
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

bromide conventionalist 82 bromidium 496 bronchia 351 broncho 271 – buster 370 bronchocele 655 bronze brown 433 sculpture 557 brooch 847 brood multitude 102 family 167 hatch 370 – over think 451 mope 837 brooding preparing 673 brook stream 348 bear 826 broom undergrowth 367 sweep 652 broomstick 491 broth 298 brothel 945, 961 brother kin 11 similar 17 equal 27 – Jonathan 188 brotherhood 712 brotherly friendship 888 love 897 benevolence 906 brougham 272 brought to bed 161 brouillerie 713 brouillon 626 brow top 210 edge 231 front 234 browbeat intimidate 860 swagger 885 disrespect 929 -en humbled 879 brown 433 – Bess 727 – ocher 433 – stone 635 – stone house 189, 831 – study thought 451 inattention 458 imagination 515 Brownian 984 brownie 979 brownness 433 browse 298 bruin 895 bruise powder 330 hurt 619 injure 649 bruised blemished 848 bruiser 726 bruit 531, 532 brumal 383 brummagem 545 brunch 572 brunette 433 Brunswick black 356a brunt beginning 66 impulse 276 bear the – difficulty 704 defense 717 endure 821, 826 (resist 719) brush tail 235 rough 256 rapid motion 274 groom 370 touch 379 clean 652 fight 720 – away reject 297 abrogate 756 – up clean 652 furbish 658 prepare 673 paint – 556 brushwood 367, 388 brusque violent 173 haste 684 discourtesy 895 Brussels sprouts 298 brustle 407 brutal vulgar 851 rude 895 savage 907 brutalize [see brutal] corrupt 659 deaden 823 vice 945 brute animal 366 rude 895 maleficent 913 – force strength 159 violence 173 animal 450a severe 739 compulsion 744 lawless 964 – matter matter 316 inorganic 358 brutify 954 brutish [see brute] vulgar 851 ignoble 876 intemperate 954 Bryanite 984 bryophites 369 bubble unsubstantial 4 transient 111 little 193 light 320 water 348 air 353 error 495 deceit 545 trifle 643 – burst fall short 304 disappoint 509 fail 732 – reputation 873 – up agitation 315 bubbling 353 bubo 250 bubonic plague 655 buccaneer 791, 792 Bucephalus 271 buck confront 234 leap 309 stag 366 male 373 negro 431 wash 652 fop 854 – basket 191 – fever 825 – jump 309 – nigger 431 bucket receptacle 191 load 270 – shop 621 kick the – 360 bucking attack 716 buckle tie 43 fastening 45 distort 243 curl 248 – oneself 604 – on one’s armor 673 – to resolution 604 exertion 686 – with grapple 720 buckler 717 buckram affectation 855 pride 878 men in – 549 buckwheat 367 bucolic pastoral 370, 371 poem 597 bud beginning 66 germ 153 expand 194 graft 300 blossom 367 – from 154 Buddha 976, 986 Buddhism 976, 984 Buddhist 984 – priests 996 – temple 1000 budding young 127 expansion 194 buddy chum 890 budge 264 budget heap 72 bag 191 store 636 finance 811 – of news 532 budmash 949 buff skin 223 color 436 native – 226 buffalo 366 – bug 366 – robe 223 – wallow 343 buffer hindrance 706 defense 717 buffet strike 276 agitate 315 evil 619 bad 649 affront 900 smite 972 – the waves difficulty 704 opposition 708 buffet bar 189 cupboard 191 buffle-headed 499 buffo 599 buffoon actor 599 humorist 844 butt 857 buffoonery amusement 840 humor 842 bug littleness 193 insect 366, 653 bugaboo alarm 669 fear 860 bugbear imaginary 515 alarm 669 fear 860, 980 buggy 272 bugle instrument 417 war cry 722 – call sign 550 command 741 bugles ornament 847 build construct 161 form 240 – a campfire 384 – up compose 54 – upon belief 484 – upon a rock 150 builder 626, 690 building material 635 buildings 189 built on basis 211 bulb knob 249 projection 250 bulbul 416 bulge 250 bulk be great 31 whole 50 size 192 bulkhead covering 223 interjacence 228 safety 664 hindrance 706 bulky 31 bull animal 366 male 373 error 495 absurdity 497 solecism 568 detective 664 ordinance 741 stock exchange 797 – in a china shop 59 take the – by the horns resolution 604 courage 861 Bull, John – 188 bulla 250 bull calf 501 bulldog animal 327, 366 pluck 604, 604a courage 861 bulldoze 860, 885 bulldozer 887 bullet ball 249 arms 727 (missile 284) – proof 717