly after moving there he fell in love with the social miracles that the Japanese culture possessed. When Reid first brought up the idea of moving to Tokyo in the mid-1980s to his family, they immediately shut him down, this was during the period when Americans thought that the Japanese were going to bomb the United States and possibly take over the country, however, after some convincing the Reid, his wife and …show more content…

One of the most significant national holidays in Japan is the Coming of Age, this takes place on January fifteenth. This day represents the start of adulthood for every individual celebrating a twentieth birthday that year. With the title of adulthood comes a list of new responsibilities and expectations to uphold. The individuals turning twenty now have the freedom to drink, vote and become an official member of society. The new members of adulthood are required to attend a monthly meeting which takes place in their particular community. The purpose of the meetings are to inform the new adults of their responsibilities, they are told that they are now responsible for their actions and their actions will now reflect upon their communities. In addition, on May first, every company in Japan help a ceremony for new members joining their team. This was made into a huge celebration because it was essentially a lifelong commitment. In Japan, a fundamental rule is that people are not laid off unless an extreme circumstance takes place. One of the most important holidays occurs on September twenty-eighth: Confucius birthday also known as ‘Teacher’s Day.’ This is a celebration that occurs to celebrate Confucius life and all of his achievements. Holidays are a large part of the Japanese

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