
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

cornice 210 corniculate 253 cornification 323 Cornish hug 545 corno 417 cornopean 417 cornstarch 298 cornucopia 639 cornute projecting 250 sharp 253 cornwallis 840 corollary adjunct 39 deduction 480 corona summit 210 circularity 247 coronach 415, 550, 839 coronation enthronement 755 celebration 883 coroner 965 coronet hoop 247 insignia 747 jewel 847 title 877 corporal corporeal 316 officer 745 corporate joined 43 combine 48 party 712 – body 712 corporation bulk 192 convex 250 association 712 merchants 797 jurisdiction 965 corporeal 3, 316 – hereditaments 780 – nature 364 corporeity 3, 316 corposant 423 corps assemblage 72 troops 726 – de reserve 636 corpse 362 – candle 423 corpulence 192 corpulent 192, 194 corpus 316 – delicti guilt 947 lawsuit 969 – juris precept 697 law 963 corpuscle small 32 little 193 corradiation focus 74 convergence 290 corral circumscribe 229 inclosure 232 round up 370 correct orderly 58 true 494 inform 527 disclose 529 improve 658 repair 660 due 924 censure 932 honorable 939 virtuous 944 punish 972 – ear 416, 418 – memory 505 – reasoning 476 – style grammatical 567 elegant 578 correction [see correct] house of – 752 under – 879 corrective 662 correctness [see correct] elegance 578 corregidor 745 correlation relation 9 reciprocity 12 correlative 9, 17 correspond agree 23 write 592 correspondence correlation 12 similarity 17 agreement 23 writing 592 concord 714 correspondent reciprocal 12 messenger 534 letter writer 592 journalist 593 consignee 758 corresponsive 178 corridor place 191 passage 627 -s of time 109 – train 272 corrigendum 495 corrigible 658 corrival 726 corrivalry 720 corrivation 348 corroborant 662 corroboration evidence 467 assent 488 corrode burn 384 erode 659 afflict 830 corrosion [see corrode] corrosive [see corrode] acrid 171 destructive 649 – sublimate 663 corrugate derange 61 constrict 195 roughen 256 rumple 258 furrow 259 corrupt [see corruption] corrupting noxious 649 corruption decomposition 49 neology 563 foulness 653 disease 655 deterioration 659 improbity 940 vice 945 guilt 947 corsage 225 corsair boat 273 pirate 792 corse 362 corselet 225 corset 225 corso 728 cortège adjunct 39 continuity 69 accompaniment 88 journey 266 suite 646 cortes 696 cortex cortical 223 coruscate 420, 498 corvet ship 273 man-of-war 726 corvette [see corvet] Corybantic 503, 954 coryphée 599 Corypheus teacher 540 director 694 coscinomancy 511 cosey 892 cosine 217 cos lettuce 298 cosmetic remedy 662 ornament 847 cosmical 318 cosmogony 318 cosmography 318 cosmology 318 cosmoplast 976 cosmopolitan abode 189 mankind 372 sociality 892 philanthropic 910 cosmorama 448 cosmos 60, 318 Cossack 726 cosset darling 899 caress 902 cost 812 – price 815 – what it may 604 pay -s 807 to one’s – evil 619 badness 649 costate 259 costermonger 797 costive compact 321 taciturn 855 costless 815 costly 809, 814 costume 225 theatrical – 599 costumé 225 bal – 840 costumer 225, 599 costumier 225 theatrical 599 cosy snug 377 sociable 892 cot abode 189 bed 215 – betty 374 cotangent 217 cote 189 cotenancy 778 coterie class 75 junto 712 society 892 coterminous 120 cothurnus 599 cotidal 341 cotillon 840 cotquean 374, 501 cottage 189 cottager 188 cotter 188 cotton 205, 635 cottonseed oil 356 cotyledon 367 couch lie 213 bed 215 stoop 308 lurk 528 – in terms 566 – one’s lance 720 lone – of everlasting sleep 360, 363 couchant 213 couci-couci 651 cougar 913 cough 349 churchyard – 655 coulee 211, 350 couleur de rose good 648 prosperity 734 view en – 836 coulisse 599 council senate 696 church 995 cease thy – 695 – fire 696 – of education 542 hold a – 695 councilor 696 counsel advice 695 lawyer 968 keep one’s own – 528 take – think 451 inquire 461 be advised 695 count clause 51 item 79 compute 85 estimate 480 lord 875 – the cost 864 – upon believe 484 expect 507 countable 85