
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

steadfastly 136 steady regular 80 periodic 138 stable 150 persevering 604a cautious 864 imperturbable 871 steal 791 – along creep 275 hide 528 – a march prior 116 early 132 precede 280 deceive 545 active 682 cunning 702 – away avoid 623 (escape 671) – on the ear 405 – upon one unexpected 508 stealing 791 stealth concealment 528 stealthy 528 cunning 702 caution 864 steam navigate 267 gas 334 vaporize 336 bubbles 353 heat 382 get up – 673 – up 171 under sail and – 274 under – 267 steamboat 273 steam engine 633 – to crack a nut waste 638 redundance 641 misuse 679 steamer automobile 272 ship 273 – track 341 stearine 356 steed 271 steel strong 159 sharp 253 hard 323 sword 727 harden the sensibility 823 – blue 438 – gray 432 – oneself 604 – square 466 – the heart 951 steeled against resolved 604 insensible 823 steel engraving 558 steelyard weigh 319 measurement 466 steep height 206 cliff 212 slope 217 sloping 306 soak 337 steeped 337 – in iniquity 945 – in misery 828 steeple high 206 spire 253 steeplechase swift 274 pursuit 622 contest 720 steer beast 366 male 373 direct 693 – clear turn aside 279 avoid 623 – for direction 278 – one’s course conduct 692 steerable 278 steerage 279, 693 steerer tout 767 steersman mariner 269 director 694 steganographic 526 steganography unintelliglble 519 hidden 528 writing 590 stellar starry 318 dramatic 599 stellated 253 stelography 590 stem origin 153 ancestor 166 front 234 stalk 367 oppose 708 – the tide stop 142 resist 719 – the torrent succeed 731 – to stern 200 stench 401, 663 stencil 556 stenographer 554, 746 stenographic 590 – report 551 stenography 590 stent 233 stentor cry 411 stentorian loud 404 step degree 26 term 71 support 215 motion 264, 366 measure 466 expedient 626 act 680 (means 632) but a – 197 dance the back – 283 not stir a – 265 – by step degree 26 order 58 seriatim 69 slowly 275 – forward 282 – in mediate 724 – in the right direction 644 – into acquire 775 – into the shoes of sequence 63 posteriority 117 substitution 147 – lively 682 – of time 109 – on be supported by 215 – out 360 – short 275 take a decisive – 609 steppe 180, 344, 367 stepping-stone link 45 way 627 instrument 631 resource 666 preparation 673 steps way 627 bend one’s – travel 266 direction 278 flight of – 305 retrace one’s – 283 take – plan 626 prepare 673 conduct 692 tread in the – of 281 stercoraceous 653 stercoral 653 stereognosis 379 stereography 591 stereometry 466 stereoscope 445 stereoscopic 446 stereotype mark 550 engraving 558 printing 591 stereotyped stable 150 habit 613 sterile unproductive 169 uncompleted 730 abortive 732 sterling true 494 virtuous 944 (good 648) – coin 800 stern rear 235 resolute 604 severe 739 discourteous 895 – necessity 601 – truth 494 sternmost 235 sternutation sneeze 349 sound 409 sternway 267 stern-wheeler 273 stertorous sound 402 voice 583 stet 150 stethograph 466, 662 stethometer 662 stethoscope 418, 466, 662 stevedore load 52 location 184 carrier 271 preparation 673 commonalty 876 stew food 298 heat 382 cook 384 difficulty 704 emotion 821 excitement 825 annoyance 828 bagnio 961 (confusion 59) in a – angry 900 steward caterer 637 agent 690 director 694 consignee 758 treasurer 801 stewardship conduct 692 direction 693 stewpan 386 stichomancy 511 stick adhere 46 time 106 cease 142 continue 143 staff 215 stab 260 remain quiet 265 fool 501 bungler 701 weapon 727 scourge 975 dirty end of the – 699 give the – to 972 – at doubt 485 averse 603 – at nothing resolve 604 active 682 rash 863 – fast firm 150 difficulty 704 – in 300 – in one’s gizzard pain 830 anger 900 – in the mud come short 304 fail 732 – in the throat hoarse 581 not say 585 dislike 867 – law 972 – out 250 – to continue 143 persevere 604a – up vertical 212 elevate 307 rob 791 – up for aid 707 applaud 931 vindicate 937 stickit 732 stickle reluctant 603 obstinate 606 – for contend 720 barter 794 stickler 606 severity 739 sticky cohering 46 viscid 352 stiff rigid 323 neglect 460 style 579 severe 739 coactive 751 bore 841 ugly 846 affected 855 haughty 878 pompous 882 – breeze 349